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Chemistry Acronyms Page 107

 Acronym Meaning
FOCOFirst-order Correlation Orbital
FOCSFiber Optic Chemical Sensor
FOCSYFoldover-corrected Correlation Spectroscopy
FODAFiber Optic Doppler Anemometry
FODLSFiber Optic Dynamic Light Scattering
FOEFirst-order Exchange (in Electron-atom Scattering Calcn.)
FOEAFirst-order Eikonal Approximation
FOEAFirst-order Error Analysis
FOGFats, Oil, And Grease
FOGOFloating Orbital Geometry Optimization
FOIAFreedom Of Information Act
FOISDFiber Optic Isolated Spherical Dipole Antenna
FOJTFirst-order Jahn-Teller
FOLCIFiber Optic Low-coherence Interferometry
FOLEDFlexible Organic Light-emitting Device
FOLIBSFiber Optic Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
FOLZFirst-order Laue Zone
FOMFigure Of Merit
FOMForced Oscillator Model
FOMBTFirst-order Many-body Theory
FOMPFirst Order Magnetization Process
FONDFiber-optic Neutron Detector
FOND PTFinite-order Nondegenerate Perturbation Theory
FONDAFirst-order Nondegenerate Adiabatic (theory For Electron-mol. Inelastic Scattering)
FONSIFinding Of No Significant Impact
FOPIMFirst Order Perturbation Iteration Method
FOPPAFirst-order Polarization Propagator Approach
FOQELSFiber Optic Quasi Elastic Light Scattering
FOREGSForum Of European Geological Surveys
FORSFully Optimized Reaction Space
FOSFiber Optic Sensor
FOSFirst-order Sudden
FOSFAFederation Of Oils
FOTOSFirst-order Theory Of Oscillator Strength
FOURPIFourier Path Integral
FOWLFossil Fuel Waste Leaching (computer Program)
FPFluorescence Polarizationpar
FPFinite Perturbation
FP-LMTOFull-potential Linear Combination Of Muffin-tin Orbitals
FP-MCFinite Perturbation-multiconfigurational Method
FP-SCF-INDOFinite Perturbation-SCF-INDO
FPAFlavor Profile Analysis
FPAFocal Plane Array
FPCFederal Power Commission
FPCFish Protein Concentrate
FPCFixed Partial Charge
FPCFractional Parentage Coeff. (in Group-theor. Calcns.)
FPCLMFlat Plate Contained Liquid Membrane
FPDFlame Photometric Detector (gas Chromatography)
FPDFlat Panel Display

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