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Acronyms starting with T Page 20

 Acronym Category Meaning
TTVNASA AcronymsTermination
TTVDChemistry AcronymsTrap-to-trap Vacuum Distillation
TTYNASA AcronymsTeletype
TTYUncategorized AcronymsTeleTYpewriter (Printer)
TTYAWFNText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsTalk To You A While From Now
TTYLChatting AcronymsTalk To You Later
TTYLUncategorized AcronymsTalk To You Later (Internet Slang)
TTYLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsTalk To You Later
TTYLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsTalk To You Later
TTYLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsType To You Later
TTYTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsTalk To You Tomorrow
TTZUncategorized AcronymsTetrazolium
TUNASA AcronymsTechnical Utilization
TUNASA AcronymsTechnology Utilization
TUNASA AcronymsTransport Unit
TUUncategorized AcronymsTechnische Universit?t (German For Technical University) - Thammasat University (Thailand) -Turkey (FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
TUSMS Chat And Text AcronymsThank You
TUUS Army Acronyms (Slang)(or Tango Uniform) Tits Up. Broken. Not Working.
TUBEMedical Acronyms (Slang)Totally Unnecessary Breast Examination (might Happen To A GLM / MILF)
TUCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsTraingle Universities Consortium
TUCUncategorized AcronymsTrades Union Congress
TUEUS Military AcronymsTrainer Unique Equipment
TUESChemistry AcronymsTubingen Ultraviolet Echelle Spectrometer
TUGUncategorized AcronymsTeX Users Group
TUIUncategorized AcronymsText User Interface (cf. CLI)
TUKUncategorized AcronymsTurkmen Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
TULNASA AcronymsTula Peak
TUNUncategorized AcronymsTunisia (ISO 3166 Trigram)
TUNAUS Military AcronymsTunable Attribute Display Sub-system
TUNELChemistry AcronymsTerminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase-mediated DUTP Nick End-labeling
TUNSUncategorized AcronymsTechnical University Of Nova Scotia
TUPRMedical AcronymsTrans-urethral Prostatic Resection
TURMedical AcronymsTrans-Urethral Resection Of The Prostate
TURMedical Acronyms(or TURP) Trans-urethral Resection Of The Prostate
TURUncategorized AcronymsTurkey (ISO 3166 Trigram)
TURUncategorized AcronymsTurkish Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
TURAChemistry AcronymsToxics Use Reduction Act 1989
TURBNASA AcronymsTurbine
TURBUS Military AcronymsTrainer Update Review Board
TURPMedical AcronymsTrans-Urethral Resection Of The Prostate
TUSKUncategorized AcronymsTank Urban Survival Kit
TUSSUS Military AcronymsTrainer Unique Subsystem Units
TUTTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsTropical Upper-tropospheric Trough
TUVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsTropospheric Ultraviolet And Visible Radiation Model
TUVUncategorized AcronymsTuvalu (ISO 3166 Trigram)
TVNASA AcronymsTelevision
TVNASA AcronymsThermal Vacuum
TVNASA AcronymsThrust Vector
TVNASA AcronymsTransport Vehicle
TVUncategorized AcronymsTelevision -Teravolt -Transvestite -Tuvalu (ISO 3166 And FIPS 10-4 Country Code Digram)
TVAChemistry AcronymsTennessee Valley Authority
TVANASA AcronymsThrust Vector Alignment
TVAUncategorized AcronymsTennessee Valley Authority
TVAUS Govt. AcronymsTennessee Valley Authority
TVARNASA AcronymsTest Variance
TVCChemistry AcronymsThermal Vapor Compression
TVCChemistry AcronymsTotal Viable Count
TVCNASA AcronymsThermal Vacuum Chamber
TVCNASA AcronymsThrust Vector Control
TVCNASA AcronymsThrust Vector Control
TVCANASA AcronymsThrust Vector Control Actuator
TVCDNASA AcronymsThrust Vector Control Driver
TVCSNASA AcronymsThrust Vector Control System
TVDChemistry AcronymsTotal Variation Diminishing
TVEXPISNASA AcronymsTV Experiment Interconnecting Station
TVGUncategorized AcronymsTick
TVIBUS Military AcronymsTurbine Vibration
TVMSMS Chat And Text AcronymsThank You Very Much
TVM4YEMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsThank You Very Much For Your E-Mail
TVNNASA AcronymsTest Verification Network
TVNText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsThank You Very Much
TVOCChemistry AcronymsTotal Volatile Organic Compounds
TVPNASA AcronymsTest Verification Program
TVRUncategorized AcronymsTreVor (Wilkinson) Racing
TVSChemistry AcronymsTransient Voltage Suppressor
TVSChemistry AcronymsTotal Volatile Solids
TVSChemistry AcronymsTriangular Voltage Sweep
TVSNASA AcronymsToxic Vapor Suit
TVSANASA AcronymsThrust Vector Control Servoamplifier
TVSSISNASA AcronymsTV Subsystem Interconnecting Station
TVTNASA AcronymsThermal Vacuum Test
TVTANASA AcronymsThermal Vacuum Test Article
TVTPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Tried Vancomycin, Try Prayer (Vancomycin Is Anti-MRSA Drug)
TVUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsTelevision Unit
TWNASA AcronymsTailwind
TWNASA AcronymsThumbwheel
TWNASA AcronymsTime Words
TWNASA AcronymsTraveling Wave
TWUncategorized AcronymsRepublic Of China (Taiwan) (ISO 3166 And FIPS 10-4 Country Code Digram) - Terawatt
TWUncategorized AcronymsTwi Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
TWAChemistry AcronymsTime-weighted Average Limit
TWAMedical Acronyms (Slang)Third World Assassins. Slang For The Allegedly Poor Medical Care Delivered By Physicians Who Went To Medical School In Foreign Countries
TWAINUncategorized AcronymsTechnology Without An Interesting Name
TWAINComputer Acronyms (Common)Toolkit Without An Informative Name
TWAINComputer And Internet AcronymsTechnology Without An Interesting Name
TWATUncategorized AcronymsThe War Against Terror
TWATUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Tanker Without A Tank. Used For Tankers Who Are Performing Infantry Duties. Mainly Used By Infantry In Iraq.
TWBMedical AcronymsTouch Weight Bear
TWCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsThe Weather Channel
TWCChemistry AcronymsThree-Way Catalyst(s)

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