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 Acronym Category Meaning
METEOSATSatellite Meterology AcronymsMETEOrological SATellite (European)
METLUncategorized Acronyms Mission Essential Task List (mettle)
METLUS Army Acronyms (Official)Mission Essential Task List
METOBSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
METOCUncategorized AcronymsMeteorological And Oceanographic
METRONASA AcronymsMeteorology
METROMEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMetropolitan Meteorological Experiment
METSUS Military AcronymsMobile Electronic Threat Simulator
METSUS Military AcronymsMobile Electronic Test Set
METTUncategorized AcronymsT -Mission
METTUncategorized AcronymsTC -Mission
METVCNASA AcronymsMain Engine Thrust Vector
MEUUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Marine Expeditionary Unit - Maximum Expected Utility
MEUFChemistry AcronymsMicellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration
MEUGChemistry AcronymsMinimum Energy Uncertainty Gaussian (wave Packets)
MEVAstronomy AcronymsMars Excursion Vehicle
MEVChemistry AcronymsMink Enteritis Virus
MEVUncategorized AcronymsMedical Evacuation Vehicle - Musica Elettronica Viva
MEVUncategorized AcronymsMegaelectron-volt
MEVVAChemistry AcronymsMetal Vapor Vacuum Arc
MEWGNASA AcronymsMaintenance Engineering Working Group
MEXUncategorized AcronymsMexico (ISO 3166 Trigram)
MEXAChemistry AcronymsMultiple-energy X-ray Absorptiometry
MEXHChemistry AcronymsMultiple-energy X-ray Holography
MEZUncategorized AcronymsMissile Engagement Zone
MFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMedium Frequency
MFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMedium Frequency
MFChemistry AcronymsMembrane Filtration
MFChemistry AcronymsModifying Factor (in Oral RfD)
MFChemistry AcronymsMuffin Tin (potential Energy Function)
MFNASA AcronymsMajor Function
MFNASA AcronymsMaster Frame
MFNASA AcronymsMate And Ferry
MFNASA AcronymsMedium Frequency (300 To 3000 KHz)
MFNASA AcronymsMiddeck Forward
MFNASA AcronymsMidfuselage
MFUncategorized AcronymsMayotte (FIPS 10-4 Territory Code) - Megafarad
MFUncategorized AcronymsMillifarad
MFAChemistry AcronymsMolecular-field Approximation
MFANASA AcronymsManned Flight Awareness
MFAGChemistry AcronymsMedical First Aid Guide For Use In Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods
MFBMedical Acronyms (Slang)Measure For Box (coffin)
MFBPNASA AcronymsManufacturing Flow And Building Plan
MFCChemistry AcronymsMass Flow Controller
MFCChemistry AcronymsMulti-function Controller
MFCChemistry AcronymsMulticonfigurational Frozen Core (approxn. For Electron-atom Scattering Calcns.)
MFCNASA AcronymsMultiple Flight Computer
MFCNASA AcronymsMultiple Flight Controller
MFCMedical Acronyms (Slang)Measure For Coffin
MFDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMaster File Directory
MFDNASA AcronymsMain Feed
MFDNASA AcronymsMalfunction Detection
MFDUS Military AcronymsMultifunction Display
MFDMedical Acronyms (Slang)Measure For Dispatch (coffin), (severely Ill Or Dying)
MFDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMulti-Function Device
MFEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetic Field Explorer
MFEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetic Field Experiment
MFEChemistry AcronymsMagnetic Field Effect
MFEChemistry AcronymsMercury Film Electrode
MFEChemistry AcronymsModulated Free Electron Orbital Method
MFENASA AcronymsMid Frequency Executive
MFE/MAGNOLIAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetic Field Explorer/Magnolia Mission
MFECCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetic Fusion Energy Computation Center
MFEMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetic Field Explorer Mission
MFENETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNational Magnetic Fusion Energy Network
MFFNASA AcronymsMDM Flight Forward
MFGNASA AcronymsMajor Functional Group
MFGNASA AcronymsManufacturing
MFHBCMAUS Military AcronymsMean Flight Hours Between Unscheduled Maintenance Actions
MFHBFUS Military AcronymsMean Flight Hours Between Failures
MFHBF-DCUS Military AcronymsMean Flight Hours Between Failures-design Controllable
MFHBUMAUS Military AcronymsMean Flight Hours Between Unscheduled Maintenance Actions
MFHBVFUS Military AcronymsMean Flight Hours Between Verified Failures
MFIChemistry AcronymsMean Fluorescence Intensity
MFIChemistry AcronymsMelt Flow Index [of Polymer]
MFIChemistry AcronymsModified Fouling Index
MFICText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMother F*cker In Charge
MFLOPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMegaflops
MFLOPSComputer And Internet AcronymsMillions Of Floating Point Operations Per Second
MFMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStandard Hard Drives
MFMChemistry AcronymsMagnetic Force Microscopy
MFMComputer And Internet AcronymsModified Frequency Modulation
MFMRNASA AcronymsMultifrequency Microwave Radiometer
MFOChemistry AcronymsMixed-function Oxidase
MFONASA AcronymsMajor Function Overlay
MFOVUS Military AcronymsMedium Field Of View
MFPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMean Free Path
MFPChemistry AcronymsMagnetic Field Perturbative (method)
MFPChemistry AcronymsMean Free Path
MFPEAstronomy AcronymsMisson From Planet Earth
MFPLUS Military AcronymsMessage Format Processing Language
MFPTUS Military AcronymsMaintenance Fleet Project Team
MFRChemistry AcronymsMelt Flow Ratio
MFRNASA AcronymsManipulator Foot Restraint
MFRNASA AcronymsMaximum Flight Rate
MFRNASA AcronymsMultifunctional Receiver
MFRNASA AcronymsMultifunctional Review
MFRUS Military AcronymsMultifunction Radar
MFRCChemistry AcronymsMembrane Flux Retention Coefficient
MFSChemistry AcronymsMajor Facilitator Superfamily

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