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MS Symptoms Early

Acronyms starting with P Page 19

 Acronym Category Meaning
PMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPlatform Management System
PMSChemistry AcronymsPremenstrual Syndrome
PMSMedical AcronymsPeripheral Motor (nervous) System
PMSNASA AcronymsPerformance Management System
PMSNASA AcronymsPerformance Measurement System
PMSNASA AcronymsPerformance Monitoring System
PMSUS Military AcronymsPerformance Measurement System
PMSUS Military AcronymsPlanned Maintenance System
PMSUS Military AcronymsProgram Management System
PMSUS Military AcronymsProgram Manager Sea
PMSComputer And Internet AcronymsPantone Matching System
PMSCUncategorized AcronymsNATO Political-Military Steering Committee On Partnership For Peace
PMSLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPissed MySelf Laughing
PMSRChemistry AcronymsPairwise-mixing Stirred Reactor
PMTAstronomy AcronymsPhotoMultiplier Tube
PMTChemistry AcronymsPasteurella Multocida Toxin
PMTChemistry AcronymsPhotomultiplier Tube
PMTNASA AcronymsPlanning/ManagementTeam
PMTNASA AcronymsProduction Monitoring Test
PMTComputer And Internet AcronymsPhotomultiplier Tube
PMTCNASA AcronymsPacific Missile Test Center
PMTCUS Military AcronymsPacific Missle Test Center (point Mugu)
PMTDIChemistry AcronymsProvisional Maximum Tolerable Daily Intake
PMTRChemistry AcronymsPhotomodulated Thermoreflectance
PMUNASA AcronymsPCM Master Unit
PMUNASA AcronymsPressure Measuring Unit
PMUNASA AcronymsPulse Modulation Unit
PMUComputer Acronyms (Common)Power Management Unit
PNAstronomy AcronymsPlanetary Nebula
PNNASA AcronymsPart Number (P/N Preferred)
PNNASA AcronymsPseudo Noise
PNNASA AcronymsPseudo-Random Noise
PNUncategorized AcronymsPetanewton - Pitcairn Islands (ISO 3166 Digram)
PNUncategorized AcronymsPiconewton
PNAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPacific/North American
PNAChemistry AcronymsParaffins, Naphthenes, And Aromatics (in Petroleum Analysis)
PNAChemistry AcronymsPeanut Agglutinin
PNAChemistry AcronymsPeptide Nucleic Acid
PNAChemistry AcronymsPolynuclear Aromatic Compound(s)
PNACUncategorized AcronymsProject For The New American Century
PNATMBCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPay No Attention To Man Behind The Curtain
PNBMedical AcronymsPulseless Not Breathing
PNCChemistry AcronymsParity Nonconservation
PNCAHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPlease, No Cursing Allowed Here
PNDMedical AcronymsParoxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea
PNDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPersonal Navigation Device
PNDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPossibly Not Definitely
PNDDOChemistry AcronymsPartial Neglect Of Diatomic Differential Overlap
PNDOChemistry AcronymsPartial Neglect Of Differential Overlap
PNECChemistry AcronymsPredicted No-effect Concentration
PNETChemistry AcronymsPrimitive Neuroectodermal Tumor
PNEUNASA AcronymsPneumatic
PNEUUS Military AcronymsPneumatic
PNFUncategorized AcronymsPilot Not Flying (aviation)
PNGUncategorized AcronymsPapua New Guinea (ISO 3166 Trigram) -Portable Network Graphic
PNGComputer Acronyms (Common)Portable Network Graphic; Image Format
PNGComputer And Internet AcronymsPortable Network Graphics; Image Format
PNGVChemistry AcronymsPartnership For A New Generation Of Vehicles
PNHChemistry AcronymsParoxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
PNHMedical AcronymsParoxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
PNHUncategorized AcronymsParoxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria - Police Nationale D'Ha?ti (French
PNLNASA AcronymsPanel
PNLUS Military AcronymsPanel
PNNChemistry AcronymsLead Nickel Niobate
PNNChemistry AcronymsProbabilistic Neural Network
PNNLChemistry AcronymsPacific Northwest National Laboratory
PNNLHuman Genome AcronymsPacific Northwest National Laboratory
PNNLUS Govt. AcronymsPacific Northwest National Laboratory
PNOChemistry AcronymsPair Natural Orbital
PNOChemistry AcronymsPseudonatural Orbital
PNO-CEChemistry AcronymsPseudonatural Orbital-configuration Expansion
PNO-CEPAChemistry AcronymsPseudonatural Orbital-coupled Electron Pair Approximation
PNO-CIChemistry AcronymsPseudonatural Orbital-configuration Interaction
PNPChemistry AcronymsPurine Nucleoside Phosphorylase
PNPNASA AcronymsPrenegotiation Position
PNPUncategorized AcronymsPartido Nuevo Progresista - Plug 'N' Play/Pray - Positive Negative Positive
PNPComputer And Internet AcronymsPlug And Play
PNRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProfiler Network Review
PNRChemistry AcronymsPolarized Neutron Reflection
PNRMedical Acronyms (Slang)Person Needed A Ride I.e. Minor Ailment But Called Ambulance Instead Of Taxi
PNRAChemistry AcronymsPhoton-tagged Nuclear Reaction Analysis
PNSChemistry AcronymsPeripheral Nervous System
PNSMedical AcronymsPeripheral Nervous System
PNSUncategorized AcronymsPensacola
PNVSUncategorized AcronymsPilot Night Vision Sensor
PNVSUS Military AcronymsPilots Night Vision System
POChemistry AcronymsPolarization Orbital
POChemistry AcronymsProjection Operator
POMedical AcronymsBy Mouth / Per Oral
POMedical AcronymsBy Mouth
PONASA AcronymsPersonnel Office (KSC Directorate)
PONASA AcronymsPostorbit
PONASA AcronymsPurchaseOrder
POUncategorized AcronymsDust Devil (METAR Code) -per Os (Latin
POUncategorized AcronymsPolonium
POUS Military AcronymsAmbient Pressure
POUS Military AcronymsProject Officer
POText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPiss Off
PO-DVRChemistry AcronymsPotential Optimized-discrete Variable Representation
PO-DVR-REVChemistry AcronymsPotential Optimized-discrete Variable Representation-ray Eigenvector

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