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Acronyms starting with P Page 13

 Acronym Category Meaning
PHNASA AcronymsHydrogen-Ion Concentration (Alkalinity)
PHNASA AcronymsPersonal Hygiene
PHNASA AcronymsPhase
PHUncategorized AcronymsPassive Homing (missile Guidance System) -petahenry - Philippines (ISO 3166 Digram) -Probability Of Hit - Public Health - Purple Heart
PHUncategorized AcronymsParts Of Hydrogen (acidity/alkalinity Index) - Picohenry
PH.D.Medical AcronymsDoctorate Of Philosophy
PH.D.Uncategorized AcronymsPhilosophi? Doctor (Latin
PHAAstronomy AcronymsPhysics And Astronomy
PHAChemistry AcronymsProcess Hazard Analysis
PHANASA AcronymsPreliminary Hazard Analyses
PHAUncategorized AcronymsPolyHydroxyAlkanoate -Potentially Hazardous Asteroid
PHAUS Govt. AcronymsPublic Housing Agency
PHAUS Military AcronymsPreliminary Hazard Analysis
PHANTOMMChemistry AcronymsPhoto-activated Nonintrusive Tracking Of Molecular Motion
PHASChemistry AcronymsPollution Hazard Assessment System
PHATMedical Acronyms (Slang)Pretty Hot And Tempting (warning To Others)
PHATText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPretty Hot And Tempting
PHBUS Military AcronymsPhotographic Bulletin (tdc 69)
PHBComputer And Internet AcronymsPhotochemical Hole Burning
PHBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPointy Haired Boss
PHBTDChemistry Acronyms(number)projected-hartree-bogolyubov Tamm-dancoff(quantum Method)
PHCChemistry AcronymsPhotonic Crystal
PHCChemistry AcronymsPrimary Hepatocellular Carcinoma
PHCUS Military AcronymsPhotographic Change (tdc 68)
PHDChemistry AcronymsP-helicity Decoupling Scheme (p=momentum)
PHDDChemistry AcronymsPolyhalogenated Dibenzodioxin(s)
PHDFChemistry AcronymsPolyhalogenated Dibenzofuran(s)
PHEChemistry AcronymsPotentially Harmful Element
PHEMTChemistry AcronymsPseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor
PHENIXChemistry AcronymsPioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction EXperiment
PHFChemistry AcronymsPaired Helical Filament
PHFChemistry AcronymsPeriodic Hartree-Fock
PHFChemistry AcronymsPerturbative Hartree-Fock
PHFChemistry AcronymsProjected Hartree Fock
PHFNASA AcronymsPayload Handling Fixture
PHFNASA AcronymsPersonal Hygiene Facility
PHF-OCEChemistry AcronymsPerturbative Hartree-Fock One-center Expansion
PHFSChemistry AcronymsPerturbative Hartree-Fock-Slater
PHHChemistry AcronymsPlanar Halogenated Hydrocarbon
PHIGSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProgrammer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System
PHIGSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPortable Hierarchical Image And Graphic Standard
PHIGSUS Military AcronymsProgrammer's Hierachical Interactive Graphics System (iso)
PHIPChemistry AcronymsPara-Hydrogen Induced Polarization
PHKNASA AcronymsPersonal Hygiene Kit
PHLUncategorized AcronymsPhilippines (ISO 3166 Trigram)
PHMNASA AcronymsPer Hundred Million
PHMUS Military AcronymsPatrol Hydrofoil Guided Missile Ship (combatant
PHMCNASA AcronymsProbe Heater Motor Controller
PHMSUS Military AcronymsPilot Helmet Sight System
PHNUS Govt. AcronymsCenter For Population
PHOChemistry AcronymsPseudoharmonic Oscillator
PHOTONASA AcronymsPhotograph
PHOTOSELEXChemistry AcronymsPhotochemical Systematic Evolution Of Ligands By Exponential Enrichment
PHOXAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPhotochemical Oxidant And Acid Deposition Model Application
PHPNASA AcronymsPayload Handling Panel
PHPUncategorized AcronymsPhilippine Peso (ISO 4217 Currency Code) -PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (originally Personal Home Page (Tools))
PHPComputer Acronyms (Common)Hypertext Preprocessor
PHPComputer And Internet AcronymsPHP Hypertext Preprocessor (Personal Home Page)
PHPPOUS Govt. AcronymsPublic Health Practice Program Office
PHPSUS Govt. AcronymsPublic Health Prevention Service
PHRNASA AcronymsPayload Hazardous Report
PHREDChemistry AcronymsPublic Health Risk Evaluation Data
PHSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPublic Health Service
PHSChemistry AcronymsPublic Health Service
PHSChemistry AcronymsProstaglandin H Synthase
PHSNASA AcronymsPayload Handling Station
PHSUS Govt. AcronymsPublic Health Service
PHSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Positive Hilton Sign - Demanding Patient Expects Hilton Hotel Luxury; Indicates Patient Well Enough To Leave!
PHSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPointy Haired Stupidvisor
PHS&TUS Military AcronymsPackaging, Handling, Storage And Transportation
PHSFNASA AcronymsPayload Hazardous Servicing Facility
PHTChemistry AcronymsPulmonary Hypertension
PHTNUS Govt. AcronymsPublic Health Training Network
PHWRChemistry AcronymsPressurized Heavy Water Reactor
PIAstronomy AcronymsPrincipal Investigator
PIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPrincipal Investigator
PIChemistry AcronymsPlugging Index
PIChemistry AcronymsPollution Index
PIChemistry AcronymsPolydispersity Index
PIMedical AcronymsPresent Illness
PIMedical AcronymsPresent Illness
PINASA AcronymsPayload Interrogator
PINASA AcronymsPaYload Interrogator
PINASA AcronymsPen And Ink (Document Update)
PINASA AcronymsPreliminary Investigation
PINASA AcronymsPrincipal Investigator
PINASA AcronymsProcurement Item
PINASA AcronymsProgram Introduction
PIUncategorized AcronymsPolyImide - PolyIsoprene - Private Investigator
PIUncategorized AcronymsP?li Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
PIUncategorized AcronymsPebi
PIUS Military AcronymsProcurement Instruction
PI/TLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPrincipal Investigator/Team Leader
PI3KChemistry AcronymsPhosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
PIAChemistry AcronymsPeaking Impulse Approxn. (for Electron-exchange Collisions)
PIANASA AcronymsPreinstallation Acceptance
PIANASA AcronymsProject Impact Analysis
PIAMedical Acronyms (Slang)Pain In The Ass
PIACChemistry AcronymsPolymer Industrial Advisory Council
PIADChemistry AcronymsPlasma-ion Assisted Deposition

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