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MS Symptoms Early

Chemistry Acronyms Page 111

 Acronym Meaning
GANCGeneralized Acid Neutralization Capacity Test
GAOGeneral Accounting Office
GAPTGeneralized Atomic Polar Tensor
GARGrain Aspect Ratio
GARPGlobal Atmosphere Resesarch Project
GASHGuanidine Aluminum Sulfate Hexahydrate
GASPGamma Astronomy At The South Pole
GASPEGated Spin-echo
GATEGARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
GAWGlobal Atmospheric Watch
GAXRDGlancing Angle X-ray Diffraction
GBAGeneralized Born Approxn.
GBCDGrain Boundary Character Distribution
GBERLGulf Breeze Environmental Research Laboratory
GBFGibbs-Bogolyubov-Feynman (variational Principle)
GBHGravel Bed Hydroponic System (for Wastewater Treatment)
GBIFGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility
GBMGlioblastoma Multiforme
GBMGlomerular Basement Membrane
GBSGuillain-Barre Syndrome
GBSGeneralized Bohr-Sommerfeld (quantization Method)
GBSGrain Boundary Sliding
GBSGroup B Streptococci
GBTGeneralized Brillouin Theorem
GCGas Chromatography
GCGuanine + Cytosine
GC-MSGas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry
GC/MS/DSGas Chromatography/mass Spectrometry/data System (Finnigan)
GCAGenerator Coordinate Approxn.
GCAMGlobal Change Assessment Modeling
GCBGraphitized Carbon Black
GCCGlobal Climate Coalition
GCCPGlobal Climate Change Program
GCDISGlobal Change Data And Information System
GCEGround-based Cloud Experiment
GCEGlassy Carbon Electrode
GCECGlobal Change And Ecological Complexity
GCECDGas Chromatography Electron Capture Detector
GCEMCGrand Canonical Ensemble Monte Carlo
GCFRGas-cooled Fast Reactor
GCGGenetics Computer Group
GCHAZGrain-coarsened Heat-affected Zone
GCHFGenerator Coordinate Hartree-Fock
GCIBGas Cluster Ion Beam
GCLGeosynthetic Clay Liner
GCLDAGradient-corrected Local Density Approximation
GCLSDAGradient-corrected Local Spin Density Approximation
GCMGeneral Circulation Model
GCMGenerator-coordinate Method
GCMGlobal Climate Model

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