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Acronyms starting with S Page 12

 Acronym Category Meaning
SENASA AcronymsSupport EquiPment
SEUncategorized AcronymsNorthern Sami Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SEUncategorized AcronymsSelenium
SEUncategorized AcronymsSeychelles (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - South-East - Sweden (ISO 3166 Digram) -Synthetic Environment - System Engineering
SEUS Military AcronymsSoftware Engineering
SEUS Military AcronymsSupport Equipment
SEUS Military AcronymsSystem Engineering
SE&INASA AcronymsSystem Element
SE&INASA AcronymsSYstems Engineering And Integration
SE/FACNASA AcronymsSupport Eq Uipm Ent/Facility
SEANASA AcronymsScanning Electrostatic Analysis
SEANASA AcronymsSilicon Elastimeter Ablator
SEAUS Military AcronymsNYMPHan/wlq-4
SEA WIFSChemistry AcronymsSea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor
SEABAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSecretary Of Energy Advisory Board
SEACAtmospheric Research Center Acronyms(National Bureau Of) Standards Eastern Automatic Computer
SEACChemistry AcronymsSurface-enhanced Affinity Capture
SEACFNASA AcronymsSupport Equipment Assembly And Checkout Facility
SEADAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSecretary Of Energy Advisory Board
SEADUncategorized AcronymsSuppression Of Enemy Air Defence
SEADIUncategorized AcronymsSenior Executioner Of Approved Driving Instructors
SEADSNASA AcronymsShuttle Entry Air Data Sensor
SEADSNASA AcronymsShuttle Entry Air Data System
SEADSNASA AcronymsShuttle EntrY Air Data System (Subsystem)
SEAFARERUS Military AcronymsPvs
SEAFDECUncategorized AcronymsSoutheast Asian Fisheries Development Center
SEAFIREUS Military AcronymsNavy Shipborne Electro-optical Sensor & Laser Target Desig
SEAFOXUS Military AcronymsSpecial Warfare Craft Light
SEAIDNASA AcronymsSuPport Equipment Abbreviated Items Description
SEALUncategorized AcronymsSEa-Air-Land
SEAMChemistry AcronymsSuperfund Exposure Assessment Manual
SEAMChemistry AcronymsScanning Electron Acoustic Microscopy
SEAMISUS Military AcronymsNavsea Acquisition Management Information Systems
SEAMOSChemistry AcronymsSingle-excitations-adapted Molecular Orbitals
SEAPGNASA AcronymsSupport Equipment Acquisition Planning Group
SEARChemistry AcronymsSurfactant-enhanced Aquifer Remediation
SEARCHSNASA AcronymsShuttle Engineer'
SEARCHSNASA AcronymsSimulation
SEARCHWATERUS Military AcronymsRadar
SEAREXChemistry AcronymsSea/Air Exchange Program
SEASUS Military AcronymsSurveillance Environ Acoustic Supp
SEASATAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSea Satellite
SEATOUncategorized AcronymsSoutheast Asian Treaty Organization
SEAWARSUS Military AcronymsSea Water Actuated Release System (air)
SEAWIFSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSea Wide-Field Sensor
SEAWIFSChemistry AcronymsSea Viewing Wide Field Of View Sensor
SEAWIFSUncategorized AcronymsSea-Viewing Wide Field Of View Sensor (satellite Instrument)
SEBChemistry AcronymsStaphylococcal Enterotoxin B
SEBNASA AcronymsScientific Equipment Bay
SEBNASA AcronymsSource Evaluation Board
SEBNASA AcronymsSupport Equipment Building
SEBNASA AcronymsSYstems Engineering Branch
SEBUS Military AcronymsSupport Equipment Bulletin (tdc 63)
SECAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSecurities & Exchange Commission
SECAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScience Executive Committee
SECChemistry AcronymsSize Exclusion Chromatography
SECChemistry AcronymsScaled External Correlation (extrapolation Method In CI Calcn.)
SECChemistry AcronymsSulfite Evaporator Condensate
SECNASA AcronymsSecond
SECNASA AcronymsSecondary
SECNASA AcronymsSecondary
SECNASA AcronymsSequential Events Controller
SECNASA AcronymsSource Evaluation Committee
SECUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Securities And Exchange Commission -Security - Southeastern Conference
SECUS Govt. AcronymsSecurities And Exchange Commission; Space Environment Center
SECUS Military AcronymsSecondary
SECUS Military AcronymsSecure
SECUS Military AcronymsSupport Equipment Change (tdc 62)
SECBusiness And FinanceSecurities Exchange Commission
SECText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsWait A Second
SECAMUncategorized AcronymsS?quentiel Couleur ? M?moire (French For Colour Sequential With Memory; TV Standard
SECASUS Military AcronymsShip Equipment Configuration Accounting System
SECDEFUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Secretary Of Defense
SECHChemistry AcronymsScreened Exchange Plus Coulomb Hole Method
SECIChemistry AcronymsSingle Excitation Configuration Interaction
SECMChemistry AcronymsScanning Electrochemical Microscopy
SECNAVUS Military AcronymsSecretary Of The Navy
SECOAstronomy AcronymsSustainer Engine Cutoff
SECONASA AcronymsSustainer Engine Cutoff
SECSChemistry AcronymsSimulation And Evaluation Of Chemical Synthesis
SECSNASA AcronymsShuttle Events Control
SECSNASA AcronymsStandard Cubic Centimeters Per Second
SECVChemistry AcronymsStandard Error Of Cross-validation
SECVOXUS Military AcronymsSecure Voice (comm)
SECWAChemistry AcronymsState Energy Commission Of Western Australia
SEDChemistry AcronymsSpectral Energy Distribution
SEDChemistry AcronymsSurface-conduction Electron-emitter Display
SEDUncategorized AcronymsCERDEC Software Engineering Directorate
SEDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSaid Enough Darling
SEDACChemistry AcronymsSocioeconomic Data And Applications Center
SEDACUS Govt. AcronymsSocioeconomic Data And Applications Center
SEDEXChemistry AcronymsSedimentary Exhalative
SEDIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStructure Of The Earth's Deep Interior
SEDIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStructure Of The Earth's Deep Interior
SEDMChemistry AcronymsState/EPA Data Management
SEDMChemistry AcronymsSelective Excitation Double Moessbauer
SEDORChemistry AcronymsSpin-echo Double Resonance
SEDRAChemistry AcronymsSimple Excitation For The Dephasing Of Rotational-echo Amplitudes
SEDRISUncategorized AcronymsSynthetic Environment Data Representation And Interchange Specification
SEDSAstronomy AcronymsStudents For The Exploration And Development Of Space

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