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Acronyms starting with S Page 23

 Acronym Category Meaning
SMPUncategorized AcronymsStandard Military Pattern
SMPComputer And Internet AcronymsSimple Management Protocol
SMPComputer And Internet AcronymsSymmetric Multiprocessing
SMPMNASA AcronymsStructural Materials Property Manual
SMPRChemistry AcronymsSpecific Methane Production Rate
SMPTRBNASA AcronymsShuttle Main Propulsion Test Requirement Board
SMQNASA AcronymsStructure Module Qualification Test
SMRChemistry AcronymsStandardized Mortality Ratios
SMRNASA AcronymsSource, Maintenance, And Recoverability
SMRUncategorized AcronymsSan Marino (ISO 3166 Trigram)
SMRUS Military AcronymsSource, Maintenance, And Recoverability
SMRDNASA AcronymsSpin Motor Rotational Detector
SMRDNASA AcronymsSpin Motor Run Discrete
SMRIChemistry AcronymsSwedish Meat Research Institute
SMRMNASA AcronymsSolar Maximum Repair Mission
SMRPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSatellite And Mesometeorology Research Project
SMSAstronomy AcronymsShuttle Mission Simulator
SMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSynchronous Meteorological Satellite
SMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScalable Modeling System
SMSChemistry AcronymsSingle Molecule Spectroscopy
SMSNASA AcronymsSeparation Mechanism SubsYstem
SMSNASA AcronymsShuttle Mission Simulator
SMSNASA AcronymsShuttle Mission Simulator
SMSNASA AcronymsSolar Maximum Satellite
SMSNASA AcronymsSynchronous Meteorological Satellite
SMSUncategorized Acronyms Many
SMSUS Military AcronymsSurface Missile System
SMSComputer Acronyms (Common)Short Message Service
SMSComputer And Internet AcronymsSystems Management Server
SMSAChemistry AcronymsSoft-core Mean Spherical Approxn.
SMSCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsShared-Memory Supercomputer Systems
SMSIChemistry AcronymsStrong Metal-support Interaction
SMSINASA AcronymsStandard Manned Space Flight Initiator
SMSOChemistry AcronymsSpinor Molecular Symmetry Orbital
SMSX(ALPHA)Chemistry AcronymsOverlapping-sphere Multiple-scattering X(alpha)
SMTChemistry AcronymsStandards
SMTChemistry AcronymsSurface Mount Technology
SMTNASA AcronymsSelective Message Transaction
SMTASNASA AcronymsShuttle Model Test And Analysis System
SMTPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMTPUncategorized AcronymsSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMTPUS Military AcronymsSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMTPComputer Acronyms (Common)Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMTPComputer And Internet AcronymsSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMUNASA AcronymsSOft Mockup
SMUNASA AcronymsSpeaker/microphone Unit
SMUUncategorized AcronymsSouthern Methodist University
SMVPNASA AcronymsShuttle Master Verification Plan
SMVRDNASA AcronymsShuttle Master Verification Requirements Document
SMWNASA AcronymsStandard Materials Worksheet
SMXUncategorized AcronymsServer Macro EXpansion
SNAstronomy AcronymsSuperNova
SNUncategorized AcronymsSenegal (ISO 3166 Digram) - Singapore (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Snow (METAR Code) - SuperNova-Screen Name
SNUncategorized AcronymsShona Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SNUncategorized AcronymsTin (Latin Stannum)
SNAUncategorized AcronymsShona Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SNAComputer And Internet AcronymsSystems Network Architecture
SNAFUChatting Acronyms Situation Normal
SNAFUUncategorized AcronymsSituation Normal - All Fouled/Fucked Up
SNAFUUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Situation Normal: All F*cked Up
SNAFUSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSituation Normal, All F*cked Up
SNAFUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSituation Normal, All F*cked Up
SNAGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSensitive New Age Guy
SNAIASUS Military AcronymsShip's Navigation And Aircraft Inertial Alignment System
SNAPChemistry AcronymsSoluble NSF Attachment Protein
SNAPChemistry AcronymsSystem For Nuclear Auxiliary Power
SNAPChemistry AcronymsSignificant New Alternative Policy
SNAPUncategorized AcronymsSuperNova Acceleration Probe
SNAPUS Military AcronymsShipboard Non-tactical Automated Data Processing
SNAREChemistry AcronymsSoluble NSF Attachment Protein Receptor
SNARLChemistry AcronymsSuggested No-adverse Response Level
SNCBUncategorized AcronymsSoci?t? Nationale Des Chemins De Fer Belgique (French For Belgian Railways National Society)
SNCFUncategorized AcronymsSoci?t? Nationale Des Chemins De Fer Fran?ais (French For French Railways National Society)
SNCRChemistry AcronymsSelective Noncatalytic Reduction
SNDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSkewed Normal Distribution
SNDUncategorized AcronymsStandard Nomenclature Database
SNDUncategorized AcronymsSindhi Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SNDAChemistry AcronymsSupplemental New Drug Application
SNDLUS Military AcronymsStandard Navy Distribution List
SNEUncategorized AcronymsSynthetic Natural Environment
SNERTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSnotty Nosed Egotistical Rotten Teenager
SNESUncategorized AcronymsSuper Nintendo Entertainment System
SNFChemistry AcronymsSpent Nuclear Fuel
SNFMedical AcronymsSkilled Nursing Facility
SNFNASA AcronymsSYstem Noise Figure
SNFCChemistry AcronymsSulfonated Naphthalene-formaldehyde Condensates
SNGAstronomy AcronymsSodruzhestva Nezabisimikh Gosudarst
SNGChemistry AcronymsSynthetic Natural Gas
SNGUncategorized AcronymsSatellite News Gathering (television)
SNICSChemistry AcronymsSource Of Negative Ions By Cesium Sputtering
SNIFChemistry AcronymsSite-specific Natural Isotope Fractionation
SNIFTIRSChemistry AcronymsSubtractively Normalized Interfacial Fourier Transform IR Spectroscopy
SNLChemistry AcronymsSandia National Laboratory
SNLHuman Genome AcronymsSandia National Laboratory
SNLUncategorized AcronymsSaturday Night Live (television)
SNLUS Govt. AcronymsSandia National Laboratories
SNMUncategorized AcronymsSpecial Nuclear Material
SNMPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSimple Network Management Protocol
SNMPUncategorized AcronymsSimple Network Management Protocol
SNMPComputer Acronyms (Common)Simple Network Management Protocol

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