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Acronyms starting with M Page 26

 Acronym Category Meaning
MSECUS Military AcronymsMillisecond
MSELChemistry AcronymsMaterials Science And Engineering Laboratory
MSELUS Govt. AcronymsMaterials Science And Engineering Library
MSEPChemistry AcronymsMean Square Error Of Prediction
MSFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetic Flux Structures
MSFChemistry AcronymsMulti-stage Flash Distillation Plant
MSFNASA AcronymsMaintenance Source File
MSFNASA AcronymsManned Space Flight
MSFAChemistry AcronymsMonosegmented Flow Analysis
MSFCAstronomy AcronymsMarshall Space Flight Center
MSFCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMarshall Space Flight Center
MSFCChemistry AcronymsMarshall Space Flight Center
MSFCNASA AcronymsGeorge C. Marshall SPace Flight Center
MSFCNASA AcronymsMarshall Space Flight Center
MSFDUS Military AcronymsMillimeter Wave Seeker Feasibility Demo
MSFEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMechanisms Of Soil Formation And Evolution
MSFIAChemistry AcronymsMultisyringe Flow Injection Analysispar
MSFNNASA AcronymsManned Space Flight Network
MSFPNASA AcronymsManned Space Flight Program
MSGChemistry AcronymsMonosodium Glutamate
MSGNASA AcronymsMechanical Subsystem Group
MSGNASA AcronymsMessage
MSGNASA AcronymsMission SupportGroup
MSGSatellite Meterology AcronymsMeteosat Second Generation
MSGUncategorized AcronymsMonoSodium Glutamate
MSGUS Military AcronymsMessage
MSGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsMessage
MSGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMessage
MSGCChemistry AcronymsMicrostrip Gas Chamber
MSHChemistry AcronymsMelanocyte-stimulating Hormone
MSHUncategorized AcronymsMedium Support Helicopter - Mount Saint Helens
MSHAChemistry AcronymsMine Safety And Health Administration (US)
MSHAUS Govt. AcronymsMine Safety And Health Administration
MSIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMeasurements
MSIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMaximum Strategy
MSIChemistry AcronymsMicrosatellite Instability
MSINASA AcronymsMaintenance Significant Items
MSINASA AcronymsMedium Scale Integration
MSIUncategorized AcronymsMicro-Star International -Multispectral Imagery
MSIUS Military AcronymsMinesweeper, Inshore (mine Countermeasures)
MSIBusiness And FinanceMultiple Streams Of Income
MSIAChemistry AcronymsMass Spectrometric Immunoassay
MSIANASA AcronymsMultispectral Image Analyzer
MSIDNASA AcronymsMeasurement Stimulation Identification
MSIEUncategorized AcronymsMicrosoft Internet Explorer - Master Of Science In Industrial Engineering
MSIPChemistry AcronymsMagnetron Sputtering Ion Plating
MSISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMass Spectrometer And Incoherent Scatter
MSISChemistry AcronymsMass Spectrometer And Incoherent Scatter
MSISRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMillstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar
MSKChemistry AcronymsMuscular-skeletal Effects
MSKNASA AcronymsManual Select KeYboard
MSLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMean Sea Level
MSLChemistry AcronymsMean Sea Level
MSLNASA AcronymsMean Sea Level
MSLNASA AcronymsMechanical System(s) Laboratory
MSLNASA AcronymsMissile
MSLSatellite Meterology AcronymsMean Sea Level
MSLUncategorized AcronymsMars Science Laboratory - Mean Sea Level -Missile
MSLUS Military AcronymsMaterial Support List
MSLUS Military AcronymsMean Sea Level
MSLUS Military AcronymsMission Simulation
MSLDNASA AcronymsMass Spectrometer Leak Detector
MSLPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMean Sea-level Pressure
MSLPSatellite Meterology AcronymsMSL Pressure
MSLPUncategorized AcronymsMean Sea Level Pressure
MSMChemistry AcronymsMultiple-scattering Model
MSMChemistry AcronymsMultishell Method
MSMNASA AcronymsManned SupportModule
MSMUncategorized AcronymsMount St Mary's School
MSMUS Military AcronymsMinesweeper, River (converted Lcm-6) (mine Countermeasures)
MSMAChemistry AcronymsMurrell-Shaw-Musher-Amos Exchange Perturbation Theory
MSMDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMonkey See Monkey Do
MSMOChemistry AcronymsMultiple Scattering Molecular Orbital Method (also Known As X(alpha) Scattered-wave)
MSMPRChemistry AcronymsMixed-solution-mixed-product Removal
MSNNASA AcronymsMission
MSNUncategorized AcronymsMaster Of Science In Nursing
MSNComputer And Internet AcronymsMicrosoft Network
MSNUWText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMini-Skirt No UnderWear
MSOChemistry AcronymsMaximum Similarity (spin) Orbital
MSOChemistry AcronymsModified Slater Orbital
MSOChemistry AcronymsMolecular Spin Orbital
MSONASA AcronymsModel For Spare(s) OPtimization
MSOUncategorized AcronymsMultiple System Operator
MSOUS Military AcronymsMinesweepers (ocean)
MSOBNASA AcronymsManned Spacecraft Operations Building (O&C Preferred)
MSOCCAstronomy AcronymsMultisatellite Operations Control Center
MSOCCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMultisatellite Operations Control Center
MSOCCNASA AcronymsMultisatellite Operations Control Center
MSOINNASA AcronymsMinor Subcontractor Or IDWA Notification
MSPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMinneapolis
MSPChemistry AcronymsMacrophage Stimulating Protein
MSPChemistry AcronymsManganese Stabilizing Protein
MSPChemistry AcronymsMerozoite Surface Protein
MSPChemistry AcronymsMonosodium Phosphate
MSPBUS Govt. AcronymsMerit Systems Protection Board
MSPCChemistry AcronymsMultivariate Statistical Process Control
MSPDChemistry AcronymsMatrix Solid-Phase Dispersion
MSPOChemistry AcronymsMethod Of Successive P
MSPRChemistry AcronymsMolecular Structure-property Relationship
MSRChemistry AcronymsMammalian Selectivity Ratio

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