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Astronomy Acronyms Page 9

 Acronym Meaning
ISZIskusstvenniy Sputnik Zemli
IUEInternational Ultraviolet Explorer
IUSInertial Upper Stage
IVTInterface Verification Test
JAELJSC Avionics Engineering Laboratory
JCMTJames Clerk Maxwell Telescope
JDJulian Date; Julian Day (Number)
JEMJapanese Experiment Module
JERSJapanese Earth Resources Satellite
JGRJournal Of Geophysical Research
JILAJoint Institute For Laboratory Astrophysics
JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory
JSCJohnson Space Center
KAOKuiper Airborne Observatory
KBConstruction Bureau
KPNOKitt Peak National Observatory
KSCKennedy Space Center
KTBCretaceous-Tertiary Boundary
LAGEOSLaser Geodynamics Satellite
LANLLos Alamos National Laboratory
LARCLangley Research Center
LASCOLarge Angle Spectrometric Coronograph
LCLaunch Complex
LDEFLong Duration Exposure Facility
LEDAOn-line Earthnet Data Access
LEMLunar Excursion Module
LEOLow Earth Orbit
LERCLewis Research Center
LESTLarge Earth-based Solar Telescope
LFCLarge Format Camera
LGALow Gain Antenna
LGMLittle Green Men
LHLiquid Hydrogen
LHALocal Hour Angle
LISLightning Imaging Sensor
LLNLLawrence-Livermore National Laboratory
LMLunar Module
LMCLarge Magellanic Cloud
LN2Liquid Nitrogen
LOXLiquid OXygen
LPOLa Palma Observatory
LPVLong Period Variable
LRBLiquid Rocket Booster
LRSILow-temperature Reusable Surface Insulation
LSRLocal Standard Of Rest
LSTLocal Sidereal Time
LTPLunar Transient Phenomenon
LYLight Year (usu. Ly)

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