| Acronym | Meaning |
| HLG | Hedin-Lundqvist-Gunnarsson (spin D. Functional) |
| HLLW | High Level Liquid Waste |
| HLMI | High Load Melt Index |
| HLNCC | High Level Neutron Coincidence Counter |
| HLPSA | Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act |
| HLR | Hydraulic Loading Rate |
| HLRW | High Level Radioactive Waste |
| HLVB | Heitler-London Valence Bond |
| HLW | High-Level Waste |
| HMA | Hot Mix Asphalt |
| HMA | Hybrid Microelectronics Assembly |
| HMAC | Hazardous Materials Advisory Council |
| HMBC | Heteronuclear Multiple-bond Correlation |
| HMBP | Hazardous Materials Business Plan |
| HMC | Human Mast Cell |
| HMC | Hybrid Monte Carlo |
| HMC SCF | Hybrid Multiconfiguration Self-consistent Field |
| HMDE | Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode (in Electrochemistry) |
| HMDI | Hexamethylene Diisocyanate |
| HMG | High Mobility Group |
| HMG-COA | 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl Coenzyme A |
| HMI | Hornbeck-Molnar Ionization (homonuclear Associative Ionization In At. Collisions) |
| HMIG | Hazardous Materials Identification Guide |
| HMIMS | Hazardous Materials Incident Management System |
| HMIP | Her Majesty's Inspectorate Of Pollution |
| HMIS | Hazardous Material Identification System |
| HMIX | Hazardous Materials Information Exchange |
| HMM | Half Molecule Model (for Electron Scattering By Molecules) |
| HMM | Hazardous Materials Management |
| HMM | Heavy Meromyosin |
| HMM | Hidden Markov Model |
| HMMP | Hazardous Materials Management Plan |
| HMO | Hueckel Molecular Orbital |
| HMPAM | Hydrophobically Modified Polyacrylamide |
| HMPGI | Hybrid Multiple-prism Grazing-incidence |
| HMPID | High Momentum Particle Identification Detector |
| HMPSA | Hot-melt Pressure-sensitive Adhesive |
| HMPT | Hexamethylphosphoric Triamide |
| HMQC | Heteronuclear Multiple-quantum Coherence |
| HMR | Hazardous Materials Regulations |
| HMRCI | Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute |
| HMS | High-manganese Silicide (semiconductor Thermoelectric Material) |
| HMSA | Hybrid Mean Spherical Approximation |
| HMTA | Hazardous Material Transportation Act |
| HMTC | Hazardous Materials Technical Center |
| HMTUSA | Hazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act |
| HMV | Hydrodynamic Modulation Voltammetry |
| HMW | High Molecular Weight |
| HMWMC | Hazardous Materials And Waste Management Consortium |
| HMWPE | High-molecular-weight Polyethylene |