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Acronyms starting with P Page 29

 Acronym Category Meaning
PTSChemistry AcronymsPhosphotransferase System
PTSChemistry AcronymsPosition-tagged Spectroscopy
PTSChemistry AcronymsPressurized Thermal Shock
PTSNASA AcronymsPayload Test Set
PTSNASA AcronymsPayload Transportation System
PTSAChemistry AcronymsPressure And Temperature Swing Adsorption
PTSDChemistry AcronymsPost-traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSDUncategorized AcronymsPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSPGFChemistry AcronymsPerturbative-type Single-particle Green Function
PTTMedical AcronymsPartial Thromboplastin Time
PTTNASA AcronymsPush To Talk
PTTNASA AcronymsPush-to-Talk
PTTUS Military AcronymsPart Task Trainer
PTTUS Military AcronymsPlotting Team Trainer
PTTUS Military AcronymsPush To Talk
PTTIUS Military AcronymsPrecise Time And Time Interval Dissemination And Distribution
PTUIUncategorized AcronymsPlain-Text User Interface (pa-too-ey) (cf CLI)
PTVChemistry AcronymsParticle-tracking Velocimetry
PTVChemistry AcronymsProgrammed Temp. Vaporizing
PTVNASA AcronymsPathfinder Test Vehicle
PTWIChemistry AcronymsProvisional Tolerable Weekly Intake
PTXChemistry AcronymsPertussis Toxin
PUNASA AcronymsPickup
PUNASA AcronymsPower Unit
PUNASA AcronymsPropellant Unit
PUNASA AcronymsPropellant Utilization
PUUncategorized AcronymsGuinea-Bissau (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) -Polyurethane -United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (ISO 3166 Digram; Obsolete 1986)
PUUncategorized AcronymsPlutonium
PUSMS Chat And Text AcronymsThat Stinks!
PUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsThat Stinks (Phwew)
PUBNASA AcronymsPublication
PUBUncategorized AcronymsPublication
PUCHFChemistry AcronymsPerturbed Uncoupled Hartree-Fock
PUCSNASA AcronymsPropellant Utilization Control System
PUDMedical AcronymsPeptic Ulcer Disease
PUFChemistry AcronymsPolyurethane Foam
PUFAChemistry AcronymsPolyunsaturated Fatty Acid
PUGUncategorized AcronymsPET Users Group
PUGSNASA AcronymsPropellant Utilization And Gaging System
PUHFChemistry Acronyms(spin)-projected Unrestricted Hartree-Fock
PUHFSChemistry AcronymsProjected Unrestricted-Hartree-Fock-Slater
PUMPChemistry AcronymsProjected Unrestricted Moeller-Plesset
PUMPChemistry AcronymsPure (alpha-spin-state) Unrestricted Moeller-Plesset Nth-order (wave Function)
PUMSUS Govt. AcronymsPublic Use Microdata Samples
PUNUncategorized AcronymsPull-Up Network
PUPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPrinciple User Position Workstation
PUPUncategorized AcronymsPull-Up Point
PUPComputer And Internet AcronymsPotentially Unwanted Program
PUPONASA AcronymsPull Up Push Over
PURLComputer And Internet AcronymsPersistent URL
PURPAChemistry AcronymsPublic Utility Regulatory Policy Act
PUSUncategorized AcronymsPashto Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
PUSUncategorized AcronymsUnited States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram; Obsolete 1986)
PUSSNASA AcronymsPallet Utility Support Structure
PUVNASA AcronymsPropellant Utilization Valve
PVAstronomy AcronymsPhotovoltaic
PVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPotential Vorticity
PVNASA AcronymsPrevalve
PVSatellite Meterology AcronymsPhotoVoltaic
PVUncategorized AcronymsPetavolt
PVUncategorized AcronymsPicovolt
PV&DNASA AcronymsPurge
PV-RRChemistry AcronymsPerturbational-variational-Rayleigh-Ritz (matrix Method In Mol. Calcns.)
PVAChemistry AcronymsPolyvinyl Alcohol
PVANASA AcronymsPreburnerValveActuator
PVANASA AcronymsPropellant Valve Actuator
PVACChemistry AcronymsPoly(vinyl Acetate)
PVALChemistry AcronymsPolyvinyl Alcohol
PVBChemistry AcronymsPoly(vinyl Butyral)
PVBChemistry AcronymsProjected Valence Bond
PVB-CSFChemistry AcronymsProjected Valence Bond-configuration State Function
PVCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPolyvinyl Chloride
PVCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPermanent Virtual Circuit
PVCChemistry AcronymsPigment Volume Concentration
PVCChemistry AcronymsPolyvinyl Chloride
PVCUncategorized AcronymsPermanent Virtual Circuit - PolyVinyl Chloride - Premature Ventricular Contraction - Primary Visual Cortex
PVCUS Military AcronymsPolyvinyl Chloride
PVCComputer And Internet AcronymsPermanent Virtual Circuit
PVDChemistry AcronymsPhysical Vapor Deposition
PVDMedical AcronymsPeripheral Vascular Disease
PVDNASA AcronymsPurge
PVDCChemistry AcronymsPoly(vinylidene Dichloride)
PVDFChemistry AcronymsPolyvinylidene Difluoride
PVEUncategorized AcronymsPlayer Versus Environment
PVECChemistry AcronymsPhotovoltaic Energy Conversion
PVFChemistry AcronymsPoly(vinyl Fluoride)
PVFMChemistry AcronymsPoly(vinyl Formal)
PVMChemistry AcronymsPhotovoltaic Power Module
PVMSChemistry AcronymsPressure Vessel Management System
PVNChemistry AcronymsParaventricular Nucleus
PVOAstronomy AcronymsPioneer Venus Orbiter / Protivo-Vosdushniya Oborona
PVOChemistry AcronymsPseudovalence Orbital
PVOHChemistry AcronymsPolyvinyl Alcohol
PVPChemistry AcronymsPolyvinyl Pyrrolidone
PVPUncategorized AcronymsPlayer Versus Player
PVPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPlayer Versus Player
PVRChemistry AcronymsPulmonary Vascular Resistance
PVRNASA AcronymsPrecision Voltage Reference
PVRUncategorized AcronymsPersonal Video Recorder
PVRDNASA AcronymsPurge

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