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Acronyms starting with S Page 40

 Acronym Category Meaning
SWAGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSoftWare And Giveaways
SWAKSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSealed With A Kiss
SWAKText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSealed / Sent With A Kiss
SWALBCAKWSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSealed With A Lick Because A Kiss Won't Stick
SWALKUncategorized AcronymsSealed With A Loving Kiss
SWALKSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSealed With All Loving Kiss
SWALKText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSealed With A Loving Kiss
SWAMPSatellite Meterology AcronymsScience Working Group For The AM Platform (EOS)
SWAMPUS Military AcronymsSevere Wind And Moisture Problem
SWANAstronomy AcronymsSolar Wind Anisotropy Experiment
SWANChemistry AcronymsSolar Wind Anisotropies
SWANUncategorized AcronymsSystem For Wearable Audio Navigation
SWANAChemistry AcronymsSolid Waste Association Of North America
SWAPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSevere Weather Avoidance Program
SWAPChemistry AcronymsSolid Waste Assistance Program
SWAPChemistry AcronymsSurface Water Acidification Project
SWAPUncategorized AcronymsSurface Waters Acidification Programme
SWAPOUncategorized AcronymsSouth-West Africa People's Organisation
SWARSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSupplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station
SWASAstronomy AcronymsSubmillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite
SWASVChemistry AcronymsSquare-wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
SWATChemistry AcronymsSoil Water Assessment Tool
SWATNASA AcronymsStress Wave Analysis Technique
SWATUncategorized AcronymsSpecial Weapons And Tactics
SWCLUS Military AcronymsSpecial Warfare Craft, Light
SWCMUS Military AcronymsSpecial Warfare Craft, Medium
SWCPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSouth West Cooperative Program
SWCSVChemistry AcronymsSquare-wave Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry
SWDPUS Military AcronymsSoftware Development Plan
SWDYTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSo What Do You Think
SWEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSnow-Water Equivalent
SWEChemistry AcronymsSnowpack Water Equivalent
SWEUncategorized AcronymsSweden (ISO 3166 Trigram)
SWEUncategorized AcronymsSwedish Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SWEATAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSevere Weather Threat
SWEPPChemistry AcronymsStored Waste Examination Pilot Plant
SWFAstronomy AcronymsShortWave Fading
SWFUncategorized AcronymsShockwave Flash File (swiff) - Single White Female
SWFMChemistry AcronymsScanning Work Function Microscopy
SWGNASA AcronymsSoftware Working Group
SWGUncategorized AcronymsSurface Warfare Group - Symbology Working Group
SWGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsScientific Wild Guess
SWHRUncategorized AcronymsSociety For Women's Health Research
SWIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Something Wrong Inside
SWICHChemistry AcronymsSolid Waste Information Clearinghouse And Hotline
SWICSChemistry AcronymsSolar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer
SWIFTChemistry AcronymsSandia Waste-Isolation Flow And Transport Model
SWIFTChemistry AcronymsStored Wave-form Inverse Fourier Transform
SWIGUncategorized AcronymsSimplified Wrapper And Interface Generator
SWIMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSee What I Mean?
SWIRChemistry AcronymsShort Wave Infrared
SWIRUncategorized AcronymsShort Wave InfraRed (ss-why-are Or Swhirr)
SWIRLSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStratospheric Wind Infrared Limb Sounder
SWIRLSChemistry AcronymsStratospheric Wind IR Limb Sounder
SWISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSatellite Weather Information Systems
SWISText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSee What I'm Saying
SWISHComputer And Internet AcronymsSimple Web Indexing System For Humans
SWKBChemistry AcronymsSupersymmetric Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (quantum Method)
SWLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsScreaming With Laughter
SWLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsScreaming With Laughter
SWLABRUncategorized Acronyms -(a) She Walks Like A Bearded Rainbow - Cream Song (Bruce
SWLCAstronomy AcronymsSalt Water Leak Check
SWMChemistry AcronymsStatistical Wave Function Model (for Highly Excited Vibrational Levels Of Mols.)
SWMBOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsShe Who Must Be Obeyed
SWMMChemistry AcronymsStormwater Management Model
SWMUChemistry AcronymsSolid Waste Management Unit(s)
SWNRACUS Military AcronymsSurface Warfare Naval Reserve Advisory Committee
SWNTChemistry AcronymsSingle-wall Nanotube
SWOBNASA AcronymsSalaries
SWORDChemistry AcronymsSurveillance Of Work Related And Occupational Respiratory Disease
SWORDUncategorized AcronymsSubjective WORkload Dominance
SWORDSUncategorized AcronymsSpecial Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection System
SWOSUS Military AcronymsSurface Warfare Officer School
SWOTUncategorized AcronymsStrengths
SWPNASA AcronymsSafe Working Pressure
SWPSCUBA Diving AcronymsSafe Working Pressure
SWPUncategorized AcronymsSpecial Working Party (swipp) - Systematic Westing Plan (a Plan Of Periodic Westing Of Shares Or Mutual Funds Worth A Fixed Amount Of Money) - Skill With Prizes (UK Pub Quiz Machines - Quality Titles Include: Pub Quiz
SWPUS Military AcronymsSpace, Weight And Power
SWPPPChemistry AcronymsStormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
SWRChemistry AcronymsStanding Wave Ratio
SWRNASA AcronymsStanding Wave Ratio
SWROChemistry AcronymsSeawater Reverse Osmosis
SWRRBChemistry AcronymsSimulation For Water Resources In Rural Basins
SWSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar Weather Seminar
SWSNASA AcronymsSwitch Scan
SWSUS Military AcronymsStrategic Weapons System
SWSAChemistry AcronymsSolid Waste Storage Area
SWSVChemistry AcronymsSquare-wave Stripping Voltammetry
SWTNASA AcronymsSextant
SWTNASA AcronymsSupersonic Wind Tunnel
SWTUncategorized AcronymsSea Water Tank
SWTGUS Military AcronymsSurface Warfare Trainer Group
SWTPUS Military AcronymsSoftware Test Plans Udi-t-21263b/mod
SWTRChemistry AcronymsSurface Water Treatment Rule
SWTRBUS Military AcronymsSurface Warfare Trainer Review Board
SWUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSo What's Up
SWVChemistry AcronymsSquare Wave Voltammetry
SWVPChemistry AcronymsScattered Wave Variational Principle
SWWMedical Acronyms (Slang)Sick, Wet And Whiny (infant)
SWWBDSUS Military AcronymsSoftware Work Breakdown Structure (mil-std 881)

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