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Acronyms starting with M Page 17

 Acronym Category Meaning
MLMUS Military AcronymsMultipurpose Lightweight Missile
MLNACAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMesa Lab Network Access Completion
MLOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMauna Loa Observatory
MLOPEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMauna Loa Photochemistry Experiment
MLOPEXChemistry AcronymsMauna Loa Observatory Photochemistry Experiment
MLPAstronomy AcronymsMobile Launch Platform
MLPNASA AcronymsMobile Launch (Launcher) Platform
MLPNASA AcronymsMobile Launcher Platform
MLPCAChemistry AcronymsMaximum Likelihood Principal Component Analysis
MLRChemistry AcronymsMultilinear Regression
MLRNASA AcronymsMDM Launch Right
MLRNASA AcronymsMonodisperse Latex Reactor
MLRAChemistry AcronymsMultiple Linear Regression Analysis
MLRSUncategorized AcronymsMultiple-Launch Rocket System
MLRSUS Army Acronyms (Official)Multiple-Launch Rocket System
MLSAstronomy AcronymsMicrowave Limb Sounder
MLSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMicrowave Limb Sounder
MLSChemistry AcronymsMicrowave Limb Sounder
MLSChemistry AcronymsMolecular Luminescence Spectroscopy
MLSNASA AcronymsMicrowave Landing System
MLSNASA AcronymsMicrowave Landing System
MLSSatellite Meterology AcronymsMicrowave Limb Sounder (EOS)
MLSUncategorized AcronymsMajor League Soccer -Multiple Listing Service
MLSUS Military AcronymsMicrowave Landing System
MLSUS Military AcronymsMultilevel Secure
MLSCChemistry AcronymsMicrovolume Laser Scanning Cytometry
MLSCNChemistry AcronymsMolecular Libraries Screening Centers Network
MLSFUS Military AcronymsMobile Logistics Support Force
MLSOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMauna Loa Solar Observatory
MLSRUncategorized AcronymsMissing
MLSSChemistry AcronymsMixed Liquor Suspended Solids
MLTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetic Local Time
MLTChemistry AcronymsMagnetic Local Time
MLTUncategorized AcronymsMalta (ISO 3166 Trigram)
MLTUncategorized AcronymsMaltese Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
MLTCSChemistry AcronymsMesosphere-lower Thermosphere Coupling Study
MLVUS Military AcronymsMemory Loader Verifier
MLVAChemistry AcronymsMultiple-locus Variable-number Tandem Repeat Analysispar
MLVSSChemistry AcronymsMixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids
MLVWUncategorized AcronymsMedium Logistics Vehicle
MLWNASA AcronymsMaximum Landing Weight
MLWUncategorized AcronymsMean Low Water (nautical Charts)
MLWNUncategorized AcronymsMean Low Water Neaps (nautical Charts)
MLWSUncategorized AcronymsMean Low Water Springs (nautical Charts)
MMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMilli Mole
MMChemistry AcronymsMisch Metal
MMMedical AcronymsMucous Membrane
MMNASA AcronymsMain Memory
MMNASA AcronymsMain Module
MMNASA AcronymsMajor Mode
MMNASA AcronymsMajor Mode Or Mass Memory
MMNASA AcronymsMan-Month
MMNASA AcronymsMass Memory
MMNASA AcronymsMath Model
MMNASA AcronymsMillimeter
MMNASA AcronymsMission Manager
MMUncategorized AcronymsMilitary Medal -Myanmar (ISO 3166 Digram) - Two Thousand (in Roman Numerals)
MMUncategorized AcronymsMegametre
MMUncategorized AcronymsMillimetre
MMUS Army Acronyms (Official)Military Medal
MMUS Military AcronymsMan Months
MMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMarket Maker
MM4Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsMesoscale Model
MM5Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsFifth-generation Mesoscale Model
MM90Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
MMAChemistry AcronymsManual Metal Arc Welding
MMAChemistry AcronymsMethyl Methacrylate
MMAUncategorized AcronymsMoving Mechanical Assembly
MMACAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMulti-Media Access Center
MMACSNASA AcronymsMaintenance Management And Control System
MMADChemistry AcronymsMass Median Aerodynamic Diameter (aerosol)
MMASNASA AcronymsMaterial Management Accounting (Accountability) System
MMCChemistry AcronymsMetal-Matrix Composite
MMCChemistry AcronymsMolecular Mechanics For Clusters Model
MMCNASA AcronymsMartin Marietta Corporation
MMCNASA AcronymsMid Motor Controller
MMCNASA AcronymsMission Management Center
MMCUncategorized AcronymsMachinist's Mate
MMCUS Military AcronymsMaster Mission Computer
MMCANASA AcronymsMid Motor Controller Assembly
MMCANASA AcronymsMidbody Motor Control Assembly
MMCCAstronomy AcronymsMission Management And Control Centre
MMCDFChemistry AcronymsMultichannel Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock Method
MMCLNASA AcronymsMaster Measurement And Control List
MMCMUncategorized AcronymsMachinist's Mate
MMCSUncategorized AcronymsMachinist's Mate
MMDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMass Median Diameter
MMDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMass Median Diameter
MMDChemistry AcronymsMass Medium Diameter (particle Size)
MMDBNASA AcronymsMass Memory Data Base
MMDBNASA AcronymsMaster Measurement Data Base
MMDFNASA AcronymsMission Model Data File
MMDRChemistry AcronymsMicrowave-microwave Double Resonance
MMDSComputer And Internet AcronymsMultichannel Multipoint Distribution System
MMEFChemistry AcronymsMaximum Mid-expiratory Flow (lung Function)
MMESNASA AcronymsMSFC Mated Element Systems
MMEVUncategorized AcronymsMulti-Mission Effects Vehicle
MMFUS Military AcronymsMobile Maintenance Facilities
MMFFChemistry AcronymsMolecular Mechanics Force Field
MMHAstronomy AcronymsMonoMethyl Hydrazine

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