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Chemistry Acronyms Page 117

 Acronym Meaning
GOMEGlobal Ozone Monitoring Experiment
GOMOSGlobal Ozone Monitoring By Occultation Of Stars
GOMRGlobal Ozone Monitoring Radiometer
GOMSGulf Of Mexico Seawater
GOODSGreat Observatories Origins Deep Survey
GOOMEXThe Gulf Of Mexico Offshore Operations Monitoring Expt.
GOOSGlobal Ocean Observing System (IOC)
GOPWGaussian Orthogonalized Plane Wave
GORGas/oil Ratio
GOSGeneralized Oscillator Strength
GOSACGlobal Ocean Storage Of Anthropogenic Carbon
GOSATGreenhouse Gas Observing Satellite
GOXGlucose Oxidase
GPCGel Permeation Chromatography
GPCPGlobal Precipitation Chemistry Program
GPCRG-protein-coupled Receptor
GPDGaussian Phase Distribution
GPDGallons Per Day
GPEFGeneralized Potential Energy Function
GPFGaussian Polarization Function
GPHSGeneral Purpose Heat Source
GPIBGeneral Purpose Interface Bus
GPMGeneralized Perturbation Method (in Electronic Theory Of Phase Stability Of Alloys)
GPMASGas Phase Molecular Absorption Spectrometry
GPMSGalileo Probe Mass Spectrometer
GPOGovernment Printing Office
GPPSGeneral Purpose Polystyrene
GPRGround-penetrating Radar
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GPSGeneralized Phase Shift Formalism
GPSCGas Proportional Scintillation Counter
GPTGeneralized Pseudopotential Theory
GPTGlutamic Pyruvic Transaminase
GPUCHFGeometric Perturbed Uncoupled Hartree-Fock Method
GQDPTGeneralized Quasidegenerate Perturbation Theory
GRGlucocorticoid Receptorpar
GRGlutathione Reductasepar
GRACEGravity Recovery And Climate Experiment
GRAMGeneralized Rank Annihilation Method
GRAPEGamma Ray Attenuation Porosity Evaluator
GRAPEGlobal Relationship Assessment To Protect The Environment
GRASGenerally Recognized As Safe
GRASPGraphical Representation And Analysis Of Structural Properties
GRASPGradient Accelerated Spectroscopy
GRASSGradient Recalled Acquisition In The Steady State
GRBGamma Ray Burst
GRCDAGovernment Refuse Collection And Disposal Association
GRDGrowth Rate Dispersion [crystallization]
GREGlucocorticoid-responsive Element

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