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Chemistry Acronyms Page 121

 Acronym Meaning
HAPPSHazardous Air Pollutant Prioritization System
HAPSHazardous Air Pollutants
HARAHazard Assessment By Risk Analysis
HARMHazardous Atmospheric Release Model
HARMSHigh Aspect Ratio Microstructure
HARTHighway Addressable Remote Transducer [Rosemount
HASEHydrophobically Modified Alkali-swellable Emulsion
HASIHuygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument
HASLHypothetical Active Site Lattice
HASLHot Air Solder Leveling [electronics]
HASPHarmonically Analyzed Sensitivity Profile
HASPHealth And Safety Plan
HASTEHalf-Fourier Acquisition With Single-shot Turbo Spin-echo
HATHistone Acetyltransferase
HATHumid-air Turbine [cycle]
HATRHorizontal Attenuated Total Reflection
HATREMSHazardous And Trace Emissions System
HAUPHigh Accuracy Universal Polarimeter
HAVHepatitis A Virus
HAZHeat-affected Zone
HAZCOMHazardous Communication Plan
HAZMATHazardous Materials
HAZOPHazard And Operability Study
HAZWHazardous Waste Collection Database (accessible Through OLS)
HAZWOPERHazardous Waste Operations And Emergency Response Regulations
HAZWRAPHazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program
HBARHigh-overtone Bulk Acoustic Resonator
HBGFHeparin-binding Growth Factor
HBJHougen-Bunker-Johns (Hamiltonian For Mol. Calcns.)
HBLHealth Based Level
HBNHexagonal Boron Nitride
HBOCHemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carrier
HBOCHereditary Breast-ovarian Cancer
HBSSHanks' Balanced Salt Solution
HBTHanbury Brown Twiss (interferometry)
HBTHeterojunction Bipolar Transistor
HBVHartree-Bogolyubov-Valatin (theory In Calcn. Of Wave Functions)
HBVHepatitis B Virus
HBVE4-hydroxybutyl Vinyl Etherpar
HCHazardous Constituent
HCAHazardous Communication Act
HCAHeterocyclic Amine
HCAHierarchical Cluster Analysis
HCAHuman Carbonic Anhydrase
HCCHepatocellular Carcinoma
HCCIHomogeneous Charge Compression Ignition
HCCOHeavy Catalytic Cycle Oil
HCDHollow Cathode Discharge
HCDWHydrogenic Continuum Distorted Wave (a Wave Function In Calcns. On Atomic And Molecular Collisions)
HCFHigh-cycle Fatigue

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