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 Acronym Category Meaning
PDUncategorized AcronymsPalladium
PDUS Military AcronymsPreliminary Design
PDUS Military AcronymsProgram Director
PDUS Military AcronymsProject Director
PDUS Military AcronymsPosition Description
PDSMS Chat And Text AcronymsPublic Domain
PDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPublic Domain
PD&RSNASA AcronymsPayload Deployment And Retrieval Subsystem
PDAChemistry AcronymsPhase Doppler Analysis
PDAChemistry AcronymsPhotodiode Array
PDAMedical AcronymsPatent Ductus Arteriosus
PDANASA AcronymsPropellant Drain Area
PDAUncategorized AcronymsPersonal Digital Assistant - Predicted Drift Angle - Public Display Of Affection - Push-Down Automaton
PDAUS Military AcronymsPrincipal Development Activity
PDAComputer Acronyms (Common)Personal Digital Assistant
PDAComputer And Internet AcronymsPersonal Digital Assistant
PDASMS Chat And Text AcronymsPublic Display Of Affection
PDAGUS Military AcronymsProcess Definition Advisory Group
PDAMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPoint Data Access And Management
PDAPChemistry AcronymsPoly(diallyl Phthalate)
PDARNASA AcronymsProgram Description And Requirements
PDBChemistry AcronymsPeedee Belemnite
PDBChemistry AcronymsProtein Data Bank
PDBChemistry AcronymsPotato Dextrose Broth
PDBNASA AcronymsPerformance Data Book
PDBNASA AcronymsPower Distribution Box
PDCNASA AcronymsPredefined Command
PDCNASA AcronymsProcurement Document Change
PDCComputer And Internet AcronymsPrimary Domain Controller
PDCAASChemistry AcronymsProtein Digestibility Correlated Amino Acid Score
PDCRNASA AcronymsProprietary Data Control Record
PDCSNASA AcronymsPower Distribution And Control System (Subsystem)
PDDMedical AcronymsPervasive Development Disorder
PDDUncategorized AcronymsPast Due Date - Presidential Decision Directive
PDDUS Military AcronymsProgram Design Description
PDDUS Military AcronymsProgram Description Document Udi-e-21251a/mod
PDDOChemistry AcronymsProjection Of Diatomic Differential Overlap
PDEAstronomy AcronymsParticle Dispersion Experiment
PDEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPartial Differential Equation
PDEChemistry AcronymsPartial Differential Equation
PDEUS Military AcronymsProjected Operational Environment
PDEAChemistry AcronymsPreliminary Draft Environmental Assessment
PDECDChemistry AcronymsPulsed Discharge Electron Capture Detector
PDEISChemistry AcronymsPreliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement
PDESChemistry AcronymsPreliminary Draft Environmental Statement
PDESUS Military AcronymsProduct Data Evolvement System
PDESUS Military AcronymsProduct Data Exchange Specification
PDFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProbability Density Functions
PDFChemistry AcronymsPowder Diffraction File
PDFChemistry AcronymsPair Distribution Function
PDFChemistry AcronymsPlanar Deformation Feature
PDFChemistry AcronymsProbability Density Function
PDFChemistry AcronymsProbability-distribution Function
PDFNASA AcronymsPocket Dosimeter FEMA
PDFUncategorized AcronymsPanama[nian] Defense Forces (abolished 1990) - Portable Document Format - Principal Direction Of Fire
PDFComputer Acronyms (Common)Portable Document Format
PDFComputer And Internet AcronymsPortable Document Format
PDFTChemistry AcronymsPerturbation Density-functional Theory
PDGChemistry AcronymsPatent Documentation Group
PDGUncategorized AcronymsPresident Director General - Product Development Group
PDGFChemistry AcronymsPlatelet-derived Growth Factor
PDGFRChemistry AcronymsPlatelet-derived Growth Factor Receptor
PDHNASA AcronymsPocket Dosimeter High
PDHNASA AcronymsPocket Dosimeter-High
PDIChemistry AcronymsPoint Dipole Interaction (model For Mol.-polarizability Calcns.)
PDIChemistry AcronymsPolarization-division Interferometry
PDIChemistry AcronymsPolydispersity Index
PDINASA AcronymsPayload Data Interleaver
PDINASA AcronymsPayload DePloyment And Retrieval System
PDICSCUBA Diving AcronymsProfessional Diving Instructors Corporation International; Diving Instruction Organization.
PDKChemistry AcronymsPyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase
PDLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProgram Design Language
PDLNASA AcronymsPocket Dosimeter Low
PDLNASA AcronymsPocket Dosimeter-Low
PDLNASA AcronymsProcedure Distribution List
PDLNASA AcronymsProgram Design Language
PDLUncategorized AcronymsPure Dumb Luck (Texan Punk Band)
PDLUS Military AcronymsPreliminary Design Language
PDLUS Military AcronymsProgram Design Language
PDLComputer And Internet AcronymsPage Description Language
PDLCChemistry AcronymsPolymer-dispersed Liquid Crystal
PDMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPulse Duration Modulation
PDMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPulse Duration Modulation
PDMNASA AcronymsProcessor Data Monitor
PDMNASA AcronymsPulse Duration Modulation
PDMUS Military AcronymsProgram Objectives Memorandum
PDM/FMNASA AcronymsPulse Duration Modulation/Frequency Modulation
PDM3.1Chemistry AcronymsProbabilistic Dilution Model Version 3.1
PDMEEChemistry AcronymsPrimary-beam Diffraction Modulated Electron Emission
PDMLRUS Military AcronymsPost Deployment Maintenance Logistic Review
PDMSChemistry AcronymsPlasma Desorption Mass Spectrometry
PDNUncategorized AcronymsPull-Down Network
PDOMAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPulled Directly Out Of My Ass
PDPChemistry AcronymsPlasma Display Panel
PDPNASA AcronymsPlasma Diagnostics Package
PDPNASA AcronymsPostinsertion Deorbit Preparation
PDPNASA AcronymsPreliminary Definition Plan
PDPNASA AcronymsProcurement Data Package
PDPNASA AcronymsProgram Development Plan
PDPNASA AcronymsProject Definition Phase

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