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 Acronym Category Meaning
MDTUMUS Military AcronymsMean Down Time For Unscheduled Maintenance
MDUUS Military AcronymsMultiplexer And Distribution Unit
MDUUS Military AcronymsMultiplexer Decoder Unit
MDVChemistry AcronymsMarek's Disease Virus
MDVUncategorized AcronymsMaldives (ISO 3166 Trigram)
MDWChemistry AcronymsMixed Density Wave
MDWChemistry AcronymsMultichannel Distorted Wave (Born Approxn.)
MDWUncategorized AcronymsChicago Midway International Airport In Chicago
MDWGUS Military AcronymsMidwing
MENASA AcronymsMain Engine
MENASA AcronymsManagement Engineering
MENASA AcronymsMiscellaneous Equipment
MEUncategorized AcronymsMaine (postal Symbol) -Mechanical Engineer[ing] - Medical Examiner - Middle East -Middle East Airlines (IATA Code) -Memory Effect - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
MEUncategorized AcronymsMesserschmitt
MEUS Military AcronymsMechanical Engineering
ME2SMS Chat And Text AcronymsMe Too
MEANASA AcronymsMain Electronics Assembly
MEANASA AcronymsMaintenance Engineering Analysis
MEANASA AcronymsMaterial Experiment Assembly
MEAUncategorized AcronymsMaine Educational Assessment - Middle East Airlines - Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - Minimum Enroute Altitude - Mono-ethanol Amine - Multilateral Environmental Agreement
MEANChemistry AcronymsMultipole-extracted Adiabatic-nuclei (for Electron-molecule Collisions)
MEARNASA AcronymsMaintenance Engineering Analysis Request
MEASNASA AcronymsMeasuring
MEBNASA AcronymsMain Electronics Box
MEBESChemistry AcronymsMicro-electron Beam Evaporation Source
MEBONASA AcronymsMain Engine Burnout
MEBSChemistry AcronymsMedium Energy Backscattering Spectrometry
MECNASA AcronymsMain Engine Controller
MECNASA AcronymsMaster Event Controller
MECNASA AcronymsMaster Events Controller
MECNASA AcronymsMission Events Controller
MECUncategorized AcronymsMaine Central Railroad (AAR Reporting Mark) - Manta
MECAChemistry AcronymsMolecular Emission Cavity Analysis
MECAChemistry AcronymsMultiple Excitation Collisional Activation
MECANASA AcronymsMain Engine Controller Assembly
MECCChemistry AcronymsMicellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography
MECCUncategorized AcronymsMinnesota Educational Computing Consortium (later Corporation
MECCAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsModel Evaluation Consortium For Climate Assessment
MECCAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMesoscale Experiment Center For Control And Analysis
MECFNASA AcronymsMain Engine Computational Facilities
MECHNASA AcronymsMechanical
MECIChemistry AcronymsMonoexcited Configuration Interaction
MECIChemistry AcronymsMultielectron Configuration Interaction
MECOAstronomy AcronymsMain Engine CutOff
MECONASA AcronymsMain Engine Cutoff
MECONASA AcronymsMain Engine Cutoff
MECOUncategorized AcronymsMain Engine Cutoff (NASA Code For Point In Space Shuttle Assent When Three Main Engines Are Shut Down Prior To External Tank (ET) Separation)
MECOPChemistry AcronymsModified Electron Correlation Polarization (potential)
MECRNASA AcronymsMaintenance Engineering Change Request
MECSChemistry AcronymsManufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (DOE)
MEDChemistry AcronymsMean Effective Dose
MEDChemistry AcronymsMinimal Erythema Dose
MEDNASA AcronymsManual Entry Device
MEDNASA AcronymsMedical
MEDNASA AcronymsMedium
MEDUS Military AcronymsMedium
MEDCOMUS Army Acronyms (Official)Army MEDical COMmand
MEDEVACUncategorized AcronymsMedical Evacuation
MEDEVACUS Army Acronyms (Official) MEDical EVACuation To An Aid Station Or Field Hospital
MEDEVACUS Military AcronymsAeromedical Evacuation
MEDICSNASA AcronymsMedical Information Computer System
MEDLAChemistry AcronymsMolecular Electron Density Lego Assembler
MEDLARSChemistry AcronymsMedical Literature Analysis And Retrieval System (NLM)
MEDOChemistry AcronymsMultipole Expansion Of Diatomic Overlap Approximation
MEDOCChemistry AcronymsMultipole Expansion Defined (on) One Center (a Wave Function In Calcns. On Atomic And Molecular Collisions)
MEDPACUS Govt. AcronymsMedicare Payment Advisory Commission
MEDSUncategorized AcronymsMission Essential Data Set
MEEChemistry AcronymsMigration-enhanced Epitaxy
MEENASA AcronymsMission Essential Equipment
MEECCChemistry AcronymsMicroemulsion Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography
MEEDChemistry AcronymsMedium-energy Electron Diffraction
MEEKCChemistry AcronymsMicroemulsion Electrokinetic Chromatography
MEESTOUS Military AcronymsModification Engineering Evaluation & Sub-task Order (4720/15)
MEFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMaster E-mail Facility
MEFChemistry AcronymsMouse Embryonic Fibroblast
MEFChemistry AcronymsMyocyte Enhancer Factor
MEFUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Marine Expeditionary Force - Minimum Essential Facility - Mission Essential Force
MEFUS Military AcronymsMad Environmental Filters
MEFENETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDepartment Of Energy Network
MEGChemistry AcronymsMixed Exponentially Generated (wave Function)
MEGChemistry AcronymsModified Electron Gas (quantum Calcn. Method)
MEGNASA AcronymsMegohm
MEGUncategorized AcronymsMagnetoEncephaloGraphy
MEG4Chemistry AcronymsMultiexponentially Generated 4 (wave Functions)
MEGANAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsModel Of The Exchange Of Gases Between The Atmosphere And Nature
MEGOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMy Eyes Glaze Over
MEHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsWho Cares Or Whatever
MEHTChemistry AcronymsModified Extended Hueckel Theory
MEIChemistry AcronymsMaximally Exposed Individual
MEINASA AcronymsMaster Inspection Item
MEIUncategorized AcronymsMatsushita Electric Industrial Co.
MEIUS Military AcronymsMaintenance Engineering Inspection
MEIAChemistry AcronymsMicroparticle Enzyme Immunoassay
MEIGNASA AcronymsMain Engine Ignition
MEISChemistry AcronymsMedium Energy Ion Scattering
MEIUNASA AcronymsMain Engine Interface Unit
MEKChemistry AcronymsMethyl Ethyl Ketone (butanone)
MEKUncategorized AcronymsMagyar Elektronikus Konyvtar - Message Encryption Key - Methyl Ethyl Ketone -Mujahideen Al-Khalq
MEKCChemistry AcronymsMicellar Electrokinetic Chromatography
MEKPChemistry AcronymsMethyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide

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