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 Acronym Category Meaning
OLPGAAChemistry AcronymsOn-line Prompt Gamma-ray Activation Analysis
OLRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOutgoing Longwave Radiation
OLRChemistry AcronymsOrganic Loading Rate
OLSChemistry AcronymsOrdinary Least Squares
OLSChemistry AcronymsOnline Library System
OLSUncategorized AcronymsOperational Linescan System
OLSANASA AcronymsOrbiter/LPS Signal Adapter
OLSPNASA AcronymsOrbiter Logistics Support Plan
OLSPUS Military AcronymsOperational Logistic Support Plan
OLSRChemistry AcronymsOrdinary Least Squares Regression
OLTChemistry AcronymsOrthotopic Liver Transplantation
OLTPComputer And Internet AcronymsOn-Line Transaction Processing
OMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOffice Of Meteorology
OMNASA AcronymsOperational Mid DSC Or MDM
OMNASA AcronymsOptical Master
OMNASA AcronymsOrbital Maneuvering Engine
OMNASA AcronymsOrbiter Main Engine
OMNASA AcronymsOuter Marker (ILS)
OMNASA AcronymsRS Operations And Maintenance Requirements Specification
OMUncategorized AcronymsOman (ISO 3166 Digram)
OMUncategorized AcronymsOromo Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
OMUS Military AcronymsOperator's Manual
OMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsOld Man
OMANASA AcronymsOperations Maintenance Area
OMANASA AcronymsOrbiter Maintenance Area
OMAUncategorized AcronymsOpen Mobile Alliance - Operations & Maintenance
OMAUS Military AcronymsOrganizational Maintenance Activity
OMAOUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Marine And Aviation Operations
OMARUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Medical Applications Of Research
OMBAstronomy AcronymsOffice Of Management And Budget
OMBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOffice Of Management And Budget
OMBChemistry AcronymsOffice Of Management And Budget
OMBNASA AcronymsOffice Of Management And Budget
OMBUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Office Of Management And Budget - Ontario Municipal Board -Order Of Mapungubwe In Bronze
OMBUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Management And Budget
OMBUS Military AcronymsOffice Of Manpower And Budget
OMBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsOh My Buddha
OMBDChemistry AcronymsOrganic Molecular Beam Deposition
OMBEChemistry AcronymsOrganic Molecular Beam Epitaxy
OMBUUNASA AcronymsOrbiter Midbody Umbilical Unit
OMCNASA AcronymsOrbiter Maintenance And Checkout
OMCFNASA AcronymsOperations And Maintenance Control File
OMCFNASA AcronymsOrbiter Maintenance And Checkout Facility
OMCVDChemistry AcronymsOrganometallic Chemical Vapor Deposition
OMDNASA AcronymsOperations And Maintenance Documentation
OMDNASA AcronymsOrbiter Mating Device
OMDUncategorized AcronymsOrchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark (1980s Pop Group)
OMDUS Military AcronymsOperations Maintenance Division
OMDBSMS Chat And Text AcronymsOver My Dead Body
OMDBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsOver My Dead Body
OMDPAstronomy AcronymsOrbiter Maintenance Down Period
OMDRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOptical Memory Disk Recorder
OMDRNASA AcronymsOperations And Maintenance Data Record
OMDRINASA AcronymsOperations And Maintainability Data Record
OMENASA AcronymsOrbital Main Engine
OMEUncategorized AcronymsOsaka Mercantile Exchange
OMEGAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOperational And Prediction Multi-scale Environmental Model With Grid Adaptivity
OMEGAChemistry AcronymsMethod In Molecular Orbital Calculations
OMETNASA AcronymsOrbiter Mission Elapsed Time
OMEWGNASA AcronymsOrbiter Maintenance Engineering Working Group
OMEXChemistry AcronymsOcean Margin Exchange
OMFGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsOh My F*cking God
OMGUncategorized AcronymsObject Management Group - Oh
OMGUS Military AcronymsObject Management Group
OMGComputer And Internet AcronymsObject Management Group
OMGComputer And Internet AcronymsOh My God
OMGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsOh My God
OMGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsOh My Gosh
OMGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsOh My God
OMGWTFBBQMedical Acronyms (Slang)Oh My God, What The F*ck, Bar-be-que; A Person Mangled In A Car Crash
OMHUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Minority Health
OMHARUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring
OMHCEChemistry AcronymsOrganic Material Hydrocarbon Equivalent
OMINASA AcronymsOperations And Maintenance Instruction
OMIKText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsOpen Mouth, Insert Keyboard
OMIMChemistry AcronymsOnline Mendelian Inheritance In Man
OMIMHuman Genome AcronymsOnline Mendelian Inheritance In Man
OMISNASA AcronymsOperational Management Information System
OMISSNASA AcronymsOperation And Maintenance Instruction Summary Sheet(s)
OMLNASA AcronymsOrbiter Mold Line
OMLNASA AcronymsOuter Mold Line
OMLNASA AcronymsOutside Mold Line
OMLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsOh My Lord
OMMUS Govt. AcronymsOffshore Minerals Management Program
OMMHNASA AcronymsOrbiter Maintenance Man-Hours
OMMSQAChemistry AcronymsOffice Of Modeling
OMNUncategorized AcronymsOman (ISO 3166 Trigram)
OMNETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
OMNINASA AcronymsOmnidirectional
OMNINASA AcronymsOmni-Range
OMNIUS Military AcronymsVhf Omnidirectional Range
OMNISChemistry AcronymsObservatory For Multiflavor Neutrinos From Supernovae
OMNMHCEChemistry AcronymsOrganic Material Nonmethane Hydrocarbon Equivalent
OMOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOffice Of Meteorological Observations
OMOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOrbiting Meteorological Observatory
OMOChemistry AcronymsOrthogonalized Magnetic Orbital
OMOChemistry AcronymsOrthonormal Molecular Orbital
OMPChemistry AcronymsOptimized Model Potential
OMPChemistry AcronymsOuter Membrane Protein
OMPNASA AcronymsOperations And Maintenance Plan

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