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Acronyms starting with N Page 11

 Acronym Category Meaning
NIBUncategorized AcronymsNew In Box (Internet Auction/trading Listings)
NIBSCChemistry AcronymsNational Institute For Biological Standards And Control
NICAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNetwork Interface Card
NICNASA AcronymsNNIC Not In Contract
NICUncategorized AcronymsNetwork Interface Card -Nicaragua (ISO 3166 Trigram)
NICUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute Of Corrections
NICComputer Acronyms (Common)Network Interface Card
NICComputer And Internet AcronymsNetwork Interface Card
NICAChemistry AcronymsNonideal Competitive Adsorption
NICAPUncategorized AcronymsNational Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena
NICDNASA AcronymsNNICDNickel Cadmium
NICEChemistry AcronymsNeutral Interstellar Composition Experiment
NICEUncategorized AcronymsUK. National Institute For Health And Clinical Excellence
NICEText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNo Intelligent Comments Exist
NICE-OHMSChemistry AcronymsNoise-immune Cavity-enhanced Optical Heterodyne Molecular Spectroscopy
NICHDHuman Genome AcronymsNational Institute Of Child Health And Human Development
NICHDUncategorized AcronymsNational Institute Of Child Health And Human Development [4]
NICHDUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute Of Child Health And Human Development
NICIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNegative Ion Chemical Ionization
NICIChemistry AcronymsNegative Ion Chemical Ionization (mass Spectrometry)
NICISSChemistry AcronymsNeutral Impact Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy
NICMOSAstronomy AcronymsNear Infrared Camera/Multi Object Spectrometer
NICMOSChemistry AcronymsNear-IR Camera And Multiobject Spectrometer
NICNASChemistry AcronymsNational Industrial Chemicals Notification And Assessment Scheme (Australia)
NICPUncategorized AcronymsNational Inventory Control Point
NICSChemistry AcronymsNucleus-independent Chemical Shifts
NICUMedical AcronymsNeonatal Intensive Care Unit
NIDAUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute On Drug Abuse
NIDCDUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute On Deafness And Other Communication Disorders
NIDCRUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute Of Dental And Craniofacial Research
NIDDKUncategorized AcronymsNational Institute Of Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Diseases
NIDDKUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute Of Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Disease
NIDDMChemistry AcronymsNon-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus
NIDDMMedical AcronymsNoninsulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
NIDRRUncategorized AcronymsNational Institute On Disability Research And Rehabilitation
NIDRRUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute On Disability And Rehabilitation Research
NIDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNEXRAD Information Dissemination Service
NIDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNEXRAD Information And Data System
NIDSNASA AcronymsNNIDSNetwork Interface Data System
NIEHSChemistry AcronymsNational Institute Of Environmental Health Science
NIEHSUncategorized AcronymsNational Institute Of Environmental Health Sciences
NIEHSUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute Of Environmental Health Sciences
NIELChemistry AcronymsNon-ionizing Energy Loss
NIEMChemistry AcronymsNoniterative Integral Equation Method
NIESAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Institute Of Environmental Science
NIESChemistry AcronymsNational Institute For Environmental Studies (Japan)
NIESSTChemistry AcronymsNuclear Decay-induced Excited-spin-state Trapping
NIFChemistry AcronymsNational Ignition Facility
NIFCUS Govt. AcronymsNational Interagency Fire Center
NIFLUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute For Literacy
NIFOCChatting AcronymsNaked In Front Of Computer
NIFOCSMS Chat And Text AcronymsNaked In Front Of Computer
NIFOCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNude In Front Of The Computer
NIGAChemistry AcronymsNeutron Induced Gamma Activity
NIGCUS Govt. AcronymsNational Indian Gaming Commission
NIGECAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Institute For Global Environmental Change
NIGETChemistry AcronymsNeutron-induced Gamma-ray Emission Tomography
NIGMSChemistry AcronymsNational Institute Of General Medical Sciences (NIH)
NIGMSHuman Genome AcronymsNational Institute Of General Medical Sciences
NIGMSHuman Genome AcronymsNatl. Institute Of General Medical Sciences
NIGMSUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute Of General Medical Sciences
NIGYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNow I've Got You
NIGYYSOBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNow I've Got You, You Son Of A B*tch
NIHAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Institute Of Health
NIHChemistry AcronymsNational Institutes Of Health
NIHHuman Genome AcronymsNational Institutes Of Health
NIHUncategorized AcronymsNational Institutes Of Health - Not Invented Here
NIHUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institutes Of Health
NIHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot Invented Here
NIHHSChemistry AcronymsNotification Of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances Regulations (UK)
NIHLChemistry AcronymsNoise-Induced Hearing Loss
NIINUncategorized AcronymsNational Item Identification Number
NIINUS Military AcronymsNational Item Identification Number
NIJUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute Of Justice
NILNASA AcronymsNNIL No Limit (NL Preferred)
NILDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNo Intelligent Life Detected
NILOBusiness And FinanceNational Investments And Loans Office
NILUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNorwegian Institute For Air Research
NIMNASA AcronymsNNIM Nuclear Instrumentation Module
NIMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNo Internal Message
NIMAUncategorized AcronymsNational Imagery And Mapping Agency (became NGA)
NIMAUS Govt. AcronymsNational Imagery And Mapping Agency (replaced By NGA)
NIMBUSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNetworked Information Management Client-Based User Service
NIMBYChemistry AcronymsNot In My Backyard
NIMBYUncategorized AcronymsNot In My Back Yard
NIMBYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot In My Back Yard
NIMHUncategorized AcronymsNational Institute Of Medical Herbalists - National Institute Of Mental Health
NIMHUncategorized AcronymsNickel Metal Hydride (Ni Is The Chemical Symbol For Nickel)
NIMHUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute Of Mental Health
NIMHComputer And Internet AcronymsNickel Metal Hydride
NIMJDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot In My Job Description
NIMQText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNot In My Queue
NIMRChemistry AcronymsNational Institute For Medical Research
NIMRODAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNorthern Illinois Meteorological Research On Downbursts
NIMSAstronomy AcronymsNear Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
NIMSChemistry AcronymsNear-IR Mapping Spectrometer
NIMSChemistry AcronymsNegative Ion Mass Spectrometry
NIMYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsNever In A Million Years
NINUncategorized AcronymsNine Inch Nails (band)
NINDSUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke

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