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Acronyms starting with N Page 20

 Acronym Category Meaning
NTCCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNimbus Technical Control Center
NTCFChemistry AcronymsNational Toxics Campaign Fund
NTDChemistry AcronymsNeutron Transmutation Doping
NTDChemistry AcronymsNuclear Track Detector
NTDMedical AcronymsNeural Tube Defect
NTDBChemistry AcronymsNational Trade Databank
NTDSUncategorized AcronymsNaval Tactical Data System
NTDSUS Military AcronymsNavy Tactical Data System
NTDSUS Military AcronymsNavy Technical Data System
NTDSUS Military AcronymsNavy Tactical Data Systems (lab) (20f17)
NTEFChemistry AcronymsNear Total External Fluorescence
NTFSComputer Acronyms (Common)New Technology File System
NTFSComputer And Internet AcronymsNT File System
NTGSChemistry AcronymsAir/Superfund National Technical Guidance Study
NTHGUS Military AcronymsNothing
NTIChemistry AcronymsNational Toxics Inventory
NTIChemistry AcronymsNegative Thermal Ionization (for Mass Spectrometry)
NTIAUS Govt. AcronymsNational Telecommunications And Information Administration
NTIACChemistry AcronymsNondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center
NTIMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot That It Matters
NTIMMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot That It Matters Much
NTIMSChemistry AcronymsNegative Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
NTIPPUS Military AcronymsNavy Technical Information Presentation Program
NTISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Technical Information Service
NTISChemistry AcronymsNational Technical Information Service
NTISNASA AcronymsNational Technical Information Service
NTISUS Govt. AcronymsNational Technical Information Service
NTISUS Military AcronymsNational Technical Information Service
NTISSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Telecommunications And Information Systems Security
NTKText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNice To Know
NTMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot That Much
NTNAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Telecommunications Network
NTNChemistry AcronymsNational Trends Network
NTNCWSChemistry AcronymsNontransient, Noncommunity Water Supplies
NTOChemistry AcronymsNatural Transition Orbital Method (for Excited States)
NTONASA AcronymsNitrogenTetroxide
NTPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNetwork Time Protocol
NTPChemistry AcronymsNational Toxicology Program
NTPChemistry AcronymsNormal Temperature And Pressure
NTPNASA AcronymsNetwork Test Panel
NTPNASA AcronymsNormal Temperature And Pressure
NTPNASA AcronymsNotice ToProceed
NTPUncategorized AcronymsNetwork Time Protocol
NTPUS Govt. AcronymsNational Toxicology Program
NTPUS Military AcronymsNavy Training Plan
NTPCUS Military AcronymsNavy Training Plan Conference
NTRAstronomy AcronymsNuclear Thermal Rocket(ry)
NTRChemistry AcronymsNontranslated Region
NTRUncategorized AcronymsNetwork Time Reference
NTRANSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMetacode Translator
NTRMChemistry AcronymsNIST Traceable Ref. Materials
NTRSChemistry AcronymsNational Technology Roadmap For Semiconductors
NTSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNevada Test Site
NTSChemistry AcronymsNevada Test Site
NTSChemistry AcronymsNucleus Of The Solitary Tract
NTSNASA AcronymsNear Term Schedule
NTSNASA AcronymsNot To Scale
NTSUS Military AcronymsNaval Training Station
NTSBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Transportation Safety Board
NTSBChemistry AcronymsNational Transportation Safety Board
NTSBUncategorized AcronymsNational Transportation Safety Board
NTSBUS Govt. AcronymsNational Transportation Safety Board
NTSCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Television System Committee
NTSCUncategorized AcronymsNational Television Standards Committee (colloquially
NTSCUS Military AcronymsNaval Training Systems Center
NTSCComputer And Internet AcronymsNational Television Standards Committee
NTSONASA AcronymsNASA Test Support Office
NTTAstronomy AcronymsNew Technology Telescope
NTTAAChemistry AcronymsNational Technology Transfer And Advancement Act
NTTAWWTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot That There's Anything Wrong With That
NTTCChemistry AcronymsNational Technical Transfer Center
NTTCUS Military AcronymsNaval Technical Training Center (corry Field)
NTTFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNASA Test And Training Facility
NTTFNASA AcronymsNetwork Test And Training Facility
NTUChemistry AcronymsNephelometric Turbidity Unit
NTUChemistry AcronymsNumber Of Transfer Units (in Packed Tower Aeration System)
NTVUncategorized AcronymsNon-Tactical Vehicle
NTWText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot To Worry
NTYMIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNow That You Mention It
NTZUncategorized AcronymsIraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone (ISO 3166 Trigram; Obsolete 1993)
NUUncategorized AcronymsNicaragua (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Niue (ISO 3166 Digram) - Nunavut (postal Symbol)
NUUS Military AcronymsNose Up
NUBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNew Person To A Site, Game Or Venture (Newbie)
NUBUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Non-Useful Body. Someone Who, While Assigned To The Unit, Can Not Be Fully Utilized, Generally Because They Have Not Yet Completed The Requisite Qualifications.
NUCC(C)Uncategorized AcronymsNordic University Computer Club (Conference)
NUCEFChemistry AcronymsNuclear Fuel Cycle Safety Engineering Research Facility
NUCLEARNASA AcronymsShuNuclear Shuttle
NUDUS Military AcronymsNon-update
NUFFSMS Chat And Text AcronymsEnough Said
NUFFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsEnough Said
NULNASA AcronymsNon-GSE Utilization List
NULUncategorized AcronymsNull Character (ASCII Code Of Control Character) - National Urban League
NUMAComputer And Internet AcronymsNon-Uniform Memory Access
NUOUS Military AcronymsNorth Up
NURChemistry AcronymsNitrate Utilization Rate
NURBSComputer And Internet AcronymsNon-Uniform Rational B-Spline
NUREAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Uranium Resource Evaluation
NUREChemistry AcronymsNational Uranium And Resource Evaluation
NURPChemistry AcronymsNationwide Urban Runoff Program (USEPA)
NURSAChemistry AcronymsNuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas

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