| Acronym | Meaning |
| SUB-MM | Submillimeter Spectrometer |
| SUDOOS | Sun/UNIX DICOMED Online Operating System |
| SUDS | System For User Editing And Display Of Soundings |
| SUNRISE | Radiative Input From The Sun To The Earth Program |
| SUNY | The State University Of New York |
| SUNYA | State University Of New York |
| SUPERNET | Colorado-based State Network |
| SURANET | Southeastern Universities Research Association Network |
| SUSIM | Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor |
| SVAT | Surface Vegetation- Atmosphere Transfer |
| SVG | Scientific Visualization Group |
| SVHS | Super Video-home System |
| SVP | Surface Velocity Program |
| SVT | Simulated Variable Thickness |
| SW/HW | Software/Hardware |
| SWAP | Severe Weather Avoidance Program |
| SWARS | Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station |
| SWCP | South West Cooperative Program |
| SWE | Snow-Water Equivalent |
| SWEAT | Severe Weather Threat |
| SWIRLS | Stratospheric Wind Infrared Limb Sounder |
| SWIS | Satellite Weather Information Systems |
| SWS | Solar Weather Seminar |
| SYDNEY 2000 | Olympics In Sydney |
| SYNOPS | Synoptic Ocean Prediction Study |
| SZOLD | Skewed Zeroth Order Logaorithmic Distribution Function |
| T-LAPS | Terminal LAPS |
| T.P. | Tropical Platform |
| T42 | Triangular 42 |
| TA | Technology Applications |
| TA# | Taylor Number |
| TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation System |
| TAGS | Text And Animation Graphics Server |
| TAMEX | Taiwan Mesoscale Experiment |
| TAO | Tropical Atmosphere Ocean |
| TAO | Thermal Array In The Ocean |
| TAP | Transportation Alternatives Program |
| TAP | Diffusion Transport Models |
| TAP BL | Non-reactive Gases |
| TAP IR | Reactive Gases |
| TAP LS | Liquid And Solid Particles |
| TAR | Third Assessment Report |
| TAS | True Air Speed |
| TASI | Time-assingment Speech Interpolation |
| TASU | Time-alternating Space-uncentered |
| TB | Terabytes |
| TB | Terabits |
| TBD | To Be Determined |
| TBM | Terabit Memory System |
| TBO | Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation |