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Acronyms starting with S Page 9

 Acronym Category Meaning
SCONASA AcronymsStiper Critical Oxygen
SCONASA AcronymsSubcarrier Oscillator
SCONASA AcronymsSwitch Closure Out
SCOUncategorized AcronymsScotland
SCODChemistry AcronymsSoluble Chemical Oxygen Demand
SCOENASA AcronymsSpecial Checkout Equipment
SCOPChemistry AcronymsStructural Classification Of Proteins
SCOPChemistry AcronymsSpherical Complex Optical Potential (in Quantum Calcn. On Mol. Scattering)
SCOPEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScientific Committee On Problems Of The Environment
SCOPEChemistry AcronymsScientific Committee On The Problems Of The Environment
SCOPWChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Orthogonalized Plane Wave
SCORAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScientific Committee For Oceanographic Research
SCORChemistry AcronymsScientific Committee On Ocean Research
SCORIMChemistry AcronymsShear Controlled Orientation In Injection Molding
SCOSNASA AcronymsSubsystem Computer Operating System
SCOSTEPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScientific Committee On Solar-Terrestrial Physics
SCOTChemistry AcronymsShell Claus Off-gas Treating
SCOTChemistry AcronymsSupport Coated Open Tubular
SCOTUS Military AcronymsShip Control Operator Trnr (trident-21c10)
SCOTCHChemistry AcronymsSpin Coherence Transfer In Chemical Reactions
SCOTUSUncategorized AcronymsSupreme Court Of The United States
SCOWARChemistry AcronymsScientific Committee On Water Research
SCPChemistry AcronymsSingle-cell Protein
SCPChemistry AcronymsSterol Carrier Protein
SCPNASA AcronymsScanner Control Power
SCPNASA AcronymsSpecific Candle Power
SCPUS Military AcronymsSingle Card Processor
SCPUS Military AcronymsSoftware Change Proposal
SCPUS Military AcronymsSupplier Change Proposal
SCPBusiness And FinanceSingle Capital Pot
SCP-IOSChemistry AcronymsSemiclassical Perturbation-infinite Order Sudden
SCPAChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Phonon Approximation (for Lattice Dynamics Of Quantum Crystals)
SCPAChemistry AcronymsSingle-site Coherent-potential Approximation (for Electronic Structure Calcns.)
SCPBUS Military AcronymsF-14 Software Change Proposal Board
SCPFChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Perturbation Field
SCPFChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Polarization Field Method
SCPHPChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Particle-hole Propagator
SCPIChemistry AcronymsStandard Commands For Programmable Instruments
SCPMChemistry AcronymsScanning Chemical Potential Microscopy
SCPMUS Military AcronymsStars Composite Process Model
SCPOMChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Projecton Operator Method
SCPPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSierra Cooperative Pilot Project
SCPPChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Polarization Propagator
SCPTChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent-perturbation Theory
SCPT2Chemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Second-order Perturbation Theory
SCPWChemistry AcronymsSymmetrized Combination Of Plane Waves
SCRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSelective Chopper Radiometer
SCRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSilicon Controlled Rectifier
SCRChemistry AcronymsSelective Catalytic Reduction
SCRChemistry AcronymsSolar Cosmic Rays (related To Spacecraft And Space Travel)
SCRChemistry AcronymsSpectral Collocation Representation (of Basis Sets)
SCRNASA AcronymsSchedule Change Request
SCRNASA AcronymsSneak Circuit Report
SCRNASA AcronymsSoftware Change Request
SCRNASA AcronymsStripchart Recorders
SCRUncategorized AcronymsSeychelles Rupee (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
SCRUS Military AcronymsSilicon Control Rectifier
SCRAMChemistry AcronymsEPA Support Center For Regulatory Air Models
SCRAMChemistry AcronymsShort-Cut Risk Assessment Method
SCRAMUncategorized AcronymsSafety Control Rod Axe Man
SCRBUS Military AcronymsSoftware Change Review Board
SCRFChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Reaction Field
SCRGNASA AcronymsSYstem Change Review Group (MSFC)
SCRIChemistry AcronymsSteel Can Recycling Institute
SCRIBEChemistry AcronymsStratospheric Cryogenic Interferometer Balloon Experiment
SCRIMPChemistry AcronymsSeemann Composites Resin Infusion Under Flexible Tooling [plastics Molding]
SCRLNASA AcronymsStation Configuration Requirement List
SCRPChemistry AcronymsSpecific Chelation
SCRPChemistry AcronymsSpin Correlated Radical Pairs
SCRPAChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Random Phase Approximation
SCRPAChemistry AcronymsSeparated Channel RPA
SCRSNASA AcronymsSerialized Control And Reporting System
SCRSNASA AcronymsStripchart Recording System
SCRSYNASA AcronymsSerialized Control And Record SYstem
SCSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSoil Conservation Service
SCSChemistry AcronymsSoil Conservation Service
SCSChemistry AcronymsSemiclassical Coupled-states
SCSNASA AcronymsSecondary Coolant System
SCSNASA AcronymsSpacecraft Control System
SCSNASA AcronymsStabilization And Control SYstem (Subsystem)
SCSUncategorized AcronymsScan Correlated Shift - Soil Conservation Service
SCSAChemistry AcronymsSmall-curvature Semiclassical Adiabatic (approxn. For Mol. Energy Levels)
SCSAGChemistry AcronymsSmall-curvature Semiclassical Adiabatic Ground-state (tunneling Approxn.)
SCSCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSummer Computer Simulation Conferences
SCSGNASA AcronymsStrain Gauge Signal Conditioner
SCSIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSmall Computer System Interface
SCSIUncategorized AcronymsSmall Computer System Interface (scuzzy) -Strategic And Combat Studies Institute
SCSIComputer Acronyms (Common)Small Computer System Interface
SCSIComputer And Internet AcronymsSmall Computer System Interface
SCSOPWChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Symmetrized Orthogonalized-plane-wave
SCSRCChemistry AcronymsSolids Contact Slurry Recirculating Clarifier(s)
SCSTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsState Committee On Science & Technology
SCSTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsState Committee On Science & Technology
SCSTUS Military AcronymsSubmarine Combat System Trainers (21a Series)
SCTAstronomy AcronymsSchmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
SCTChemistry AcronymsSalmon Calcitonin
SCTChemistry AcronymsStem Cell Transplantation
SCTNASA AcronymsScanning Telescope
SCTUncategorized AcronymsScattered Sky (METAR Code)
SCTAChemistry AcronymsSample Controlled Thermal Analysis

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