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Acronyms starting with M Page 14

 Acronym Category Meaning
MIANASA AcronymsMultiplexer Interface Adapter
MIAUncategorized AcronymsMissing In Action
MIAUS Army Acronyms (Official) Missing In Action. Missing In A Battle Situation
MIAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMissing In Action
MIAMChemistry AcronymsModified Independent-atom Model (for Electron-mol. Scattering)
MIAMEChemistry AcronymsMinimum Information About A Microarray Experiment
MIARChemistry AcronymsMass Isotopomer Abundance Ratio
MIBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsManagement Information Base
MIBNASA AcronymsMaster Interconnect Board
MIBUncategorized AcronymsMen In Black - Mint In Box (Internet Auction/trading Listings)
MIBComputer And Internet AcronymsManagement Information Base
MIBDChemistry AcronymsMicro-interferometric Backscatter Detection
MIBERSChemistry AcronymsMulti-ion-beam Reactive Sputtering
MIBKChemistry AcronymsMethyl Isobutyl Ketone
MICChemistry AcronymsMicrobially Induced Corrosion
MICChemistry AcronymsMethyl Isocyanate
MICChemistry AcronymsMicrowave Integrated Circuit
MICChemistry AcronymsMinimal Inhibitory Concentration
MICNASA AcronymsManagement Information Center
MICUS Military AcronymsMicrophone
MICUS Military AcronymsManagement Information Center
MICEChemistry AcronymsMethods Information Communications Exchange
MICISNASA AcronymsMaterial Information Control And Information System
MICLICUncategorized AcronymsMine Clearing Line Charge
MICOMedical Acronyms (Slang)Masterly Inactivity And Catlike Observation
MICOMUncategorized AcronymsMissile Command
MICOSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Masterly Inactivity, Cat-like Observation And Steroids
MICRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetic Ink Character Reader
MICRComputer And Internet AcronymsMagnetic Ink Character Recognition (Reader)
MICRO-SCALEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
MICROSOFTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMicrosoft Corporation
MICROSOFT WINDOWSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
MICROSSChemistry AcronymsMicro-computer Based River Oil Spill Simulation
MICROTASChemistry AcronymsMicro-Total Analysis Systems
MICROVAXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
MICSChemistry AcronymsMagnetospheric Ion Compn. Spectrometer
MICSPOMSChemistry AcronymsMetal Island Coated Swelling Polymer Over Mirror System
MICVUncategorized AcronymsMechanised Infantry Combat Vehicle
MIDNASA AcronymsMidbody
MIDUncategorized AcronymsMidway Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram; Obsolete 1986)
MIDAChemistry AcronymsMass Isotopomer Distribution Analysis
MIDASChemistry AcronymsManchester Information Datasets And Associated Services
MIDASChemistry AcronymsMetal Ion-dependent Adhesion Site
MIDASChemistry AcronymsMicroimaging Dust Analysis System
MIDASChemistry AcronymsModel Of Ion Dynamics And Acidification Of Soil
MIDASUncategorized AcronymsMan-machine Integration Design And Analysis System
MIDASUS Military AcronymsMine Detection And Avoidance Sonar
MIDDASChemistry AcronymsMicrodiameter Depth Adsorption Systems
MIDIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMusical Instrument Digital Interface
MIDIChemistry AcronymsSplit Valence Plus Polarization Function (basis Set)
MIDIUncategorized AcronymsMusical Instrument Digital Interface
MIDIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Myocardial Infarction During Intercourse (heart Attack During Sex)
MIDIComputer Acronyms (Common)Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIDIComputer And Internet AcronymsMusical Instrument Digital Interface
MIDI-NChemistry AcronymsSplit-type Contracted GTO Basis Set (n = 1
MIDNUS Military AcronymsAfloat Training Craft
MIDNETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
MIDPChemistry AcronymsMicrowave Induced Delayed Phosphorescence
MIDSUncategorized AcronymsMulti-Function Information Distribution System
MIEChemistry AcronymsMetal-induced Embrittlement
MIEHMChemistry AcronymsModified Iterative Extended Hueckel Method
MIEMSChemistry AcronymsMembrane Inlet Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry
MIESChemistry AcronymsMaximum Ionicity Excited State (model In Energy Calcn. Of Mols.)
MIESChemistry AcronymsMetastable Impact Electron Spectroscopy
MIESRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMatrix Isolation/Electron Spin Resonance
MIESRChemistry AcronymsMatrix Isolation Electron Spin Resonance
MIFChemistry AcronymsMigration Inhibitory Factor
MIFComputer And Internet AcronymsManagement Information Format
MIFGUncategorized AcronymsShallow Fog (METAR Code)
MIGChemistry AcronymsMetal Inert Gas (welding)
MIGAUS Govt. AcronymsMultilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
MIGDChemistry AcronymsMillion Imperial Gallon Per Day
MIGSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMASnet Internet Gateway Server (or System)
MIGSChemistry AcronymsMetal-induced Gap State
MIHChemistry AcronymsMethod Of Intermediate Hamiltonians
MIHAPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMay I Have Your Attention Please
MIITChemistry AcronymsMaterials Interface Interactions Test
MIKEChemistry AcronymsMass-analyzed Ion Kinetic Energy (spectrometry)
MIKEUncategorized AcronymsMonitoring Of Illegal Killing Of Elephants
MIKESChemistry AcronymsMass-analyzed Ion-kinetic Energy Spectrometry
MILNASA AcronymsGSFC Spaceflight Tracking And Data Network Station
MILNASA AcronymsMilitary
MILUncategorized AcronymsAASPEM -Man-In-the-Loop AASPEM
MILUncategorized AcronymsMan-In-the-Loop
MILSMS Chat And Text AcronymsMother In Law
MILText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMother-In-Law
MIL-STDUS Military AcronymsMilitary Standard
MIL-STD-2167AUS Military AcronymsMilitary Standard: Defense System Software Development
MILANASA AcronymsMerritt Island Launch Area
MILANUncategorized AcronymsMissile D?infanterie L?ger Antichar (French
MILCChemistry AcronymsMetal Induced Lateral Crystallization
MILCONUS Military AcronymsMilitary Construction
MILESChemistry AcronymsMicro In Situ Laser Extraction System
MILESUncategorized AcronymsMultiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (live Combat Simulation)
MILESUS Military AcronymsMultiple Integrated Laser Engagement System
MILFUncategorized AcronymsMoro Islamic Liberation Front -Mother I'd Like To Fuck
MILFMedical Acronyms (Slang)Mother I'd Like To F**k. US Version Of GLM Who Is Also PHAT
MILFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMother I'd Like To F*ck
MILLSNASA AcronymsModular Integrated Utility Systems
MILNETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMilitary Network

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