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Acronyms starting with P Page 23

 Acronym Category Meaning
PPOUncategorized AcronymsPolyPhenylene Oxide
PPO2NASA AcronymsOxygen Partial Pressure
PPO2NASA AcronymsPartial Pressure 02
PPPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPoint-to-Point Protocol
PPPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParallelizing PreProcessor
PPPChemistry AcronymsPositron Polarization Potential
PPPNASA AcronymsPayload Patch Panel
PPPNASA AcronymsPeak Pulse Power
PPPUncategorized AcronymsPoint-to-Point Protocol - Purchasing Power Parity
PPPUS Military AcronymsPersonnel Performance Profile
PPPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Piss Poor Protoplasm
PPPComputer Acronyms (Common)Point To Point Protocol
PPPComputer And Internet AcronymsPoint-to-Point Protocol
PPPBusiness And FinancePublic Private Partnership
PPPAChemistry AcronymsPoison Prevention Packaging Act
PPPIUS Military AcronymsPreplanned Product Improvement
PPPPPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Piss Poor Protoplasm Poorly Put-together (really Old And / Or Decrepit)
PPPTPComputer And Internet AcronymsPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PPQChemistry AcronymsParts Per Quadrillion
PPQUncategorized AcronymsPulses Per Quarter (used In Music Programming
PPQUS Govt. AcronymsPlant Protection And Quarantine
PPQNUncategorized AcronymsPulses Per Quarter Note (ditto)
PPQTUncategorized AcronymsPre-Production Qualification Test
PPRChemistry AcronymsProjection Pursuit Regression
PPRNASA AcronymsPayload Preparation Room
PPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPublic Products Service
PPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPhysical Plant Services
PPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPulses Per Second
PPSChemistry AcronymsPoly (phenylene Sulfide)
PPSNASA AcronymsPneumatic Power Subsystem
PPSNASA AcronymsPrinter/Plotter System
PPSNASA AcronymsProvisioning Performance Schedule
PPSNASA AcronymsPulse Per Second
PPSUncategorized AcronymsPost Postscriptum - Precise/Precision Positioning Service (GPS) - PolyPhenylene Sulfide
PPSUS Military AcronymsProgram Performance Schedule
PPSUS Military AcronymsProgram Performance Spec Udi-e-21269b/mod
PPS-PODSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPrecise Position System- Precise Orbit Determination System
PPSLUS Military AcronymsParts Program Selection List
PPTChemistry AcronymsParts Per Trillion
PPTBusiness And FinancePlunge Protection Team (an Unknown Buyer Who "makes The Market" During Sharp Downturns)
PPT-MCFChemistry AcronymsPseudo-polarization Tensor-mutually Consistent Field ( For Mol. Interactions)
PPTPComputer Acronyms (Common)Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PPTVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParts Per Trillion (by Volume)
PPUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPeripheral Processor Unit
PPVChemistry AcronymsPoly(p-phenylene Vinylene)
PPVChemistry AcronymsPoly(phenylene Vinylene)
PPVMedical AcronymsPositive Pressure Ventilation
PQUncategorized AcronymsProvince Of Qu?bec (obsolete Postal Code
PQBusiness And FinanceParliamentary Question
PQAPUS Military AcronymsPlanned Quality Assurance Program
PQCChemistry AcronymsPiezoelectric Quartz Crystal
PQCDChemistry AcronymsPerturbative Quantum Chromodynamics
PQDIFComputer And Internet AcronymsPower Quality Data Interchange Format
PQFPChemistry AcronymsPlastic Quad Flat Package
PQGSNASA AcronymsPropellant Quantity Gaging System
PQLChemistry AcronymsPractical Quantitation Levels (of Pollutants
PQSUS Military AcronymsPersonnel Qualification Standard
PRChemistry AcronymsPreliminary Review
PRMedical AcronymsPer Rectum
PRNASA AcronymsPair
PRNASA AcronymsPerformance Report
PRNASA AcronymsPositionRecord
PRNASA AcronymsPressure
PRNASA AcronymsPressureRatio
PRNASA AcronymsPressureRegulator
PRNASA AcronymsPrimary
PRNASA AcronymsProblemReport
PRNASA AcronymsProcurement Regulation
PRNASA AcronymsProcurement Requisition
PRNASA AcronymsPulseRate
PRNASA AcronymsPurchase Request
PRUncategorized AcronymsPublic Relations -Puerto Rico (postal Symbol; ISO 3166 Digram)
PRUncategorized AcronymsPraseodymium
PRUS Military AcronymsPurchase Request
PRAChemistry AcronymsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
PRAChemistry AcronymsPlasma Renin Activity
PRACANASA AcronymsProblem Reporting And Corrective Action
PRAIREAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPolarization Radar Illinois Rainfall Experiments
PRAIREAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPolarization Radar Illinois Rainfall Experiments
PRAMComputer Acronyms (Common)Parameter Random Access Memory
PRAMComputer And Internet AcronymsParameter RAM
PRATFOMedical Acronyms (Slang)Patient Reassured And Told To F*** Off
PRBChemistry AcronymsPermeable Reactive Barrier
PRBNASA AcronymsPanel Review Board
PRBNASA AcronymsParachute Refurbishment Building
PRBNASA AcronymsPasoRobles(TACANStation)
PRBNASA AcronymsProject Review Board
PRBUS Military AcronymsPropeller Bulletin (tdc 65)
PRBCMedical AcronymsPacked Red Blood Cells
PRBOUncategorized AcronymsPoint Reyes Bird Observatory
PRBSChemistry AcronymsPseudo-random Binary Sequence
PRCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPeople's Republic Of China
PRCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPeople's Republic Of China
PRCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInc.
PRCNASA AcronymsPeople'sRepublic Of China (Payload)
PRCNASA AcronymsPeople'sRepublic Of China Satellite
PRCNASA AcronymsPlanningResearchCorporation
PRCUncategorized AcronymsPeople's Republic Of China
PRCUS Govt. AcronymsPostal Rate Commission
PRCUS Military AcronymsPortable Recompression Chamber

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