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Acronyms starting with S Page 8

 Acronym Category Meaning
SCFDChemistry AcronymsSupercritical Fluid Drying
SCFEUS Military AcronymsSubcontractor Furnished Equipment
SCFHNASA AcronymsStandard Cubic Feet Per Hour
SCFHUncategorized AcronymsStandard Cubic Foot Per Hour (unit Of Measurement Of Fluid Flow)
SCFMChemistry AcronymsStandard Cubic Feet Per Minute
SCFMNASA AcronymsStandard Cubic Feet Per Minute
SCFMUncategorized AcronymsStandard Cubic Foot Per Minute (unit Of Measurement Of Fluid Flow)
SCFSNASA AcronymsStandard Cubic Feed Per Second
SCFSUncategorized AcronymsStandard Cubic Foot Per Second (unit Of Measurement Of Fluid Flow)
SCFX-CIChemistry AcronymsExcited-state Self-consistent Field Configuration Interaction
SCGChemistry AcronymsSlow Crack Growth
SCGUncategorized AcronymsSerbia And Montenegro (ISO 3166 Trigram)
SCGBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpecial Committee For The Geosphere-Biosphere
SCGEChemistry AcronymsSingle Cell Gel Electrophoresis
SCGFChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Group Function
SCGFChemistry AcronymsStem Cell Growth Factor
SCGPChemistry AcronymsShell Coal Gasification Process
SCGSSNASA AcronymsSuper Critical Gas Storage System
SCHAChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Harmonic Approxn.
SCHAZChemistry AcronymsSubcritical Heat-affected Zone
SCHEDNASA Acronyms Scheduled
SCHEMNASA AcronymsSchematics
SCHIMSUncategorized AcronymsSoldier Combat Helmet Identification Marking System
SCHLTUS Military AcronymsSearch Light
SCIChemistry AcronymsStabilized Criegee Intermediate(s)
SCIChemistry AcronymsScience Citation Index
SCIChemistry AcronymsSingle Excitation Configuration Interaction
SCIChemistry AcronymsSpinal Cord Injury
SCIChemistry AcronymsSuper Configuration Interaction
SCIHuman Genome AcronymsSociety Of Chemical Industry
SCINASA AcronymsSwitch Closure In
SCIUS Military AcronymsSerial Communication Interface
SCIUS Military AcronymsSupplemental Card Indicator
SCIAChemistry AcronymsSemiclassical Impact Approxn. (in Ionizing At. And Mol. Collision Calcns.)
SCIAChemistry AcronymsSemiclassical Impulse Approxn.
SCIAMACHYChemistry AcronymsSCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter For Atmospheric CHartographY
SCIBMChemistry AcronymsSemiclassical Infinite-barrier Model
SCICChemistry AcronymsSingle-column Ion Chromatography
SCIDChemistry AcronymsSevere Combined Immunodeficiency
SCIFIUncategorized AcronymsScience Fiction
SCIMNASA AcronymsStandard Cubic Inches Per Minute
SCISNASA AcronymsStandard Cubic Inches Per Second
SCISASChemistry AcronymsSize Classifying Isokinetic Sequential Aerosol Sampler
SCITChemistry AcronymsStanding Committee On Information Technologies
SCITNASA AcronymsStandard Change Integration And Tracking
SCIUNASA AcronymsSelector Control Interface Unit
SCIUNASA AcronymsSpacecraft Interface Unit
SCJDUncategorized AcronymsSporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
SCLNASA AcronymsSecondary Coolant Line
SCLNASA AcronymsSecondary Coolant Loop
SCLNASA AcronymsSpecification Change Log
SCLCChemistry AcronymsSmall Cell Lung Cancer
SCLCChemistry AcronymsSpace Charge Limited Current
SCLCPChemistry AcronymsSide-chain Liquid-crystalline Polymer
SCLMChemistry AcronymsScanning Confocal Laser Microscopy
SCLMNASA AcronymsStability
SCLOChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Local Orbital
SCLRChemistry AcronymsSingle Configuration Linear Response (theory)
SCLSChemistry AcronymsSpectral Collocation (by) Least Squares
SCLSChemistry AcronymsSurface Core Level Shift
SCMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStratospheric Circulation Model
SCMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSmall Core Memory
SCMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar Constant Monitor
SCMChemistry AcronymsSurface Complexation Model (of Adsorption)
SCMChemistry AcronymsScanning Capacitance Microscopy
SCMChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Multipolar (method In Metal Cluster Calcns.)
SCMChemistry AcronymsShell-correction Method (in Calcns. For Metal Clusters)
SCMChemistry AcronymsSpherical Cellular Model
SCMChemistry AcronymsStreaming Current Monitor (for Coagulation Water Treatment)
SCMChemistry AcronymsSubsurface Chlorophyll Maximum
SCMNASA AcronymsSite Configuration Message
SCMNASA AcronymsSubsystem Configuration Management
SCMNASA AcronymsSubsystem Configuration Monitoring
SCMNASA AcronymsSystem Control Module
SCMNASA AcronymsSystem Control Module
SCMUncategorized AcronymsSurface Contamination Module
SCMUS Military AcronymsSimulator Operations And Maintenance
SCMUS Military AcronymsSoftware Configuration Management
SCMBNASA AcronymsDevelopment Configuration Management Board
SCMCRChemistry AcronymsSimulated Countercurrent Moving-bed Chromatographic Reactor
SCMFTChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Mean-field Theory
SCMPChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Madelung Potential
SCMPNASA AcronymsSystem Contractor Management Plan
SCMPUS Military AcronymsSoftware Configuration Management Plan
SCMPSChemistry AcronymsSpin-corrected Moeller-Plesset Nth-order
SCMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSoftware Configuration Management Section
SCMTUS Military AcronymsShip Control Maintenance Trnr (trident-11d99)
SCNChemistry AcronymsSuprachiasmatic Nucleus
SCNNASA AcronymsSpecification Change Notice
SCNUncategorized AcronymsSuprachiasmatic Nucleus
SCNUS Military AcronymsSpecification Change Notice
SCNPNASA AcronymsPreliminary Specification Change Notice
SCNRNASA AcronymsScanner
SCNRSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSorry, Could Not Resist
SCNRText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSorry, Could Not Resist
SCNTChemistry AcronymsSomatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
SCNTUncategorized AcronymsSomatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
SCOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSubcarrier Oscillators
SCOChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Orbital
SCONASA AcronymsStart Checkout

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