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Acronyms starting with S Page 31

 Acronym Category Meaning
SRDHUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Shit Rolls Down Hill. Used To Denote Unwanted Or Unpleasing Duties Assigned To Lower Ranks.
SREChemistry AcronymsSerum-responsive Element
SRENASA AcronymsSTDN Ranging Equipment
SREBPChemistry AcronymsSterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein
SRELChemistry AcronymsSavannah River Ecology Laboratory
SRELUncategorized AcronymsSavannah River Ecology Laboratory
SREMUS Military AcronymsSoftware Requirement Engineering Methodology
SRESAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpecial Report On Emissions Scenarios
SRESChemistry AcronymsSpecial Report On Emission Scenario
SRETChemistry AcronymsScanning Reference Electrode Technique
SRFChemistry AcronymsState Revolving Fund (module Of GICS)
SRFChemistry AcronymsSerum Response Factor
SRFNASA AcronymsShuttle Refurbishment Facility
SRFAChemistry AcronymsSuwanee River Fulvic Acid
SRGUncategorized AcronymsSACEUR Rover Group - Special Republican Guard
SRGBComputer Acronyms (Common)Standard Red Green Blue
SRGOChemistry AcronymsStraight Run Gas Oils
SRGSChemistry AcronymsStimulated Raman Gain Spectroscopy
SRGWUncategorized AcronymsShort-Range Guided Weapon
SRHChemistry AcronymsSpin-adapted Reduced Hamiltonian
SRHNASA AcronymsSubsystems Requirements Handbook
SRIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Something Wrong Inside (undiagnosable Problem)
SRIMChemistry AcronymsSelected Research In Microfiche
SRIMChemistry AcronymsStopping And Ranges Of Ions In Matter
SRIMChemistry AcronymsStructural Reaction Injection Molding
SRIXEChemistry AcronymsSynchrotron Radiation-induced X-ray Emission
SRLUncategorized AcronymsSavannah River Laboratory - Single Rocket Launcher - Survival Research Labs
SRLUS Military AcronymsSoftware Reuse Library
SRLSChemistry AcronymsStimulated Raman Loss Spectroscopy
SRMAstronomy AcronymsSolid Rocket Motor
SRMChemistry AcronymsSingle Residue Method
SRMChemistry AcronymsStandard Reference Material
SRMNASA AcronymsSolid Rocket Motor
SRMNASA AcronymsSolid Rocket Motor
SRMNASA AcronymsSPecification Requirements Manual
SRMNASA AcronymsStandard Reference Material
SRMUncategorized AcronymsSpecified Risk Material
SRMCNASA AcronymsStimulus/Response Measurements Catalog
SRMCASEChemistry AcronymsSymmetry-restricted Multiconfiguration Annihilation Of Single Excitations Method
SRNNASA AcronymsSoftware Release Notice
SROChemistry AcronymsShort Range Order
SRONASA AcronymsSupervisor Range Operations
SROBusiness And FinanceSelf-Regulatory Organization
SROText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsStanding Room Only
SRONAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpace Research Organization Of The Netherlands
SROSChemistry AcronymsSpin-restricted Open Shell
SRPChemistry AcronymsSignal Recognition Particle
SRPChemistry AcronymsSoluble Reactive Phosphorus
SRPChemistry AcronymsSpreading Resistance Profiling
SRPUncategorized AcronymsSerbian Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SRPANASA AcronymsSpherical Retarding Potential Analyzer
SRPESChemistry AcronymsSynchrotron Radiation Photoelectron Spectroscopy
SRPLChemistry AcronymsSpatially Resolved Photoluminescence
SRPSChemistry AcronymsSynchrotron Radiation Photoelectron Spectroscopy
SRRChemistry AcronymsStandardized Relative Risk
SRRNASA AcronymsShuttle Requirements Review
SRRNASA AcronymsSite Readiness Review
SRRNASA AcronymsSoftware Requirements Review
SRRNASA AcronymsSystem Requirements Review
SRRUS Military AcronymsSoftware Requirements Review
SRRUS Military AcronymsSystem Requirements Review
SRRSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsService Record Retention System
SRSChemistry AcronymsStimulated Raman Scattering
SRSChemistry AcronymsSurface Reflectance Spectroscopy
SRSChemistry AcronymsSymmetrized Rayleigh-Schroedinger (perturbation Theory)
SRSNASA AcronymsSimulated Remote Station
SRSNASA AcronymsSoftware Requirements Specification
SRSNASA AcronymsSpecification Revision Sheet
SRSNASA AcronymsSupport Requirements System
SRSUncategorized AcronymsSavannah River Site
SRSUS Army Acronyms (Official)Strategic Readiness System. An Integrated Strategic Management And Measurement System That Was Developed By The Army G-3 At The Direction Of The Chief Of Staff Of The Army (CSA).
SRSUS Govt. AcronymsSavannah River Site
SRSUS Military AcronymsSoftware Requirements Specification
SRS-1US Military AcronymsCombat Df (outboard)
SRSFNASA AcronymsSRB Receiving And Subassembly Facility
SRSFNASA AcronymsSRB Refurbishment And Subassembly Facility
SRSLYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSeriously
SRSPUncategorized AcronymsScience And Religion In Schools Project
SRSRNASA AcronymsSchedule And Resources Status Report
SRSSNASA AcronymsShuttle Range Safety System
SRTChemistry AcronymsSludge Or Solids Retention Time
SRTNASA AcronymsShuttle Requirements Traceability
SRTNASA AcronymsSpecial Rated Thrust
SRTNASA AcronymsSpecification Requirements Table
SRTNASA AcronymsStation Readiness Test
SRTNASA AcronymsSupporting Research And Technology
SRTUS Military AcronymsSystem Readiness Test
SRTCChemistry AcronymsSavannah River Technology Center
SRUChemistry AcronymsSoil Remediation Unit
SRUNASA AcronymsShop Replacement Unit
SRUNASA AcronymsShOP-Replaceable Unit
SRUNASA AcronymsSpace Replaceable Units
SRUUS Military AcronymsShop Replaceable Unit
SRVLNASA AcronymsSurvival
SRVMUS Military AcronymsSpecification Requirements Verification Matrix
SRXFAChemistry AcronymsSynchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence Analysis
SRXPSChemistry AcronymsSpin-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
SRXRFChemistry AcronymsSynchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence
SRYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSorry
SSChemistry AcronymsSewage Sludge

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