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Acronyms starting with R Page 10

 Acronym Category Meaning
RHFRChemistry AcronymsRestricted Hartree-Fock-Roothaan
RHFSChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater
RHFSChemistry AcronymsRestricted Hartree-Fock-Slater
RHFTChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Hartree-Fock Two-channel (for Scattering)
RHIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRange-height-indicator
RHICChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Heavy-Ion Collider
RHICUncategorized AcronymsRelativistic Heavy Ion Collider
RHIPUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Rank Hath Its Privileges
RHIPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRank Has Its Privileges
RHLNASA AcronymsResidual Hazards List
RHLIUncategorized AcronymsRoyal Hamilton Light Infantry (Canadian Militia Regiment)
RHMNASA AcronymsRelative Humidity Monitor
RHOChemistry AcronymsReduced Hamiltonian Orbital Method
RHOUncategorized AcronymsSouthern Rhodesia (ISO 3166 Trigram; Obsolete 1980)
RHPNASA AcronymsRight Hand Panel
RHPAChemistry AcronymsReverse Hemolytic Plaque Assay
RHSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRight-hand Side
RHSNASA AcronymsRight Hand Side
RHSNASA AcronymsRocketdyne Hybrid Simulator
RHSUncategorized AcronymsRight Hand Side - Redland High School
RHSUS Govt. AcronymsRural Housing Service
RHSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Rocking Horse Stool - Even Rarer Than Hen's Teeth
RHSCNASA AcronymsRight Hand Side Console
RHTChemistry AcronymsRestricted Hueckel Method
RHTNASA AcronymsRadiant Heat Temperature
RHUNASA AcronymsRadioisotope Heater Unit
RHUUncategorized AcronymsReplacement Holding Unit
RHWNASA AcronymsRouter Header Word
RHWRUncategorized AcronymsRadar Homing And Warning Receiver (raw For Short)
RIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsResearch Institute
RIChemistry AcronymsRefractive Index
RIChemistry AcronymsRemedial Investigation
RIChemistry AcronymsReplication Index
RINASA AcronymsRockwell International
RIUncategorized AcronymsRhode Island (postal Symbol)
RI#Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsRichardson Number
RI/FSChemistry AcronymsRemedial Investigation/feasibility Study (Superfund)
RIAChemistry AcronymsReactivity Initiated Accident
RIAChemistry AcronymsRegulatory Impact Analysis
RIAChemistry AcronymsRelative Ion Abundance
RIAAUncategorized AcronymsRecording Industry Association Of America
RIACSAstronomy AcronymsResearch Institute For Advanced Computer Science
RIBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsResearch Internet Backbone
RIBNASA AcronymsRecoverable Item Breakdown
RIBNASA AcronymsRight Inboard
RIBSCUBA Diving AcronymsRigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat
RIBEChemistry AcronymsReactive Ion Beam Etching
RICChemistry AcronymsResource Conservation And Recovery Act Docket Information Center
RICNASA AcronymsResistance Inductance And Capacitance
RICNASA AcronymsRockwell International Corporation
RICUS Military AcronymsResource Implementation Cooperative
RICUS Military AcronymsRepairable Items Conference
RICCNASA AcronymsRemote Intercomputer Communications Interface
RICEChemistry AcronymsUK Regular Interlaboratory Counting Exchange (for Asbestos Analysis)
RICHSUS Govt. AcronymsRural Information Center Health Service
RICMChemistry AcronymsReflection Interference Contrast Microscopy
RIDChemistry AcronymsRecrystn. Induced Diffusion
RIDNASA AcronymsReview Item DisPosition
RIDAChemistry AcronymsReverse Isotope Dilution Analysis
RIDDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRadar Interface And Data Distribution System
RIDGEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRidge Interdisciplinary Global Experiment
RIDINASA AcronymsReceiving Inspection Detail Instruction
RIDIRSChemistry AcronymsResonant In-dip IR Spectroscopy
RIEChemistry AcronymsReactive Ion Etching
RIENASA AcronymsRight Inboard Elevon
RIFNASA AcronymsRelative Importance Factor
RIFUncategorized AcronymsReduction In Force (layoffs) - Resistance Index For Frostbite
RIFMChemistry AcronymsResearch Institute For Fragrance Materials
RIFSChemistry AcronymsReflectometric Interference Spectroscopy
RIFTChemistry AcronymsResin Infusion Under Flexible Tooling [plastics Molding]
RIGNASA AcronymsRate Integration Gyro
RIGUS Military AcronymsReuse Library Interoperability Group
RIGINASA AcronymsReceiving Inspection General Instruction
RIGSChemistry AcronymsRadioimmunoguided Surgery
RIHRAChemistry AcronymsResearch To Improve Health Risk Assessments Program (US EPA)
RIJMedical AcronymsRight Internal Jugular
RIKESChemistry AcronymsRaman-induced Kerr Effect Spectrometry
RILNASA AcronymsRecoverable Item(s) List(s)
RILNASA AcronymsRepairable Item List
RILNASA AcronymsReparableltemlist
RILUS Military AcronymsRepairable Items List
RILSChemistry AcronymsRegulatory Interpretation Letters
RILSDUS Military AcronymsResident Integrated Logistics Support Detachment
RIMChemistry AcronymsReaction-injection Molding
RIMSChemistry AcronymsResonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry
RIMVSUncategorized AcronymsRetinal Imaging Machine Vision System
RINDOChemistry AcronymsRydberg Intermediate Neglect Of Differential Overlap
RINEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsReceiver Independent Exchange Format
RIOUS Army Acronyms (Official) Radar Intercept Officer
RIOMETERChemistry AcronymsRelative Ionospheric Opacity Meter
RIOSChemistry AcronymsReactive Infinite-order Sudden (at.-mol. Reactive Collisions)
RIOSAChemistry AcronymsReactive Infinite-order Sudden Approxn.
RIOSAChemistry AcronymsRotational Infinite Order Sudden Approxn.
RIPChemistry AcronymsRCRA Implementation Plan
RIPChemistry AcronymsRapid Isothermal Processing
RIPChemistry AcronymsRibosome-inactivating Protein
RIPUncategorized AcronymsRelief In Place -requiesca[n]t In Pace (Latin For May He/she/they Rest In Peace)
RIPComputer And Internet AcronymsRaster Image Processor
RIPComputer And Internet AcronymsRegulation Of Investigatory Powers Act
RIPSNASA AcronymsRadar Impact Prediction System

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