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 Acronym Category Meaning
MORTIChemistry AcronymsMesopause Oxygen Rotational Temp. Imager
MOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsModel Output Statistics
MOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMarine Observation Satellite
MOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMetal-oxide Semiconductor
MOSChemistry AcronymsMargin Of Safety
MOSChemistry AcronymsMetal Oxide Semiconductor (FET Devices)
MOSNASA AcronymsMetal Oxide On A Substrate
MOSNASA AcronymsMetal Oxide Semiconductor
MOSUncategorized AcronymsMilitary Occupational Specialty -Mit Out Sound / Motor Only Sync -Mobile Object System - Model Output Statistics - Multiplayer Online Services
MOSUS Army Acronyms (Official) Military Occupational Specialty. Formal Job Classification
MOSUS Military AcronymsMarine Occupational Standard
MOSUS Military AcronymsMetal Oxide Semiconductor
MOSComputer And Internet AcronymsMetal Oxide Semiconductor
MOSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMom Over Shoulder
MOS/NECUS Military AcronymsMilitary Occupational Specialty/navy Enlisted Classification
MOSAPChemistry AcronymsMarine Oil Spill Action Plan
MOSCChemistry AcronymsMetal-oxide-semiconductor Capacitor
MOSESAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsManned Open Sea Experiment Station
MOSESAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMeteorological Observing Station
MOSESChemistry AcronymsMineral Oil Spill Evaluation System
MOSESChemistry AcronymsModular Sensor System
MOSFETChemistry AcronymsMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOSFETUncategorized AcronymsMetal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
MOSFETUS Military AcronymsMetal Oxide Semiconductor-field Effect Transistor
MOSFETComputer And Internet AcronymsMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOSHOChemistry AcronymsMaximum Overlap Symmetry Hybrid Orbital
MOSIGTChemistry AcronymsMetal-oxide Semiconductor Insulated Gate Transistor
MOSISChemistry AcronymsMetal Oxide Semiconductor Implementation Service
MOSISComputer And Internet AcronymsMOS Implementation System
MOSMOChemistry AcronymsMaximum Overlap Symmetry Molecular Orbital
MOSOChemistry AcronymsMaximum Overlap Symmetry Orbital (MO For Mols.)
MOSPONASA AcronymsMobile Satellite Photometric Observatory
MOSQITOChemistry AcronymsModeling Of Stormwater Quality Including Tanks And Overflows
MOSSChemistry AcronymsMultilayer Optical Scanning Spectrometer
MOSSUncategorized AcronymsMObile Submarine Simulator -Moving Object Support System
MOSSUS Military AcronymsMobile Submarine Simulator System
MOSSComputer And Internet AcronymsMime Object Security Services
MOSSSMS Chat And Text AcronymsMember Of The Same Sex
MOSSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMember(s) Of The Same Sex
MOSTChemistry AcronymsMetal Oxide Semiconductor Transistor
MOSTUS Military AcronymsMission Oriented System Tape
MOTChemistry AcronymsMagnetooptical Trap
MOTChemistry AcronymsMultistate Orbital Treatment
MOTNASA AcronymsMotor
MOTUncategorized AcronymsMinistry Of Transport (UK)
MOTAChemistry AcronymsMaterials Open Test Assembly
MOTAUncategorized AcronymsMember Of The Orthodontic Technicians Association
MOTASChatting AcronymsMembers Of The Appropriate Sex
MOTASSMS Chat And Text AcronymsMembers Of The Appropriate Sex
MOTASText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMember Of The Appropriate Sex
MOTDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMessage Of The Day
MOTESSUncategorized AcronymsMoving Object And Transient Event Search System
MOTIFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
MOTOUncategorized AcronymsMail Order / Telephone Order - Master Of The Obvious
MOTOSChatting AcronymsMembers Of The Opposite Sex
MOTOSSMS Chat And Text AcronymsMember Of The Opposite Sex
MOTOSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMember(s) Of The Opposite Sex
MOTSSChatting AcronymsMembers Of The Same Sex
MOTSSSMS Chat And Text AcronymsMembers Of The Same Sex
MOTSSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMember(s) Of The Same Sex
MOTVAstronomy AcronymsManned Orbital Transfer Vehicle
MOUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMemorandum Of Understanding
MOUChemistry AcronymsMemorandum Of Understanding
MOUHuman Genome AcronymsMemorandum Of Understanding
MOUNASA AcronymsMemorandum Of Understanding
MOUUncategorized AcronymsMemorandum Of Understanding
MOUUS Military AcronymsMemorandum Of Understanding
MOUSEChemistry AcronymsMethod Of Underground Solute Evaluation
MOUSEChemistry AcronymsModular Oriented Uncertainty System
MOUTUncategorized AcronymsMilitary Operations In Urban[ized] Terrain
MOVChemistry AcronymsMetal-Oxide Varistor
MOVChemistry AcronymsMotor Operated Valve
MOVNASA AcronymsMain Oxidizer Valve
MOVNASA AcronymsMain Oxidizer Valve
MOVBChemistry AcronymsMO-valence Bond
MOVBETChemistry AcronymsMolecular Orbital (into) Valence Bond Exponential Transformation
MOVESUncategorized AcronymsModeling
MOVFFChemistry AcronymsModified Orbital Valence Force Field
MOVIE.BYUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsColored Movie Software Produced By Brigham Young University
MOVPEChemistry AcronymsMetallo-organic Vapor-phase Epitaxy
MOVSChemistry AcronymsMolecular Orbital Valence State
MOWNASA AcronymsMission Operations Wing
MOWUncategorized AcronymsMaintenance Of Way (also MW)
MOXChemistry AcronymsMixed Oxide
MOZUncategorized AcronymsMozambique (ISO 3166 Trigram)
MOZAICChemistry AcronymsMeasurement Of Ozone And Water Vapor By Airbus In-Service Aircraft
MOZARTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsModel For Ozone And Related Chemical Tracers
MOZARTChemistry AcronymsModel For OZone And Related Chemical Tracers
MPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMelting Point
MPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMono-processing
MPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMASnet Code For The Xerox 4050 Laser Printers
MPChemistry AcronymsModel Potential
MPNASA AcronymsManagement Package
MPNASA AcronymsMass Properties
MPNASA AcronymsMeasuring Point
MPNASA AcronymsMedium Pressure
MPNASA AcronymsMelting Point
MPNASA AcronymsMeteorology Panel
MPNASA AcronymsMission Planner
MPNASA AcronymsMod Package

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