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Acronyms starting with M Page 22

 Acronym Category Meaning
MPUncategorized AcronymsMagic Points -Mauritius (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) -Member Of Parliament - Military Police - Missouri Pacific -Northern Mariana Islands (postal Symbol; ISO 3166 Digram)
MPUS Army Acronyms (Official)Military Police
MP&CNASA AcronymsMaintenance Planning And Control
MP-QMCChemistry AcronymsModel Potential-quantum Monte Carlo
MP/MUS Military AcronymsMultiprogramming Control Program For Microprocessors
MP2Chemistry AcronymsMoeller-Plesset Second-order Perturbation Theory
MP2(FC)Chemistry AcronymsMP2(frozen Core) Only (outer) Valence Electrons Included In The Approximation
MP2(FU)Chemistry AcronymsMP2(full) Inner-core Electrons Are Included In The Approxn.
MP2-R12Chemistry AcronymsMP2 Theory With Terms Linear In Interelectronic Distance (r12)
MP3Chemistry AcronymsMoeller-Plesset Third-order Perturbation Theory
MP3Computer Acronyms (Common)MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3
MP3Computer And Internet AcronymsMPEG Layer 3
MP4(DQ)Chemistry AcronymsMoeller-Plesset Perturbation Treatment To Fourth Order In The Space Of Double And Quadruple Substitutions
MP4(SDTQ)Chemistry AcronymsMoeller-Plesset (perturbation Theory To) 4th Order With Single
MPAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMaintenance Purchase Award
MPAChemistry AcronymsMedroxyprogesterone Acetate
MPAChemistry AcronymsMultipurpose Additive
MPAUncategorized AcronymsMaritime Patrol Aircraft - Master Of Public Administration
MPAUncategorized AcronymsMegapascal
MPAUncategorized AcronymsMillipascal
MPAAUncategorized AcronymsMotion Picture Association Of America
MPADNASA AcronymsMission Planning And Analysis Division (JSC)
MPANChemistry AcronymsPeroxy Methacrolyl Nitrate
MPBChemistry AcronymsMorphotropic Phase Boundary
MPBNASA AcronymsMaintenance Parts Breakdown
MPCAstronomy AcronymsMinor Planets Circular
MPCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMother-of-pearl Clouds
MPCChemistry AcronymsMaximum Permissible Concentration
MPCChemistry AcronymsModel Predictive Control
MPCNASA AcronymsManual Pointing Controller
MPCNASA AcronymsMemory Protection Check
MPCNASA AcronymsMeteorological Prediction Center
MPCNASA AcronymsMid Power Controller
MPCNASA AcronymsMidbody Pyro Controller
MPCUncategorized AcronymsMinor Planet Center - Minor Planet Circular
MPCUS Military AcronymsMission Phase Code
MPCComputer And Internet AcronymsMatchbox PC
MPCComputer And Internet AcronymsMultimedia Personal Computer
MPCAChemistry AcronymsMinnesota Pollution Control Agency
MPCAChemistry AcronymsMultiway Principal Component Analysis
MPCANASA AcronymsMid Power Controller Assembly
MPCAGUS Military AcronymsMilitary Parts Control Advisory Group
MPCTSUS Military AcronymsModular Portable Consolidated Test System
MPCVDChemistry AcronymsMicrowave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
MPDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetospheric Particles Detectors
MPDChemistry AcronymsMaximum Permissible Dose
MPDChemistry AcronymsMultiphoton Dissociation
MPDNASA AcronymsMain Dc Power Distributor Assembly
MPDNASA AcronymsMaximum Permissible Dose
MPDUS Military AcronymsMultipurpose Display
MPDATAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMultidimensional Positive Definite Advection Algorithm
MPDSChemistry AcronymsMoment-polarized Dirac-Slater
MPEChemistry AcronymsMean Percent Error
MPEChemistry AcronymsMultiphoton Excitation
MPECAstronomy AcronymsMulti-Purpose Experiment Canister
MPECUncategorized AcronymsMinor Planet Electronic Circular
MPEGUncategorized AcronymsMotion Pictures (Coding) Experts Group
MPEGComputer Acronyms (Common)Moving Picture Experts Group; Video Format
MPEGComputer And Internet AcronymsMotion Picture Experts Group
MPESSAstronomy AcronymsMultiple Purpose Experiment Support Structure
MPESSNASA AcronymsMission Peculiar Experiment Support Structure
MPEVUncategorized AcronymsMulti-Purpose Engineering Vehicle
MPFChemistry AcronymsMaturation-promoting Factor
MPFUncategorized AcronymsMaritime Prepositioning Force
MPFBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMy Personal F*ck Buddy
MPFCUncategorized AcronymsMedial PreFrontal Cortex
MPGNASA AcronymsMultiple Point Ground
MPGNASA AcronymsMultipoint Grounding
MPGHMNASA AcronymsMobile Payload Ground Handling Mechanism
MPHUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Said Phonetically As My Papa Hotel, Meaning My Pussy Hurts
MPHENASA AcronymsMaterial And Personnel Handling EqLjipment
MPHFChemistry AcronymsMaximally Paired Hartree Fock
MPIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMax Planck Institute
MPIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMessage Passing Interface
MPIChemistry AcronymsMass Psychogenic Illness (in Indoor Air Pollution)
MPIChemistry AcronymsModified Perturbation Iteration
MPIChemistry AcronymsMultiphoton Ionization
MPIChemistry AcronymsMultivariable Proportional-integral [control(ler)]
MPINASA AcronymsMission Payload Integration
MPIComputer And Internet AcronymsMessage Passing Interface
MPIFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMessage Passing Interface Forum
MPIFChemistry AcronymsMetal Powder Industries Federation
MPIFChemistry AcronymsMyeloid Progenitor Inhibitory Factor
MPIINNASA AcronymsModification Procurement Instrument Identification
MPIINNASA AcronymsNumber
MPIONASA AcronymsMission Payload Integration Office
MPKChemistry AcronymsMethyl Propyl Ketone
MPLChemistry AcronymsMaximum Permitted Level
MPLNASA AcronymsMaintenance Parts List
MPLNASA AcronymsManipulation Positioning Latches
MPLNASA AcronymsMechanical Parts List
MPLNASA AcronymsMinimum Power Level
MPLNASA AcronymsMinimum Power Level (65%)
MPLCChemistry AcronymsMedium Pressure Liquid Chromatography
MPLNNASA AcronymsMaintenance Planning (Data Base)
MPLSChemistry AcronymsModified Partial Least Squares
MPMNASA AcronymsManipulator Positioning Mechanism
MPMNASA AcronymsManipulator Positioning Mechanism
MPMCUncategorized AcronymsMedial PreMotor Cortex
MPMMGChemistry AcronymsMarine Pollution Monitoring Management Group (UK)

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