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Acronyms starting with P Page 21

 Acronym Category Meaning
PONChemistry AcronymsParticulate Organic Nitrogen
PONChemistry AcronymsPump Octane Number
PONAChemistry AcronymsParaffins, Olefins, Naphthalenes, And Aromatics (in Petroleum Analysis)
PONAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPerson Of No Account
POOFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGood-bye, Gone; Also Seen As ::poof::
POPAstronomy AcronymsPO Polyot
POPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParallel Ocean Program
POPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPhotochemical Oxidation And Products
POPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProbability Of Precipitation
POPChemistry AcronymsPersistent Organic Pollutant
POPNASA AcronymsPerpendicular-to-Orbit Plane
POPNASA AcronymsPreburner Oxidizer Pump
POPNASA AcronymsPreflight Operations Procedures
POPNASA AcronymsPrelaunch Operations Plan
POPNASA AcronymsProgram Operating Plan
POPUncategorized AcronymsPoint Of Presence - Post Office Protocol - Progesterone Only Pill
POPComputer And Internet AcronymsPost Office Protocol
POPBusiness And FinancePublic Offering Price
POP3Computer Acronyms (Common)Post Office Protocol
POPANASA AcronymsPaYload Ordnance Processing Area
POPCORNChemistry AcronymsPhoto-Oxidant Formation By Plant Emitted Compds. And OH Radicals In North-Eastern Germany
POPTAMedical Acronyms (Slang)Passed Out Prior To Arrival
POPUNASA AcronymsPush Over Pull Up
POPWChemistry AcronymsPartially Orthogonalized Plane Wave
PORNASA AcronymsPoint Of Resolution
PORNASA AcronymsPurchase Order Request
PORUncategorized AcronymsProposed Operational Requirement
PORUncategorized AcronymsPortuguese Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
PORBNASA AcronymsProduction Operations Review Board
PORCNNASA AcronymsProduction Oi-der Records Change Notice
PORDNASA AcronymsPerformance And 0iperations Requirements Document
PORGChemistry AcronymsPhotochemical Oxidants Review Group
PORGMedical Acronyms (Slang)Person Of Restricted / Retarded Growth (dwarf / Midget)
PORRNASA AcronymsPreliminary Operat Ons Requirements Review
PORTNASA AcronymsPortable
PORTSUS Military AcronymsPortable Training System
POSChemistry AcronymsPoints-on-a-sphere (repulsion Potential Model
POSNASA AcronymsPacific Ocean Ship
POSNASA AcronymsPortable Oxygen System
POSNASA AcronymsPortable Oxygen System
POSNASA AcronymsPosition
POSUncategorized AcronymsPoint Of Sale Terminal /Retail Industry Transaction Computers.
POSUS Military AcronymsPositiontmtpositive
POSComputer And Internet AcronymsPivoting Optical Servo
POSSMS Chat And Text AcronymsParents Over Shoulder
POSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsParent Over Shoulder
POSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPiece Of Sh*t
POSAPChemistry AcronymsPosition-sensitive Atom Probe
POSCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPiece Of Sh*t Computer
POSCOChemistry AcronymsPohang Steel Company
POSHUncategorized AcronymsPort Outbound Starboard Home (alleged)
POSIXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPortable Operating System Interface For Computer Environments
POSIXUS Military AcronymsPortable Operating System Interface
POSIXComputer And Internet AcronymsPortable Operating System Interface For UNIX
POSNUS Military AcronymsPosition
POSSChemistry AcronymsPolyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane
POSSLQUncategorized AcronymsPerson Of The Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters
POSSLQText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPersons Of The Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters
POSSUMChemistry AcronymsProtein Online Substructure Searching - Ullman Method
POSTNASA AcronymsPayload Operations SuPport Team
POSTNASA AcronymsPositive
POSTNASA AcronymsProgram To OPtimize Simulated Trajectories
POSTComputer And Internet AcronymsPower On Self Test
POTNASA AcronymsPotable
POTNASA AcronymsPotentiometer
POTUncategorized AcronymsPlane Of Tranquility
POTCChatting AcronymsPeck On The Cheek
POTCSMS Chat And Text AcronymsPeck On The Cheek
POTDRChemistry AcronymsPolarization Optical Time Domain Reflectometry
POTSUncategorized AcronymsPlain Old Telephone Service (cf. PANS) - Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
POTSComputer And Internet AcronymsPlain Old Telephone Service
POTSSMS Chat And Text AcronymsPlain Old Telephone Service
POTSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPat On The Shoulder
POTSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPlain Old Telephone System
POTUSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPresident Of The United States
POTWChemistry AcronymsPublicly Owned Treatment Works
POUChemistry AcronymsPoint Of Use
POVNASA AcronymsPeak Operating Voltage
POVNASA AcronymsPneumatic Operated Valve
POVUS Army Acronyms (Official)Privately-Owned Vehicle. A Soldier's Personal Automobile.
POVText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPoint Of View
POWUncategorized AcronymsPrisoner Of War
POWUS Army Acronyms (Official)Privately-Owned Weapon. A Soldier's Personal Weapon.
POW/MPUS Govt. AcronymsPrisoner Of War/Missing Personnel
POWSNASA AcronymsProject Operating Work Statement
POXChemistry AcronymsParticulate Organic Halogen(s)
POXChemistry AcronymsPurgeable Organic Halogen(s)
POYChemistry AcronymsPartially Oriented Yarn (usually Synthetics
PPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParts Per
PPChemistry AcronymsPariser Parr
PPChemistry AcronymsPolarization Propagator
PPNASA AcronymsPartial Pressure
PPNASA AcronymsPlanning Package
PPNASA AcronymsPower Pole
PPNASA AcronymsProgram Performance
PPNASA AcronymsPush-Pull
PPSCUBA Diving AcronymsPartial Pressure
PPUncategorized AcronymsPapua New Guinea (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) -Passage Point - Per Procurationem (Latin
PPUS Military AcronymsPoint To Point

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