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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 124

 Acronym Meaning
HERGHuman Ether-a-go-go-related Gene
HERLHealth Effects Research Laboratory
HERL/MISHealth Effects Research Laboratory Management Information System
HERSHigh Energy Range Spectrometer
HERVHuman Endogenous Retrovirus
HESCHuman Embryonic Stem Cell
HESIHealth And Environmental Sciences Institute
HESPHuman Exposure To Soil Pollutants
HESSHigh Energy Stereoscopic System
HESSIHigh Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager
HETAHazard Evaluation Technical Assistance Branch (NIOSH)
HETEHigh Energy Transient Explorer
HETEHydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid
HETGHigh-energy Transmission Grating
HETPHeight Equivalent To A Theoretical Plate
HEUHighly Enriched Uranium
HEURHydrophobe Modified Ethoxylated Urethane [polymer]
HEVHepatitis E Virus
HEVHigh Endothelial Venule Cell
HEVHybrid Electric Vehicle
HEWLHen Egg White Lysozyme
HEXSHigh-energy X-ray Scattering
HFHeart Failure
HFAHumic And Fulvic Acids
HFBHartree Fock Bogolyubov
HFBHybrid Fluidized Bed
HFB SCF RPAHartree Fock Bogolyubov SCF Random Phase Approximation
HFBRHigh Flux Beam Reactor
HFCCHyperfine Coupling Constant
HFCLMHollow Fiber Contained Liquid Membrane
HFCVDHot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition
HFDHartree-Fock-dispersion (type Of Intermol. Potential)
HFD-BHartree-Fock Dispersion-b (potential
HFD-CHartree-Fock-dispersion With Repulsive SCF Component (intermol. Potential)
HFEHot-feed Extrusion
HFEGEHara Free-electron-gas Exchange (potential)
HFETHighway Fuel Economy Test
HFETHeterostructure Field Effect Transistor
HFETHigh Field Effect Transistor
HFFHellmann-Feynman Force Approximation
HFFCHartree-Fock Frozen Core
HFFRHalogen-free Flame Retardant [thermoplastics]
HFFTHot Filament Fouling Test
HFGHartree-Fock-Gopinathan (quantum Theory Or Wave Function)
HFIHyperfine Interaction
HFIRHigh Flux Isotope Reactor
HFJHartree-Fock-Jucys (in Electron-correlation Corrections Calcn.)
HFKSHartree-Fock-Kohn-Sham (density-functional Theory)

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