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Acronyms starting with P Page 12

 Acronym Category Meaning
PFNUS Military AcronymsPulse Forming Network
PFNAChemistry AcronymsPulsed Fast-neutron Analysis
PFOUncategorized AcronymsPissed
PFOMedical Acronyms (Slang)Pissed (Drunk) And Fell Over
PFOAChemistry AcronymsPerfluorooctanoic Acid
PFOEChemistry AcronymsPolarized First-order Exchange
PFPNASA AcronymsPrograin Financial Plan
PFPNASA AcronymsProgrammable Function Panel
PFPUncategorized AcronymsPartnership For Peace
PFPBChemistry AcronymsPoint-feed Prebaked [in Al Refining]
PFPDChemistry AcronymsPulsed-flame Photometer Detector
PFPEChemistry AcronymsPerfluorinated Polyether
PFRChemistry AcronymsPlug Flow Reactor
PFRNASA AcronymsPortable Foot Restraint
PFRComputer And Internet AcronymsPortable Font Resource
PFRAMChemistry AcronymsPolymeric Ferroelectric Random Access Memory
PFRPChemistry AcronymsProcess To Further Reduce Pathogens
PFRTNASA AcronymsPreliminary Flight Rating Test
PFRXNASA AcronymsPreflight Relmat (X- 1
PFSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPhysical Facilities Service(s)
PFSChemistry AcronymsPlanetary Fourier Spectrometry
PFSNASA AcronymsPercent Full Scale
PFSNASA AcronymsPrimary Flight System
PFTChemistry AcronymsPulmonary Functional Test(s)
PFTMedical AcronymsPulmonary Function Test
PFTANASA AcronymsPaY[oad Flight Test Article
PFTNAChemistry AcronymsPulsed Fast Thermal Neutron Analysis
PFUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProto Flight Unit
PFUChemistry AcronymsPlaque-forming Units
PFWMChemistry AcronymsParametric Four-wave Mixing
PFZChemistry AcronymsPolar Frontal Zone
PGHuman Genome AcronymsPlant Genome
PGMedical AcronymsProstaglandin
PGNASA AcronymsPower Generation
PGNASA AcronymsPressure Gage
PGSCUBA Diving AcronymsPressure Group
PGUncategorized AcronymsPapua New Guinea (ISO 3166 Digram) -Parental Guidance (rating)
PGUncategorized AcronymsPetagram
PGUncategorized AcronymsPicogram
PGUS Military AcronymsPage
PGUS Military AcronymsPatrol Combatant Ship
PG&EUncategorized AcronymsPacific Gas & Electric
PGAChemistry AcronymsProstaglandin A
PGANASA AcronymsPower Generating Assembly
PGANASA AcronymsPressure Garment Assembly
PGANASA AcronymsProgrammable Gain Amplifier
PGAComputer And Internet AcronymsPad Grid Array
PGAComputer And Internet AcronymsPin Grid Array
PGAComputer And Internet AcronymsProfessional Graphic Adapter
PGAAChemistry AcronymsPrompt Gamma-ray Activation Analysis
PGCEUncategorized AcronymsPostgraduate Certificate In Education
PGDUncategorized AcronymsPre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis
PGDCSNASA Acronyms Power Generation
PGDCSNASA AcronymsSubsystem
PGDNChemistry AcronymsPropylene Glycol Dinitrate
PGEChemistry AcronymsPlatinum Group Elements
PGEChemistry AcronymsProstaglandin E
PGENASA AcronymsPurge
PGENIUncategorized AcronymsPharmaco-Genetics For Every Nation Initiative
PGFChemistry AcronymsPseudo Green Function
PGGAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPermanent GPS Geodetic Array
PGHUncategorized AcronymsPre-implantation Genetic Haplotyping
PGHUS Military AcronymsPatrol Gunboat (hydrofoil)(coastal Patrol Combatant)
PGHMNASA AcronymsPayload Ground Handling Mechanism
PGHMNASA AcronymsPayload Ground Handling Mechanism
PGHSChemistry AcronymsProstaglandin H Synthase
PGIPChemistry AcronymsPolygalacturonase-inhibiting Protein
PGKUncategorized AcronymsPapua New Guinea Kina (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
PGMChemistry AcronymsPlatinum-group Metals
PGMChemistry AcronymsPlatinum-group Mineral(s)
PGMNASA AcronymsProgram (able)
PGMUncategorized AcronymsPrecision-Guided Munition
PGMComputer And Internet AcronymsPragmatic General Multicast / Pretty Good Multicast
PGNAAChemistry AcronymsPrompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis
PGNCSNASA AcronymsPrimary G&N And Control System (Subsystem)
PGNPChemistry AcronymsPrompt Gamma Neutron Probe
PGOChemistry AcronymsPhantom Group Orbital
PGORNASA AcronymsPayload Ground Operation Requirements
PGORSNASA AcronymsPayload Ground Operations Requirements Study
PGPChemistry AcronymsPrevious Glacial Period (glacial Maximum Of O18 Stage 6; Predates The LGM)
PGPUncategorized AcronymsPretty Good Privacy
PGPComputer And Internet AcronymsPretty Good Privacy
PGRChemistry AcronymsPlant Growth Regulator
PGRNASA AcronymsSPacelab Planning And Ground Rule
PGRDSUS Military AcronymsPrototype Generic Radar Display System
PGRWGNASA AcronymsPayload Ground Requirements Working Group
PGSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProduct
PGSChemistry AcronymsPhosphosilicate Glass
PGSNASA AcronymsPower Generation Subsystem
PGSEChemistry AcronymsPulsed Gradient Spin Echo
PGSENASA AcronymsPayload Ground Support Equipment
PGSEUS Military AcronymsPeculiar Ground Support Equipment
PGTMedical Acronyms (Slang)Pissed (Drunk) And Got Thumped
PGTLUS Military AcronymsPlanning Group For Training And Logistics
PGTSUS Military AcronymsPrecision Gunnery Training System
PGUNASA AcronymsPlant Growth Unit
PGWDBChemistry AcronymsPesticides In Ground Water Database
PGWGNASA AcronymsParticles And Gasses Working Group
PHMedical AcronymsPast History
PHMedical AcronymsConcentration Of Hydrogen Ions

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