| Acronym | Meaning |
| FOS | Flight Operations Segment |
| FOV | Field Of View |
| FP | Plasma Frequency |
| FP | Fixed Price Contract |
| FPA | Focal Plane Assembly |
| FPA | Federal Pesticide Act |
| FPD | Facilities Planning And Design |
| FPD | Flight Projects Directorate |
| FPI | Fabry-Perot Interferometer |
| FPMD | Facilities And Property Management Division |
| FPPS | Flight Plan Processing System |
| FPS | Field Project Services |
| FPS | Feet Per Second |
| FPS | Fast Packet Switch |
| FPS | Foot-pound Second System Of Measurements |
| FPS-# | Radar Designation |
| FR | Full Resolution |
| FR | Federal Register |
| FRC | Front Range Consortium |
| FRC | Federal Radiation Council |
| FRC | Federal Records Center |
| FRD | Forecast Research Division |
| FREON | DuPont Trade Name |
| FRG | Federal Republic Of Germany |
| FRMAC | Federal Radiological Monitoring And Assessment Center |
| FRS | First Repository States |
| FS | Flight Segment |
| FSDR | Final System Design Review |
| FSEC | Florida Solar Energy Center |
| FSK | Frequency Shift Key(ing) |
| FSL | Forecast Systems Laboratory |
| FSS | Facilities Support Services |
| FSSP | Forward Scattering Spectometer Probe |
| FST | Field Support Terminal |
| FSTC | Foreign Science & Technology Center |
| FT | Fourier Tachometer |
| FT | Identification For An Aviation Terminal Forecast |
| FT | Forward-in-time |
| FTACH | Fourier Tachometer |
| FTAM | File Transfer Access Management |
| FTE | Full-time Equivalent |
| FTE | Full-time Employees |
| FTFC | Fourier Transform Flow Cytometer |
| FTIR | Fourier Transformed Infrared |
| FTOS | FGGE Tropical Observing System |
| FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
| FTS | Fourier Transform Spectrometer |
| FTS | Federal Telecommunications System |
| FTSC | FSL Technical Steering Committee |
| FUA | Fuel Use Act |