| Acronym | Meaning |
| HSI | Heat Stress Index |
| HSI | Hyperthermal Surface Ionization |
| HSIA | Halogenated Solvents Industry Alliance |
| HSK | Hylleraas Scherr Knight (variational Perturbation Procedure) |
| HSL | Hazardous Substance List |
| HSLA | High-strength Low-alloy (steel) |
| HSOS-CCSD | High-spin Open-shell-CCSD |
| HSP | Heat Shock Protein |
| HSPF | Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran |
| HSQC | Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence |
| HSRC | Hazardous Substance Research Center |
| HSS | High-speed Steel |
| HSSM | Hydrocarbon Spill Simulation Model |
| HSSPME | Headspace Solid-phase Microextraction |
| HST | Hubble Space Telescope |
| HSV | Herpes Simplex Virus |
| HSW | Health And Safety At Work Act 1974 |
| HSWA | Hazardous And Solid Waste Amendments Of 1984 |
| HSX | Helically Symmetric Experiment |
| HT | Herzberg-Teller (wave Functions) |
| HT-EOVC | High-temperature Engine Oil Viscosity Classification |
| HTCGC | High Temperature Capillary Gas Chromatography |
| HTCO | High Temperature Catalytic Oxidation |
| HTD | Hancock-Truhlar-Dykstra (potential Energy Surface) |
| HTGR | High-Temperature Gas Reactor |
| HTHS | High-temperature High-shear |
| HTL | Hole Transport Layer |
| HTLA | Heat-treatable Low Alloy (steel) |
| HTLV | Human T-lymphotropic Virus |
| HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
| HTMR | High Temperature Metal Recovery |
| HTOS | High Throughput Organic Synthesis |
| HTP | Helical Twisting Power |
| HTP | High Temperature And Pressure |
| HTPB | Hydroxy-terminated Polybutadiene |
| HTS | Hadamard Transfer Spectrometry |
| HTS | High Temperature Superconductor |
| HTS | High-throughput Screening |
| HTSC | High Temperature Superconductor |
| HTSS | Hierarchical Tree Substructure Search |
| HTST | High-temperature Short-time |
| HTSUS | Harmonized Tariff System U.S. |
| HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
| HTU | Height Of Transfer Unit (in Packed Tower Aeration System) |
| HTXRD | High-temperature X-ray Diffraction |
| HUD | Housing And Urban Development |
| HUDF | Hubble Ultra Deep Field |
| HUFA | Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids |
| HUG | HART User Group |
| HUGO | Human Genome Organization |