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Acronyms starting with P Page 14

 Acronym Category Meaning
PIAFMedical Acronyms (Slang)PIssed As A Fart (drunk) (also PAAF -Pissed As A Fart)
PIAMSChemistry AcronymsPhotoionization Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
PIANOChemistry AcronymsParaffin
PIAPSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPig In A Pant Suit
PIARNASA AcronymsProject Impact Analysis Report
PIASChemistry AcronymsPhoton-counting Image Acquisition System
PIBChemistry AcronymsPotential Induced Breathing (model In Electronic-structure Studies In Superconductors)
PIBNASA AcronymsPyrotechnic Installation Building
PIBUncategorized AcronymsPolyIsoButylene
PIBALSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPilot Balloons
PIBKACSMS Chat And Text AcronymsProblem Is Between Keyboard And Chair
PIBKACText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsProblem Is Between Keyboard And Chair
PICChemistry AcronymsPublic Information Center
PICChemistry AcronymsProducts Of Incomplete Combustion
PICNASA AcronymsPayload Integration Center
PICNASA AcronymsPayload Integration Committee
PICNASA AcronymsPreinstallation Checkout
PICNASA AcronymsProgrammable Interval Clock
PICNASA AcronymsPyro Ignition Control
PICNASA AcronymsPyro Initiator Capacitors
PICNASA AcronymsPyro Initiator Controller
PICNASA AcronymsPyro Initiator Controller
PICNASA AcronymsPyrotechnic Initiator Controller
PICComputer And Internet AcronymsProgrammable Interrupt Controller
PICAChemistry AcronymsPicosecond Imaging Circuit Analysis
PICAChemistry AcronymsPolymerization-induced Colloid Aggregation
PICCMedical AcronymsPeripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter
PICFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPrincipal Investigator Computing Facility
PICIChemistry AcronymsPositive-ion Chemical Ionization
PICLSChemistry AcronymsPhotoionization Controlled-loss Spectroscopy
PICNICUncategorized AcronymsProblem In Chair Not In Computer
PICNICComputer And Internet AcronymsProblem In Chair, Not In Computer
PICNICText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsProblem In Chair, Not In Computer
PICPChemistry AcronymsCarboxyterminal Propeptide Of Type I Procollagen
PICPNASA AcronymsProgram Interface Control Plan
PICRSNASA AcronymsProgram Information Control And Retrieval System
PICRSNASA AcronymsProgram Information Coordination And Review
PICRSNASA AcronymsService
PICSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPositive Ion Composition Spectrometer
PICSNASA AcronymsPhoto Index And Cataloging System
PICSNASA AcronymsPredefined Input Control Sequence
PICSUncategorized AcronymsPrivate Investment Capital Subscription
PICTChemistry AcronymsPollution-induced Community Tolerance
PIDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPrototype International Directory
PIDChemistry AcronymsPhotoionization Detector (gas Chromatography)
PIDMedical AcronymsPelvic Inflammatory Disease
PIDNASA AcronymsPayload Insertion Device
PIDNASA AcronymsProgram Information Document
PIDNASA AcronymsProgram Introduction Document
PIDUncategorized AcronymsPelvic Inflammatory Disease -Plan Identification Number - Positive Identification - Procedural Identification -Procurement Identification Description
PIDMedical Acronyms (Slang)Pus In 'Dere (PID Actually Means Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
PIDANASA AcronymsPayload Installation And Deployment Aid
PIDASChemistry AcronymsPortable Instantaneous Display And Analysis Spectrometer
PIDCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPrecision Instrument Development Center
PIDIEChemistry AcronymsPlutonium Isotopic Detn. Intercomparison Exercise
PIDSNASA AcronymsPortable Image Display System
PIDSUS Military AcronymsPrime Item Development Specification
PIENASA AcronymsP/L Integration Equipment
PIECPNASA AcronymsPreliminary Impact Engineering Change Proposal
PIERSChemistry AcronymsPolarized Infrared External Reflection Spectroscopy
PIESChemistry AcronymsPollution Prevention Information Exchange System
PIESChemistry AcronymsPartial Integration Exterior Scaling (in Calcns. On Resonance Positions And Lifetimes
PIESChemistry AcronymsPenning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy
PIETChemistry AcronymsPhotoinduced Intramolecular Electron Transfer
PIFChemistry AcronymsPhotochemically-induced Fluorescence
PIFNASA AcronymsPayload Integration Facility
PIFUncategorized AcronymsPartners In Flight
PIFComputer And Internet AcronymsProgram Information File
PIFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPaid In Full
PIFMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPractical Improved Flux Method
PIFTSSatellite Meterology AcronymsPlanetary Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer
PIGUncategorized AcronymsPipeline Inspection Gauge
PIGANASA AcronymsPendulous Integrating Gyro Accelerometer
PIGEChemistry AcronymsProton Induced Gamma-ray Emission
PIGSChemistry AcronymsPesticides In Groundwater Strategy
PIHUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Public And Indian Housing
PIHMCChemistry AcronymsPath Integral Hybrid Monte Carlo
PIIIChemistry AcronymsPlasma Immersion Ion Implantation
PIINNASA AcronymsProcurement Instrument Identification Number
PILNASA AcronymsProcurement Instrument Identification
PILAChemistry AcronymsPublishers International Linking Association
PILCChemistry AcronymsPillar Interlayered Clays
PILPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProgram For Intercomparison Of Land Surface Parameterization Schemes
PIMChemistry AcronymsPowder Injection Molding
PIMNASA AcronymsPulse Interval Modulation
PIMUncategorized AcronymsParameterized Ionospheric Model - Path Of Intended Motion - Pediatric Index Of Mortality - Personal Information Manager/Management - Presence And Interworking Mobility - Processor-In-Memory - Program Integration Manager - Protocol Independent Multicast
PIMUS Military AcronymsPlan For Maintenance
PIMUS Military AcronymsPoint Of Intended Movement
PIMComputer Acronyms (Common)Personal Information Manager
PIMComputer And Internet AcronymsPersonal Information Manager
PIMAChemistry AcronymsPolyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association
PIMAUS Military AcronymsPlug-in Module Adapter
PIMBEChemistry AcronymsPlasma-induced Molecular-beam Epitaxy
PIMCChemistry AcronymsPath-integral Monte-Carlo
PIMDChemistry AcronymsPath Integral Molecular Dynamics
PIMIAChemistry AcronymsPotentiometric Ionophore-modulation Immunoassay
PIMPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPeeing In My Pants
PIMPLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPeeing In My Pants Laughing
PIMSChemistry AcronymsProcess Information Management System
PINAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPower Input

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