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 Acronym Category Meaning
SODARTChemistry AcronymsSoviet Danish Roentgen Telescope
SODBNASA AcronymsShuttle Operational Data Book
SODBNASA AcronymsStart Of Data Block
SODDIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Some Other Doctor Did It (when One Medic's Botched Jobs Must Be Put Right/answered For By Someone Else)
SODSNASA AcronymsShuttle Operational Data System
SODSNASA AcronymsSkylab Orbit-Deorbit System
SODWChemistry AcronymsSecond-order Distorted Wave (in Electron-atom Scattering)
SOEUncategorized AcronymsSecret Of Evermore - Special Operations Executive (WWII British Organization) - State Of Emissions (EW)
SOEFChemistry AcronymsSpecific Odor Emission Factor (odor Source Evaluation)
SOEHChemistry AcronymsScaled One-electron Hamiltonian (in SCF Calcns. On Mols.)
SOFChemistry AcronymsSoluble Organic Fraction
SOFNASA AcronymsSafety Of Flight
SOFUncategorized AcronymsSpecial Operations Force- Status Of Forces
SOFUS Military AcronymsSafety Of Flight
SOFUS Military AcronymsSpecial Operation Forces
SOFARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSound
SOFARChemistry AcronymsSound Fixing And Ranging
SOFCChemistry AcronymsSolid Oxide Fuel Cell
SOFIAstronomy AcronymsSpray-on Foam Insulation
SOFINASA AcronymsSpray-on Foam Insulation
SOFIAAstronomy AcronymsStratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy
SOFIAChemistry AcronymsStratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy
SOFIAUncategorized AcronymsStratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy
SOFTNASA AcronymsSpace Operations And Flight Techniques
SOGMedical Acronyms (Slang)Sick Old Guy (male Version Of LOL (Little Old Lady))
SOGOPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSh*t Or Get Off The Pot
SOGVBChemistry AcronymsSpin Optimized Generalized Valence Bond Method
SOGVBChemistry AcronymsStrongly-orthogonal Generalized Valence-bond (wave Function)
SOHNASA AcronymsStart Of Heading
SOHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSense Of Humor
SOHCUncategorized AcronymsSingle-OverHead-Cam Engine
SOHFSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSense Of Humour Failure
SOHFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSense Of Humor Failure
SOHICChemistry AcronymsStress-oriented Hydrogen-induced Cracking
SOHOAstronomy AcronymsSOlar Heliospheric Observatory
SOHOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar And Heliosphysical Observatory
SOHOChemistry AcronymsSolar And Heliosphere Observatory
SOHOUncategorized AcronymsSolar And Heliospheric Observatory
SOHOComputer And Internet AcronymsSmall Office/Home Office
SOIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar Oscillations Imager
SOIChemistry AcronymsSilicon On Insulator
SOIUncategorized AcronymsSignal Operating Instruction
SOIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSelf Owning Idiot
SOI/MDIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar Oscillations Imager/Michelson Doppler Imager
SOIARText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSit On It And Rotate
SOICChemistry AcronymsSmall Outline Integrated Circuit
SOILVENTChemistry AcronymsSoil Venting Model
SOJUS Military AcronymsStand-off Jammer
SOLChatting AcronymsStuff Outta Luck (not Us)
SOLNASA AcronymsSolar
SOLNASA AcronymsSolenoid
SOLNASA AcronymsSquelch
SOLUncategorized AcronymsS**t Out Of Luck
SOLUS Army Acronyms (Official)Solenoid
SOLUS Military AcronymsSolenoid
SOLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSmiling Out Loud
SOLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsStuff Outta Luck
SOLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSh*t Out Of Luck
SOLAR-BAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
SOLASChemistry AcronymsSurface Ocean-lower Atmosphere Study
SOLEDChemistry AcronymsStacked Organic Light Emitting Device
SOLISUncategorized AcronymsSynoptic Optical Long-term Investigations Of The Sun
SOLNNASA AcronymsSolution
SOLOChemistry AcronymsSecond-order Correlated Localized Orbital-local Origin (method)
SOLRADAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNASA Satellite
SOLSNASA AcronymsSpacelab/Orbiter Interface Simulator
SOLSEChemistry AcronymsShuttle Ozone Limb Sounding Experiment
SOLSTICEAstronomy AcronymsSolar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment
SOLSTICEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar/Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment
SOLSTICEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar/Stellar Intercomparison Experiment
SOLSTICEChemistry AcronymsSolar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment
SOLVEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSAGE Ozone Loss Validation Experiment
SOLVEChemistry AcronymsSAGE III Ozone Loss And Validation Experiment
SOMChemistry AcronymsSoil Organic Matter
SOMChemistry AcronymsScanning Optical Microscope
SOMChemistry AcronymsSelf-organizing Map
SOMNASA AcronymsShip Operations Manager (NASA)
SOMNASA AcronymsSpares OPtimization Model
SOMNASA AcronymsStandard Operating Manual
SOMUncategorized AcronymsSimulation Object Model -Somalia (ISO 3166 Trigram)
SOMUncategorized AcronymsSomali Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SOMUS Military AcronymsSimulator Operation And Maintenance
SOMUS Military AcronymsSystem Operators Manual
SOMBTChemistry AcronymsSecond-order Many-body Theory
SOMBTChemistry AcronymsSpin-orbital Many-body Theory
SOMFNASA AcronymsStart Of Minor Frame
SOMMUS Military AcronymsSystem Organizational Maintenance Manuals
SOMOChemistry AcronymsSemioccupied Molecular Orbital
SOMOChemistry AcronymsSingly Occupied Molecular Orbital
SOMSNASA AcronymsShuttle Orbiter Medical System
SOMSNASA AcronymsShuttle Orbiter Medical System
SOMSNASA AcronymsShuttle Orbiter Medical System
SOMYSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSick Of Me Yet?
SOMYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSick Of Me Yet
SONChemistry AcronymsSupraoptic Nucleus
SONARUncategorized AcronymsSOund Navigation And Ranging
SONARUS Military AcronymsMT Sonar Maintenance Trainer
SONETComputer And Internet AcronymsSynchronous Optical Network
SONEXChemistry AcronymsSubsonic Assessment Ozone And Nitrogen Oxide Experiment
SONFIUncategorized Acronyms(i) Switched Off And Not Flippin Interested

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