| Acronym | Meaning |
| HAPPS | Hazardous Air Pollutant Prioritization System |
| HAPS | Hazardous Air Pollutants |
| HARA | Hazard Assessment By Risk Analysis |
| HARM | Hazardous Atmospheric Release Model |
| HARMS | High Aspect Ratio Microstructure |
| HART | Highway Addressable Remote Transducer [Rosemount |
| HASE | Hydrophobically Modified Alkali-swellable Emulsion |
| HASI | Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument |
| HASL | Hypothetical Active Site Lattice |
| HASL | Hot Air Solder Leveling [electronics] |
| HASP | Harmonically Analyzed Sensitivity Profile |
| HASP | Health And Safety Plan |
| HASTE | Half-Fourier Acquisition With Single-shot Turbo Spin-echo |
| HAT | Histone Acetyltransferase |
| HAT | Humid-air Turbine [cycle] |
| HATR | Horizontal Attenuated Total Reflection |
| HATREMS | Hazardous And Trace Emissions System |
| HAUP | High Accuracy Universal Polarimeter |
| HAV | Hepatitis A Virus |
| HAZ | Heat-affected Zone |
| HAZCOM | Hazardous Communication Plan |
| HAZMAT | Hazardous Materials |
| HAZOP | Hazard And Operability Study |
| HAZW | Hazardous Waste Collection Database (accessible Through OLS) |
| HAZWOPER | Hazardous Waste Operations And Emergency Response Regulations |
| HAZWRAP | Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program |
| HBAR | High-overtone Bulk Acoustic Resonator |
| HBGF | Heparin-binding Growth Factor |
| HBJ | Hougen-Bunker-Johns (Hamiltonian For Mol. Calcns.) |
| HBL | Health Based Level |
| HBN | Hexagonal Boron Nitride |
| HBOC | Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carrier |
| HBOC | Hereditary Breast-ovarian Cancer |
| HBSS | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution |
| HBT | Hanbury Brown Twiss (interferometry) |
| HBT | Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor |
| HBV | Hartree-Bogolyubov-Valatin (theory In Calcn. Of Wave Functions) |
| HBV | Hepatitis B Virus |
| HBVE | 4-hydroxybutyl Vinyl Etherpar |
| HC | Hazardous Constituent |
| HCA | Hazardous Communication Act |
| HCA | Heterocyclic Amine |
| HCA | Hierarchical Cluster Analysis |
| HCA | Human Carbonic Anhydrase |
| HCC | Hepatocellular Carcinoma |
| HCCI | Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition |
| HCCO | Heavy Catalytic Cycle Oil |
| HCD | Hollow Cathode Discharge |
| HCDW | Hydrogenic Continuum Distorted Wave (a Wave Function In Calcns. On Atomic And Molecular Collisions) |
| HCF | High-cycle Fatigue |