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Acronyms starting with M Page 15

 Acronym Category Meaning
MILNETComputer And Internet AcronymsMilitary Network
MILOXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMid-Latitutde Ecosystem And Photochemical Oxidants
MILSNASA AcronymsMissile Impact Location System
MILSATCOMUncategorized AcronymsMilitary Satellite Communications
MILSCAPUS Military AcronymsMilitary Standard Contract Admin Procedures
MILSETUncategorized AcronymsMouvement International Pour Le Loisir Scientifique Et Technique (French
MILSPECUS Military AcronymsMilitary Specification
MILSTDUS Military AcronymsMilitary Standard
MILSTRIPNASA AcronymsMilitary Standard Requisition And Issue Procedure
MILSTRIPUncategorized AcronymsMilitary Standard Requisitioning And Issue Procedure
MIMChemistry AcronymsMetal Injection Molding
MIMChemistry AcronymsMultipole-induced-multipole Model
MIMUS Military AcronymsMaintenance Instruction Manual
MIMAROPAUncategorized AcronymsMindoro
MIMASChemistry AcronymsMIcronization And MASter Blend
MIMBDHuman Genome AcronymsMeet. On The Interconnection Of Mol. Biol. Databases
MIMDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMultiple Instruction Multiple Data
MIMEComputer And Internet AcronymsMultipurpose Internet Mail Extension
MIMICChemistry AcronymsMicromolding In Capillaries
MIMICChemistry AcronymsMicrowave And Millimeter Wave Monolithic Integrated Circuit
MIMOSANASA AcronymsMission Modes And Space Analysis
MIMOSAUncategorized AcronymsMIcroMeasurements Of Satellite Acceleration
MIMPTUncategorized AcronymsMember Of The Institute Of Maxillofacial Prosthetists And Technologists
MIMRAstronomy AcronymsMultifrequency Imaging Microwave Radiometer
MIMRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMultiband Imaging Microwave Radiometer
MIMSChemistry AcronymsMagnetic Field Induced Mixing Of Sublevels
MIMSChemistry AcronymsMembrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry
MIMSNASA AcronymsMedical Information Management System
MIMSAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMinority Institutions In Marine Sciences Association
MINNASA AcronymsMinimum
MINNASA AcronymsMinute
MINDAPChemistry AcronymsMicrowave-induced Nitrogen Discharge At Atmospheric Pressure
MINDOChemistry AcronymsModified Intermediate Neglect Of Differential Overlap
MINDO/3LChemistry AcronymsModified Intermediate Neglect Of Differential Overlap/3 For Limited Electrons
MINDO/SRChemistry AcronymsMINDO S=overlap Integral R=internuclear Distance
MINELAYERUS Military AcronymsMine Warfare Type Ship
MINI-NChemistry AcronymsMinimal-type Contracted Gto Basis Set (n= 1
MINLPChemistry AcronymsMixed-integer Nonlinear Programming
MINOSChemistry AcronymsMain Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search
MINTChemistry AcronymsMetal In-line Treatment
MINTEQA2Chemistry AcronymsMetal Speciation Equilibrium For Surface And Ground Water
MINWNASA AcronymsMaster Interface Network
MIONASA AcronymsManagement Integration Office
MIONPChemistry AcronymsMicrowave Induced Optical Nuclear Polarization
MIOSNASA AcronymsMulti-IMU Operation System
MIOSAChemistry AcronymsModified (rotational) Infinite Order Sudden Approxn.
MIPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMillions Of Instructions Per Second
MIPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMillions Of Instructions Per Second
MIPChemistry AcronymsMagnetic Induced Polarization (for Subsurface Characterization)
MIPChemistry AcronymsMicrowave Induced Plasma
MIPChemistry AcronymsMacrophage Inflammatory Protein
MIPChemistry AcronymsMajor Intrinsic Protein
MIPChemistry AcronymsMercury Intrusion Porosimetry
MIPChemistry AcronymsMolecularly Imprinted Polymer
MIPNASA AcronymsMandatory Inspection Point
MIPNASA AcronymsMinimumImpulsePulse
MIPNASA AcronymsMMU Integration Plan
MIPNASA AcronymsModification Instruction Package
MIPUncategorized AcronymsMultilateral Interoperability Programme - Multiple Identity Poster
MIPAESChemistry AcronymsMicrowave-induced Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
MIPASChemistry AcronymsMichelson Interferometer For Passive Atmospheric Sounding
MIPMSChemistry AcronymsMicrowave Induced Plasma Mass Spectrometry
MIPRNASA AcronymsMilitary Intergovernmental Purchase Request
MIPRUS Military AcronymsMilitary Interdepartmental Purchase Request
MIPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMillions Of Instructions Per Second
MIPSChemistry AcronymsMunich Information Center For Protein Sequences
MIPSChemistry AcronymsMillion Instructions Per Second
MIPSNASA AcronymsMerritt Island Press Site
MIPSComputer Acronyms (Common)Million Instructions Per Second
MIPSComputer And Internet AcronymsMillions Of Instructions Per Second
MIQChemistry AcronymsMinimum Identifiable Quantities
MIRChemistry AcronymsMaximum Individual Risk
MIRChemistry AcronymsMid Infrared
MIRChemistry AcronymsMultiple Internal Reflection
MIRNASA AcronymsMalfunction Investigation Report
MIRNASA AcronymsMirror
MIRAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsManagement Information Research Associates
MIRAChemistry AcronymsMultivariate Image Rank Analysis
MIRAUncategorized AcronymsMILAN Infra-Red Acquisition (thermal Sight)
MIRACLChemistry AcronymsMid Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser
MIRAGEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMegacity Impacts On Regional And Global Environments
MIRAGEChemistry AcronymsMigration Of Radioisotopes In The Geosphere
MIRAGE-MEXICOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMegacity Impact On Regional And Global Environments-Mexico Campaign
MIRCChemistry AcronymsMichael Initiated Ring Closure
MIRISChemistry AcronymsMultiple Internal Reflection IR Spectroscopy
MIRLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMeet In Real Life
MIROChemistry AcronymsMineral Industry Research Organization (UK)
MIRSChemistry AcronymsMultiple Internal Reflection Spectroscopy
MIRVUncategorized AcronymsMultiple Independent Reentry Vehicle
MISChemistry AcronymsManagement Information System (OSHA)
MISChemistry AcronymsMetal-insulator-semiconductor (solar Cells)
MISChemistry AcronymsMobile Incineration System
MISNASA AcronymsManagement Information System
MISNASA AcronymsManipulator Jettison System (Subsystem)
MISNASA AcronymsMission Information Subsystem
MISUncategorized AcronymsManagement Information Systems - Museum Information System
MISUS Military AcronymsManagement Information System
MISComputer And Internet AcronymsManagement Information System
MISComputer And Internet AcronymsManagement Information Services
MIS 5Chemistry AcronymsMarine Isotope Substage 5e

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