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Acronyms starting with S Page 39

 Acronym Category Meaning
SUSIMAstronomy AcronymsSolar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor
SUSIMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor
SUSIMChemistry AcronymsSolar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor
SUSIMNASA AcronymsSolar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor
SUSTECHChemistry AcronymsSustainable Technologies Initiative [European Communities]
SUSYQMChemistry AcronymsSupersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
SUTAGSNASA AcronymsShuttle Uplink Text And Graphics Scanner
SUTRAChemistry AcronymsSaturated Unsaturated Transport Model
SUVChemistry AcronymsSmall Unilamellar Vesicle
SUVChemistry AcronymsStandardized Uptake Value
SUVUncategorized AcronymsSport Utility Vehicle
SUVAChemistry AcronymsSpecific UV Absorbance
SUVRChemistry AcronymsSolar Ultraviolet Radiation
SUYFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsShut Up You Fool
SVChemistry AcronymsSampling Visit
SVChemistry AcronymsSpace Velocity
SVNASA AcronymsSafety Valve
SVNASA AcronymsSelenoid Valve
SVNASA AcronymsShuttle Vehicle
SVNASA AcronymsSpace Vehicle
SVNASA AcronymsState Vector
SVUncategorized AcronymsEl Salvador (ISO 3166 Digram) -Sportverein (German For Sport Association
SVUncategorized AcronymsSwedish Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SV/CUS Military AcronymsSurvivability, Vulnerability / Crashworthiness
SVA&CNASA AcronymsShuttle Vehicle Assembly And Checkout
SVABNASA AcronymsShuttle Vehicle Assembly Building
SVACNASA AcronymsShuttle Vehicle Assembly And Checkout (Facility)
SVAFBNASA AcronymsSouth Vandenberg Air Force Base
SVATAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSurface Vegetation- Atmosphere Transfer
SVBNASA AcronymsShuttle Vehicle Booster
SVBNASA AcronymsSpace Vehicle Booster
SVCChemistry AcronymsSaturated Vapor Concentration (air Sampling)
SVCChemistry AcronymsSemivolatile Organic Compound
SVCNASA AcronymsSupervisor Call
SVCUncategorized AcronymsSecondary Visual Cortex
SVCComputer And Internet AcronymsSwitched Virtual Circuit
SVCAChemistry AcronymsSoil Vapor Contaminant Assessment
SVDUncategorized AcronymsSingular Value Decomposition - Snaiperskaya Vintovka Dragunova (??????????? ???????? ?????????
SVDUncategorized AcronymsSvenska Dagbladet (Swedish Newspaper)
SVDSNASA AcronymsSpace Vehicle Dynamic Simulator
SVEChemistry AcronymsSelected Valence Electron Model
SVEChemistry AcronymsSoil Vapor Extraction
SVEAChemistry AcronymsSlowly Varying Envelope Approximation
SVESSChemistry AcronymsSelected Valence-electron Split-shell Method (MO)
SVETChemistry AcronymsScanning Vibrating Electrode Technique
SVGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScientific Visualization Group
SVGChemistry AcronymsScalable Vector Graphics
SVGUncategorized AcronymsScalable Vector Graphics
SVGComputer And Internet AcronymsScalable Vector Graphics
SVGAComputer And Internet AcronymsSuper Video Graphics Array
SVHSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSuper Video-home System
SVIChemistry AcronymsSludge Volume Index
SVIPUS Military AcronymsSecure Voice Improvement Program
SVKUncategorized AcronymsSlovakia (ISO 3166 Trigram)
SVLChemistry AcronymsSingle Vibrational Level
SVMChemistry AcronymsState Variable Model
SVMChemistry AcronymsSupport Vector Machine
SVMChemistry AcronymsScanning Viscoelasticity Microscopy
SVMUncategorized AcronymsSupport Vector Machine (artificial Intelligence)
SVMPChemistry AcronymsSnake Venom Metalloproteinases
SVNUncategorized AcronymsSlovenia (ISO 3166 Trigram)
SVONASA AcronymsSpace Vehicle Operations (KSC Dir.)
SVOUncategorized AcronymsSubject
SVOCChemistry AcronymsSemivolatile Organic Compounds
SVPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSurface Velocity Program
SVPChemistry AcronymsSchwinger Variational Principle
SVRChemistry AcronymsSystemic Vascular Resistance
SVRMedical AcronymsSystemic Vascular Resistance
SVRIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Something Very Wrong Inside (usually Terminal)
SVRRNASA AcronymsSoftware Verifir-ation Readiness Review
SVSNASA AcronymsSuit Ventilation System
SVTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSimulated Variable Thickness
SVTChemistry AcronymsSilicon Vertex Tracker
SVTMedical AcronymsSupra-Ventricular Tachycardia
SVTUS Military AcronymsSystem Validation Test
SWChatting AcronymsShareware
SWNASA AcronymsSea Water
SWNASA AcronymsShort Wave
SWNASA AcronymsSoftware (SFTWE Preferred)
SWNASA AcronymsSolar Wing
SWNASA AcronymsStatus Word
SWNASA AcronymsSwitcher (Switch)
SWUncategorized AcronymsSouth-West - Sweden (FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
SWUncategorized AcronymsSwahili Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SWUS Military AcronymsSoftware
SWUS Military AcronymsSwitch
SW X(ALPHA)Chemistry AcronymsScattered Wave X(alpha)
SW/HWAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSoftware/Hardware
SW/PMNASA AcronymsSystem Management/Performance Monitor
SWAChemistry AcronymsSlow-wave Activity
SWANASA AcronymsSupport Work Authorization
SWAUncategorized AcronymsSecure Web Access - South-West Asia
SWAUncategorized AcronymsSwahili Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SWAANASA AcronymsSPacelab Window Adapte
SWADNASA AcronymsSubdivision Of Work Authorization Document
SWAGChemistry AcronymsSimulated Waste Access To Groundwater
SWAGUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Scientific Wild-Ass Guess. A Close Approximation.
SWAGMedical Acronyms (Slang)Scientific Wild Ass Guess
SWAGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsStupid Wild-a** Guess
SWAGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsScientific Wild Ass Guess

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