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Atmospheric Research Center Acronyms Page 40

 Acronym Meaning
FOSFlight Operations Segment
FOVField Of View
FPPlasma Frequency
FPFixed Price Contract
FPAFocal Plane Assembly
FPAFederal Pesticide Act
FPDFacilities Planning And Design
FPDFlight Projects Directorate
FPIFabry-Perot Interferometer
FPMDFacilities And Property Management Division
FPPSFlight Plan Processing System
FPSField Project Services
FPSFeet Per Second
FPSFast Packet Switch
FPSFoot-pound Second System Of Measurements
FPS-#Radar Designation
FRFull Resolution
FRFederal Register
FRCFront Range Consortium
FRCFederal Radiation Council
FRCFederal Records Center
FRDForecast Research Division
FREONDuPont Trade Name
FRGFederal Republic Of Germany
FRMACFederal Radiological Monitoring And Assessment Center
FRSFirst Repository States
FSFlight Segment
FSDRFinal System Design Review
FSECFlorida Solar Energy Center
FSKFrequency Shift Key(ing)
FSLForecast Systems Laboratory
FSSFacilities Support Services
FSSPForward Scattering Spectometer Probe
FSTField Support Terminal
FSTCForeign Science & Technology Center
FTFourier Tachometer
FTIdentification For An Aviation Terminal Forecast
FTACHFourier Tachometer
FTAMFile Transfer Access Management
FTEFull-time Equivalent
FTEFull-time Employees
FTFCFourier Transform Flow Cytometer
FTIRFourier Transformed Infrared
FTOSFGGE Tropical Observing System
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
FTSFourier Transform Spectrometer
FTSFederal Telecommunications System
FTSCFSL Technical Steering Committee
FUAFuel Use Act

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