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Acronyms starting with M Page 13

 Acronym Category Meaning
MFSChemistry AcronymsMolecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy
MFTNASA AcronymsMean Flight Time
MFTADNASA AcronymsMaster Flight Test Assignment Document (JSC)
MFVAstronomy AcronymsMain Fuel Valve
MFVNASA AcronymsMain Fuel Valve
MFVNASA AcronymsMain Fuel Valve
MFVTChemistry AcronymsMixed Flow Vectored Thrust
MFWICText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMo Fo Who's In Charge
MGNASA AcronymsMagnesium
MGNASA AcronymsMiddle Gimbal (YAW)
MGNASA AcronymsMilligram
MGNASA AcronymsMobile Generator
MGUncategorized AcronymsMachine Gun -Madagascar (ISO 3166 Digram) -Major General -Mongolia (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) -Morris Garage
MGUncategorized AcronymsMagnesium - Megagram
MGUncategorized AcronymsMalagasy Language (ISO 639-1 Code) - Milligram
MG-FSGOChemistry AcronymsMultiple Gaussian-floating Spherical Gaussian Orbital Method
MGAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMeteorological And Geoastrophysical Abstracts
MGAChemistry AcronymsModified Glauber Approxn. (in Atom-particle Scattering)
MGANASA AcronymsMiddle Gimbal Angle
MGAUncategorized AcronymsMalagasy Ariary (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
MGBUncategorized AcronymsMedium Girder Bridge
MGBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMay God Bless
MGCHuman Genome AcronymsMouse Genome Conference
MGCNASA AcronymsManual Gain Control
MGDChemistry AcronymsMillion Gallons Per Day
MGDHuman Genome AcronymsMouse Genome Database
MGEChemistry AcronymsMobile Genetic Element
MGENASA AcronymsMaintenance Ground Equipment
MGEDChemistry AcronymsMicroarray Gene Expression Database
MGFELUS Military AcronymsMaster Government Furnished Equipment List
MGIHuman Genome AcronymsMicrobial Genome Initiative
MGMUncategorized AcronymsMetro Goldwyn Mayer -Montgomery
MGMMedical Acronyms (Slang)MGM Syndrome (as In The Movie Maker) - Faker Putting On A Real Good Show
MGMSChemistry AcronymsMolecular Graphics And Modelling Society
MGMTChemistry AcronymsO6-methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase
MGMTNASA AcronymsManagement
MGMTUS Military AcronymsManagement
MGOTUS Military AcronymsMeasured Gas Overtemperature
MGPAMUncategorized AcronymsMy Gym Partner's A Monkey
MGRNASA AcronymsManager
MGSUncategorized AcronymsMobile Gun System
MGS/TESChemistry AcronymsMars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer
MGSAChemistry AcronymsMelanoma Growth Stimulatory Activity
MGSENASA AcronymsMechanical Ground Support Equipment
MGTNASA AcronymsMajor Ground Test
MGTUS Military AcronymsMeasured Gas Temperature
MGTLUS Military AcronymsMeasured Gas Temperature Left
MGTRUS Military AcronymsMeasured Gas Temperature Right
MGVBChemistry AcronymsModified Generalized Valence Bond
MGVTNASA AcronymsMated Ground Vibration Test
MGWUS Military AcronymsMission Gross Weight
MHUncategorized AcronymsMarshall Islands (postal Symbol; ISO 3166 Digram) - Megahenry - Montserrat (FIPS 10-4 Territory Code)
MHUncategorized AcronymsMarshallese Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
MHUncategorized AcronymsMillihenry
MHAChemistry AcronymsMott-Hubbard-Anderson (model In Band-structure Calcns.)
MHANASA AcronymsMultiple Headset Adapter
MHBFYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMy Heart Bleeds For You
MHCChemistry AcronymsMajor Histocompatibility Complex
MHCChemistry AcronymsMyosin Heavy Chain
MHCHuman Genome AcronymsMajor Histocompatibility Complex
MHCNASA AcronymsManipulator Hand Controller
MHCUncategorized AcronymsMajor Histocompatibility Complex
MHDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetohydrodynamic
MHDNASA AcronymsMultihead Disc
MHDGUS Military AcronymsMagnetic Heading
MHENASA AcronymsMaterial Handling Equipment
MHEMTChemistry AcronymsMetamorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor
MHFChemistry AcronymsMultiple Hearth Furnace (for Incineration)
MHFNASA AcronymsMedium High Frequency
MHHWUncategorized AcronymsMean Higher High Water (nautical Charts)
MHIDASChemistry AcronymsMajor Hazardous Incident Data Service (from UK Atomic Energy Authority)
MHLUncategorized AcronymsMarshall Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram)
MHLWUncategorized AcronymsMean Higher Low Water (nautical Charts)
MHOTYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMy Hat's Off To You
MHRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMile High Radar
MHRAUncategorized Acronyms(UK) Medicines And Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
MHSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMessage Handling System
MHSCNASA AcronymsManipulator Handset Controller
MHWNASA AcronymsMultihundred Watt
MHWUncategorized AcronymsMean High Water (nautical Charts)
MHW MOChemistry AcronymsMulliken-Helmholz-Wolfsberg Molecular Orbital
MHWNUncategorized AcronymsMean High Water Neaps (nautical Charts)
MHWSUncategorized AcronymsMean High Water Springs (nautical Charts)
MHZAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMegahertz
MHZNASA AcronymsMegahertz (Megacycles Per Second)
MHZSatellite Meterology AcronymsMegaHertz
MHZUncategorized AcronymsMegahertz
MHZUS Military AcronymsMegahertz
MIChemistry AcronymsMitotic Index
MIMedical AcronymsMyocardial Infarction
MINASA AcronymsManagement Information
MINASA AcronymsMechanical Joint
MINASA AcronymsMile
MIUncategorized AcronymsMalawi (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Michigan (postal Symbol) - Midway Islands (ISO 3166 Digram; Obsolete 1986) -Military Intelligence
MIUncategorized AcronymsM?ori Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
MIUncategorized AcronymsMebi
MIAChemistry AcronymsMultiplicative Integral Approxn. (in 2-electron Integral Calcn.)
MIAChemistry AcronymsMultivariate Image Analysis
MIANASA AcronymsMultiflex Interface Adapter
MIANASA AcronymsMultiplexer Interface Adapter

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