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Chemistry Acronyms Page 106

 Acronym Meaning
FLOFace Localized Orbital
FLPMAFederal Land Policy And Management Act
FMAFailure-mode Analysis
FMAFSHFeO-MgO-Al2O3-Fe2O3-SiO2-H2O System
FMAPFano-Macek Alignment Parameter (in Electron-impact Excitation Of Ions)
FMARFerromagnetic Antiresonance
FMASHFeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O System
FMATFluorometric Microvolume Assay Technology
FMCFlow Microcalorimetry
FMCWFrequency Modulated Continuous Wave
FMDFoot And Mouth Disease
FMDFFixed Mirror Distributed Focus (solar Concentrator)
FMEAFailure Mode And Effect Analysis
FMECAFailure-mode Effects And Criticality Analysis
FMFFrozen Molecular Fragment (method In Calcn. Of Intermol. Potentials And Charge Distributions)
FMIFermilab Main Injector
FMIRFrustrated Multiple Internal Reflection
FMITFusion Materials Irradiation Test
FMLFlexible Membrane Liner
FMMFast Multipole Method (algorithm For Coulomb Interactions Among Charge Distributions)
FMMForce Modulation Microscopy
FMNFlavin Mononucleotide
FMOFloating Molecular Orbital
FMOFrontier Molecular Orbital
FMO3Flavin-containing Monooxygenase-3
FMOSFlavin-containing Monooxygenases
FMRFerromagnetic Resonance
FMRIFunctional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
FMSFrequency Modulation Spectroscopy
FMTBAFitted Modified Tight-binding Approxn.
FMVCPFederal Motor Vehicle Control Program
FNFerrite Number
FNAFine-needle Aspiration
FNAAFast Neutron Activation Analysis
FNALFermi National Accelerator Laboratory
FNMRIFlow Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging
FNOFrozen Natural Orbital
FNOCFleet Numerical Oceanography Center (USA Navy)
FNSIFinding Of No Significant Impact
FNTSFast Neutron Transmission Spectroscopy
FO-CPHFFirst-order Coupled Perturbed Hartree-Fock Theory
FO-ECPFrozen Orbital-effective Core Potential
FO-NACMEFirst-order Nonadiabatic Coupling Matrix Elements
FOAFrozen Orbital Approximation
FOBFecal Occult Blood
FOBFunctional Observational Battery
FOBTFecal Occult Blood Test
FOCALFrancais Ocean Et Climat Dans L'Atlantique Equatorial
FOCAPDFoundations Of Computer-aided Process Design
FOCIFirst-order Configuration Interaction

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