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Acronyms starting with X Page 2

 Acronym Category Meaning
XPSChemistry AcronymsX-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
XPSComputer And Internet AcronymsXML Paper Specification
XPTUncategorized AcronymsPlatinum Troy Ounce (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
XQZTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsExquisite
XRCFChemistry AcronymsX-ray Calibration Facility
XRDChemistry AcronymsX-ray Diffraction Analysis
XRESChemistry AcronymsX-ray Emission Spectroscopy
XRFChemistry AcronymsX-ray Fluorescence
XRFAChemistry AcronymsX-ray Fluorescence Analysis
XRFSChemistry AcronymsX-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
XRMAChemistry AcronymsX-ray Microanalysis
XRMFChemistry AcronymsX-ray Microfluorescence
XRMLUncategorized AcronymsEXtensible Rights Markup Language
XRPDChemistry AcronymsX-ray Powder Diffraction
XRRChemistry AcronymsX-ray Reflectometry
XRSChemistry AcronymsX-Ray Spectroscopy
XSUncategorized AcronymsXiaolin Showdown
XSADChemistry AcronymsX-ray Small Angle Diffraction
XSLUncategorized AcronymsEXtensible Style Language
XSLComputer And Internet AcronymsExtensible Style Language
XSLTComputer Acronyms (Common)Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformation
XSWChemistry AcronymsX-ray Standing Wave
XTComputer And Internet AcronymsExtended
XTAComputer And Internet AcronymsXT (Extended) Attachment
XTCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsEcstasy
XTEMChemistry AcronymsCross-sectional Transmission Electron Microscopy
XTIUS Military AcronymsX/open Transport Interface
XTMChemistry AcronymsX-ray Tomographic Microscopy
XTRANUS Military AcronymsCross Transfer
XULUncategorized AcronymsXML User Interface Language
XULComputer And Internet AcronymsXML-based User Interface Language
XUVAstronomy AcronymsExtreme Ultraviolet
XUVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExtreme Ultraviolet
XUVChemistry AcronymsExtreme Ultraviolet
XVUncategorized AcronymsFifteen (in Roman Numerals)
XVIUncategorized AcronymsSixteen (in Roman Numerals)
XVIIUncategorized AcronymsSeventeen (in Roman Numerals)
XVIIIUncategorized AcronymsEighteen (in Roman Numerals)
XVTUS Military AcronymsX Virtual Terminal
XXUncategorized AcronymsTwenty (in Roman Numerals)
XXXUncategorized AcronymsHardcore Pornography (film Rating) - Thirty (in Roman Numerals)

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