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 Acronym Category Meaning
TLEEDChemistry AcronymsTensor Low-energy Electron Diffraction
TLEVChemistry AcronymsTransition Low Emission Vehicle
TLFPEChemistry AcronymsTime-local Fokker-Planck Equation
TLGOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsThe List Goes On
TLGPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Two Legged Guinea Pig - Patient Undergoing Experimental Or Extreme Treatments
TLHJChemistry AcronymsTriple-layer Heterojunction
TLHSChemistry AcronymsThin-layer Headspace
TLITBCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsThat's Life In The Big City
TLK-2-U-L-8-RText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsTalk To You Later
TLK2UL8RSMS Chat And Text AcronymsTalk To You Later
TLK2UL8RText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsTalk To You Later
TLLNASA AcronymsTooling Inspection Instrumentation
TLLMESAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsThe Institute For Integrative And Multidisciplinary Earth Studies
TLMChemistry AcronymsTriple Layer Model (of Adsorption)
TLMChemistry AcronymsThermal Lens Microscopy
TLMChemistry AcronymsTransmission Line Method
TLMNASA AcronymsTelemetry
TLMNASA AcronymsTelemetry
TLMUncategorized AcronymsTraditional Latin Mass Or Tridentine Latin Mass
TLPChemistry AcronymsTension Leg Platform
TLPChemistry AcronymsTransient Liquid Phase
TLPSChemistry AcronymsTransient Liquid Phase Sintering [adhesive]
TLRChemistry AcronymsToll-like Receptor
TLRMedical Acronyms (Slang)Two Legged Rat - Refers To A Patient Undergoing Experimental Or Extreme Treatments
TLSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsTunable Laser Spectroscopy
TLSChemistry AcronymsThermal Lens Spectrometry
TLSChemistry AcronymsTwo-level System (with Tunneling Transitions Between Wells Of Double-well Potential)
TLSNASA AcronymsTime Line Sheet
TLSNASA AcronymsTop Left Side
TLSUncategorized AcronymsTimor-Leste (ISO 3166 Trigram) -Times Literary Supplement
TLSANASA AcronymsTorso Limb Suit Assembly
TLTUS Military AcronymsTilt
TLVChemistry AcronymsThreshold Limit Value
TLVNASA AcronymsThreshold Limit Value
TLVNASA AcronymsTransporter-Loader Vehicle
TLWRUS Military AcronymsTop Level (warfare) Requirements
TMAstronomy AcronymsThematic Mapper
TMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsThermatic Mapper
TMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsTeam Member
TMChemistry AcronymsThematic Mapper (Remote Sensing)
TMMedical AcronymsTympanic Membrane
TMNASA AcronymsMember Traceability
TMNASA AcronymsTable Maintenance
TMNASA AcronymsTechnical Management
TMNASA AcronymsTelemetry
TMNASA AcronymsTime Management
TMNASA AcronymsTrafficModel
TMUncategorized AcronymsTechnical Manual - Theatre Missile - Thematic Mapper -trademark (often Written In Small Superscript Type: TM Or ?) -Turing Machine -Turkmenistan (ISO 3166 Digram)
TMUncategorized AcronymsTerametre - Thulium
TMUS Military AcronymsTechnical Manual
TMSMS Chat And Text AcronymsTrust Me
TMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsTrust Me
TM!Uncategorized AcronymsTenchi Muyo!
TMAChemistry AcronymsThermomagnetic Analysis
TMAChemistry AcronymsTissue Microarray
TMAChemistry AcronymsTrimellitic Anhydride
TMAChemistry AcronymsThermomechanical Analysis
TMAChemistry AcronymsTranscription-mediated Amplification
TMAUncategorized AcronymsTerminal Manoeuvring Area (restricted Flying Zone)
TMAUncategorized AcronymsTexas Medical Association
TMASMS Chat And Text AcronymsTake My Advice
TMAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsToo Many Acronyms
TMAFMChemistry AcronymsTapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy
TMAHChemistry AcronymsTetramethylammonium Hydroxide
TMAPUncategorized AcronymsTexas Medication Algorithm Project
TMBChemistry AcronymsTable Mesa Basalt (USGS Rock Standard)
TMBNASA AcronymsTransportation Management Bulletin
TMBMedical Acronyms (Slang)Too Many Birthdays: Person Dying Of "old Age"
TMBPChemistry AcronymsTin Mill Black Plate
TMBUNASA AcronymsTable Maintenance Block Update
TMCChemistry AcronymsThick Molding Compound
TMCChemistry AcronymsTitanium Matrix Composite
TMCChemistry AcronymsTransition Metal Complex
TMCNASA AcronymsTest Monitoring Console
TMCUS Military AcronymsTechnical Manual Code
TMCPChemistry AcronymsThermomech. Control Process
TMCRUS Military AcronymsTechnical Manual Contract Requirement
TMDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsThailand Meteorological Department
TMDChemistry AcronymsTransmembrane Domain
TMDUncategorized AcronymsTheatre Missile Defence
TMDCUS Military AcronymsTechnical Manual Data Card
TMDLChemistry AcronymsTotal Maximum Daily Load
TMDLUS Military AcronymsTechnical Manual Data List
TMDSCChemistry AcronymsTemperature-modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry
TMEBusiness And FinanceTotal Managed Expenditure
TMECONASA AcronymsTime Of Main Engine Cutoff
TMFNASA AcronymsTransporter Maintenance Facility
TMFAChemistry AcronymsThree-mode Factor Analysis
TMGNASA AcronymsThermal Meteoroid Garment
TMINASA AcronymsTechnical Management Items
TMIUncategorized AcronymsToo Much Information (Internet Slang)
TMIUS Military AcronymsTechnical Manual Indicator
TMIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Three Meaningless Initials (e.g. John Smith, TMI - Applied To Medics With Qualifications Rather Than Ability)
TMISMS Chat And Text AcronymsToo Much Information
TMIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsToo Much Information
TMICChemistry AcronymsToxic Materials Information Center
TMIYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsTake Me I'm Yours
TMJChemistry AcronymsTemporomandibular Joint
TMJUncategorized AcronymsTemporoMandibular Joint (syndrome)
TMMUncategorized AcronymsTurkmen Manat (ISO 4217 Currency Code)

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