| Acronym | Meaning |
| GOME | Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment |
| GOMOS | Global Ozone Monitoring By Occultation Of Stars |
| GOMR | Global Ozone Monitoring Radiometer |
| GOMS | Gulf Of Mexico Seawater |
| GOODS | Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey |
| GOOMEX | The Gulf Of Mexico Offshore Operations Monitoring Expt. |
| GOOS | Global Ocean Observing System (IOC) |
| GOPW | Gaussian Orthogonalized Plane Wave |
| GOR | Gas/oil Ratio |
| GOS | Generalized Oscillator Strength |
| GOSAC | Global Ocean Storage Of Anthropogenic Carbon |
| GOSAT | Greenhouse Gas Observing Satellite |
| GOX | Glucose Oxidase |
| GPC | Gel Permeation Chromatography |
| GPCP | Global Precipitation Chemistry Program |
| GPCR | G-protein-coupled Receptor |
| GPD | Gaussian Phase Distribution |
| GPD | Gallons Per Day |
| GPEF | Generalized Potential Energy Function |
| GPF | Gaussian Polarization Function |
| GPHS | General Purpose Heat Source |
| GPIB | General Purpose Interface Bus |
| GPM | Generalized Perturbation Method (in Electronic Theory Of Phase Stability Of Alloys) |
| GPMAS | Gas Phase Molecular Absorption Spectrometry |
| GPMS | Galileo Probe Mass Spectrometer |
| GPO | Government Printing Office |
| GPPS | General Purpose Polystyrene |
| GPR | Ground-penetrating Radar |
| GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
| GPS | Global Positioning System |
| GPS | Generalized Phase Shift Formalism |
| GPSC | Gas Proportional Scintillation Counter |
| GPT | Generalized Pseudopotential Theory |
| GPT | Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase |
| GPUCHF | Geometric Perturbed Uncoupled Hartree-Fock Method |
| GQDPT | Generalized Quasidegenerate Perturbation Theory |
| GR | Glucocorticoid Receptorpar |
| GR | Glutathione Reductasepar |
| GRACE | Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment |
| GRAM | Generalized Rank Annihilation Method |
| GRAPE | Gamma Ray Attenuation Porosity Evaluator |
| GRAPE | Global Relationship Assessment To Protect The Environment |
| GRAS | Generally Recognized As Safe |
| GRASP | Graphical Representation And Analysis Of Structural Properties |
| GRASP | Gradient Accelerated Spectroscopy |
| GRASS | Gradient Recalled Acquisition In The Steady State |
| GRB | Gamma Ray Burst |
| GRCDA | Government Refuse Collection And Disposal Association |
| GRD | Growth Rate Dispersion [crystallization] |
| GRE | Glucocorticoid-responsive Element |