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Acronyms starting with M Page 30

 Acronym Category Meaning
MVRChemistry AcronymsMechanical Vapor Recompression (evaporator)
MVRNASA AcronymsManeuver
MVRUncategorized AcronymsMaldivian Rufiyaa (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
MVSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMultiple Virtual Storage
MVSNASA AcronymsMiddle Value Select
MVSNASA AcronymsMultiple Virtual Storage
MVSComputer And Internet AcronymsMultiple Virtual Storage
MVS/XAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMultiple Virtual Systems/Extended Architecture
MVTChemistry AcronymsMississippi Valley-type
MVTNASA AcronymsMission Verification Test
MVTUS Military AcronymsModule Verification Testing
MWAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMicrowave
MWAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMegawords
MWChemistry AcronymsMolecular Weight
MWNASA AcronymsMmw Microwave
MWNASA AcronymsMmw Milliwatt
MWNASA AcronymsMan Week
MWUncategorized AcronymsMaintenance Of Way (also MOW) -Malawi (ISO 3166 Digram) -Medium Wave (radio) -Megawatt
MWUncategorized AcronymsMilliwatt
MWAHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsThe Sound Of A Kiss
MWBNASA AcronymsMMWB Master Work Book
MWBRLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMore Will Be Revealed Later
MWCChemistry AcronymsMunicipal Waste Combustor(s)
MWCUncategorized AcronymsMaritime Warfare Centre (various Nations)
MWCOChemistry AcronymsMolecular Weight Cut-off (in Membrane
MWDChemistry AcronymsMolecular Weight Distribution
MWEPChemistry AcronymsMonofilled Waste Extraction Procedure
MWESHUncategorized AcronymsMachismo Wizards Extended SHelter (operating System)
MWFAChemistry AcronymsMetalworking Fluids Containing Amines
MWGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMeteorological Working Group
MWGNASA AcronymsMMWG Maintenance Analyzer Working Group
MWGBUS Military AcronymsMid Wing Gear Box
MWHChemistry AcronymsMulliken-Wolfsberg-Helmholz (molecular Orbital Method)
MWIChemistry AcronymsMedical Waste Incinerator(s)
MWIUncategorized AcronymsMalawi (ISO 3166 Trigram)
MWIRChemistry AcronymsMedium Wavelength IR
MWISPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMt. Washington Winter Icing And Storms Project
MWKUncategorized AcronymsMalawi Kwacha (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
MWMChemistry AcronymsMorris Water Maze
MWMChemistry AcronymsMeandering Winding Magnetometer
MWNTChemistry AcronymsMultiwall Nanotube
MWOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMt. Washington Observatory
MWOAUncategorized AcronymsMount Wilson Observatory Association
MWPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMicroWave Profiler
MWPChemistry AcronymsMixed Waste Paper
MWPChemistry AcronymsMoving Wave Packet (model For Mol. Scattering)
MWPNASA AcronymsMMWP Maximum Working Pressure
MWPCChemistry AcronymsMultiwire Proportional Chamber
MWPRNASA AcronymsMMWPRMonthly Work Package Report
MWRNASA AcronymsMMWR Mean Width Ratio
MWRUncategorized AcronymsMorale
MWSUS Military AcronymsMissile Warning Set
MWTAChemistry AcronymsMedical Waste Tracking Act
MWVNASA AcronymsMmwv Maximum Working Voltage
MXChemistry Acronyms3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone
MXNASA AcronymsMmx Multiplex
MXUncategorized AcronymsMail Exchange -Mexico (FIPS 10-4 Country Code; ISO 3166 Digram) -Missile EXperimental
MXNUncategorized AcronymsMexican Peso (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
MXRFChemistry AcronymsMicro-beam X-ray Fluorescence
MYNASA AcronymsMMY Man Year
MYUncategorized AcronymsBurmese Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
MYUncategorized AcronymsMalaysia (FIPS 10-4 Country Code; ISO 3166 Digram)
MYAUncategorized AcronymsBurmese Language (ISO 639-2 Code) -million Years Ago
MYF5Chemistry AcronymsMyogenic Factor 5
MYFARSUS Military AcronymsMulti-function Array Radar System
MYLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMind Your Language
MYOBUncategorized AcronymsMind Your Own Business
MYOBSMS Chat And Text AcronymsMind Your Own Business
MYOBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMind Your Own Business
MYPUS Military AcronymsMulti-year Procurement
MYRUncategorized AcronymsMalaysian Ringgit (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
MYSUncategorized AcronymsMalaysia (ISO 3166 Trigram)
MYTUncategorized AcronymsMayotte (ISO 3166 Trigram)
MYTANASA AcronymsMMYTAMaintainability Task Analyses
MYVALNASA AcronymsMMYVALMaintainability Evaluation
MZUncategorized AcronymsMach-Zehnder (interferometer) -Magnetic Azimuth -Move
MZDOChemistry AcronymsModified Zero Differential Overlap
MZFWNASA AcronymsMMZFWMaximum Zero Fuel Weight
MZNUncategorized AcronymsMozambique Metical (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
MZPFGEChemistry AcronymsMultiple-zone Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis

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