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Acronyms starting with S Page 27

 Acronym Category Meaning
SP-AFNASA AcronymsAir Force Support Office (KSC)
SP-FGSNASA AcronymsFlight And Ground Systems Office (KSC Shuttle)
SP-ILSNASA AcronymsIntegrated Logistics Support Office (KSC Shuttle)
SP-LMONASA AcronymsLogistics Management Office (KSC)
SP-OPINASA AcronymsOPerations Planning And Integration Office (KSC
SP-OPINASA AcronymsShuttle)
SP-OSONASA AcronymsOff-Site Offices (KSC Shuttle)
SP-PAINASA AcronymsProject Assessment And Integration Staff (KSC)
SP-PCONASA AcronymsProgram Control Office (KSC Shuttle)
SP-PMSNASA AcronymsPerformance Management Systems Office (KSC)
SP-RPAEChemistry AcronymsSpin Polarized-random Phase Approxn. (with) Exchange
SP-SMONASA AcronymsSite Management Office (KSC Shuttle)
SPAChemistry AcronymsScintillation-proximity Assay
SPAChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Phonon Approximation
SPAChemistry AcronymsSeparated Pair Approxn. (wave Function)
SPAChemistry AcronymsShielded-potential Approxn. (in Electronic Structure)
SPANASA AcronymsS-Band Power Amplifier
SPANASA AcronymsServo Power Amplifier
SPANASA AcronymsShared Peripheral Area
SPANASA AcronymsSignal Processor Assembly
SPANASA AcronymsSignal Processor Assembly
SPANASA AcronymsSpace Processing Application
SPANASA AcronymsSteering Position Amplifier
SPAUncategorized AcronymsSpanish Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SPAAGUncategorized AcronymsSelf-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun
SPACEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSatellite Precipitaion And Cloud Experiment
SPACEChemistry AcronymsSpatial And Chemical Shift-encoded Excitation
SPACENASA AcronymsSpacecraft Prelaunch Automatic Checkout Equipment
SPACECOMUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Space Command
SPADChemistry AcronymsSingle Photon Avalanche Diode
SPADNASA AcronymsShuttle Payload Accommodation Document
SPADNASA AcronymsSubsystem Positioning Aid Device
SPADAChemistry AcronymsSimulation Program For Air Dust Concentration Analysis
SPADEChemistry AcronymsStratospheric Photochemistry
SPADSNASA AcronymsShuttle Problem Action Data System
SPADSNASA AcronymsShuttle Problem Analysis Data System
SPAESChemistry AcronymsSpin Polarized Auger Electron Spectroscopy
SPAFNASA AcronymsSimulation Processor And Formatter
SPAGChemistry AcronymsSmall Particle Aerosol Generator
SPAHNASA AcronymsSpacelab Payload Accommodations Handbook
SPAKMedical Acronyms (Slang)Status Post Ass Kicking
SPALEEDChemistry AcronymsSpot Profile Analysis Low Energy Electron Diffraction
SPANAstronomy AcronymsSpace Physics And Analysis Network
SPANAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpace Physics Analysis Network
SPANNASA AcronymsSpacecraft Analysis
SPANDARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpace Range Radar
SPARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpaceborne Rawinsonde
SPARCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStratospheric Processes And Their Role In Climate
SPARCChemistry AcronymsScholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition
SPARCChemistry AcronymsStratospheric Processes And Their Role In Climate
SPARCChemistry AcronymsSecreted Protein Acidic And Rich In Cysteine
SPARCComputer And Internet AcronymsScalable Processor Architecture
SPARHEEDChemistry AcronymsSpot Profile Analysis Reflection High-energy Electron Diffraction
SPARPESChemistry AcronymsSpin Polarized Angle-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
SPARSChemistry AcronymsSpatially Resolved Spectroscopy
SPARTNASA AcronymsSpace ResearchandTechnology
SPARTANAstronomy AcronymsShuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool For Astronomy
SPASAstronomy AcronymsSpace Pallet Satellite
SPASNASA AcronymsShuttle Pallet Satellite (German)
SPASEChemistry AcronymsSouth Pole Air Shower Expt.
SPAWARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpace And Naval Warfare Systems Command
SPAWARSUS Military AcronymsSpace & Naval Warfare Systems Command
SPBChemistry AcronymsStrong-potential Born (approxn. For At. Collision Calcns.)
SPCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSmall Particle Count (or Counter)
SPCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSector Processing Center
SPCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStorm Prediction Center
SPCChemistry AcronymsSolid Phase Crystallization
SPCChemistry AcronymsStatistical Process Control
SPCNASA AcronymsShipping And Packing Cost
SPCNASA AcronymsShuttle Processing Contractor
SPCNASA AcronymsStarting Point Code
SPCNASA AcronymsStored Program Command
SPCNASA AcronymsSynoptic Properties Code
SPCUncategorized AcronymsSecretariat Of The Pacific Community
SPCUS Military AcronymsSoftware Productivity Consortium
SPCCChemistry AcronymsSpill Prevention Control And Countermeasures
SPCCChemistry AcronymsSystem Performance Check Compound
SPCCNASA AcronymsSTS Processing Control Center
SPCCUS Military AcronymsShip Parts Control Center
SPCEChemistry AcronymsScreen-printed Carbon Electrode
SPCEChemistry AcronymsSurface Plasmon-coupled Emission
SPCOUncategorized AcronymsSingle-Pole Change Over
SPCPChemistry AcronymsSurface Discharge Induced Plasma Chemical Process
SPCUNASA AcronymsSimulation Process Control Unit
SPCWNASA AcronymsStoredProgramCommandWord
SPDNASA AcronymsSpeed
SPDNASA AcronymsStandard Practice Directive
SPDNASA AcronymsR Software Preliminary Design Review
SPDUncategorized AcronymsShimano Pedaling Dynamics - Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party Of Germany)
SPDBNASA AcronymsSubsystem Power Distribution BC)x
SPDBKNASA AcronymsSpeedBrake
SPDCINASA AcronymsStandard Payload Display And Control Interface
SPDESChemistry AcronymsNew York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
SPDLUS Military AcronymsStandardized Page Discriptor Language
SPDMAstronomy AcronymsSpecial Purpose Dextrous Manipulator
SPDMChemistry AcronymsSingle-particle Density Matrix
SPDRUS Military AcronymsSoftware Preliminary Design Review
SPDTChemistry AcronymsSingle Point Diamond Turning
SPDTChemistry AcronymsSingle-pole Double-throw (switch)
SPDTUncategorized AcronymsSingle-Pole Double-Throw

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