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Acronyms starting with L Page 8

 Acronym Category Meaning
LGFSBusiness And FinanceLocal Government Finance System
LGFSTFChemistry AcronymsLiquefied Gaseous Fuels Spill Test Facility (DOE Mercury
LGFTCMedical Acronyms (Slang)Looks Good From The Corridor (but Not Closely Examined)
LGICChemistry AcronymsLigand-gated Ion Channel
LGIUNASA AcronymsLaser Gyro Interface Unit
LGLChemistry AcronymsLarge Granular Lymphocyte
LGMAstronomy AcronymsLittle Green Men
LGMChemistry AcronymsLast Glacial Maximum (most Recent Era Of Continental Glaciation; See Also PGP)
LGMChemistry AcronymsLinearized Green-function Method (for Electronic-structure)
LGMUncategorized AcronymsLittle Green Men
LGMASText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLord Give Me A Sign
LGMRComputer And Internet AcronymsLaser Guided Magnetic Recording
LGOChemistry AcronymsLight Gas Oil
LGRText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLittle Girl's Room
LGSUncategorized AcronymsLandsat Ground Station
LGSOWGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLandsat Ground Station Operators Working Group
LGWCASUS Military AcronymsLaser Guided Weapons In Joint Close Air Support
LHAstronomy AcronymsLiquid Hydrogen
LHChemistry AcronymsLuteinizing Hormone
LHNASA AcronymsLeft Hand
LHUncategorized AcronymsLithuania (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) -Luteinising Hormone
LHUS Military AcronymsLeft Hand
LH2NASA AcronymsLiquid Hydrogen
LH2NASA AcronymsLiquid Hydrogen
LHAAstronomy AcronymsLocal Hour Angle
LHANASA AcronymsLocal Hour Angle
LHAUS Military AcronymsAmphibious Assault Ship (general Purpose)
LHAUS Military AcronymsAmphibious Helicopter Assault Carrier
LHASAChemistry AcronymsLogic And Heuristics Applied To Synthetic Analysis
LHCChemistry AcronymsLarge Hadron Collider
LHCNASA AcronymsLeft Hand Circular
LHCUncategorized AcronymsLarge Hadron Collider
LHCPNASA AcronymsLeft Hand Circular Polarization
LHCPNASA AcronymsLeft Hand Circularly Polarized
LHDChemistry AcronymsLower Hybrid Drift
LHDUncategorized AcronymsLitterarum Humaniorum Doctor (Latin
LHDUS Military AcronymsAmphibious Helicopter Assault Carrier Dock
LHDACChemistry AcronymsLaser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell
LHDCChemistry AcronymsLube Hydrocracking Distillate Catalyst
LHENASA AcronymsLiquid Helium
LHEAChemistry AcronymsLaboratory For High Energy Astrophysics
LHMChemistry AcronymsLonguet-Higgins-Murrell Approximation
LHOSMS Chat And Text AcronymsLaughing Head Off
LHOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLaughing Head Off
LHONChemistry AcronymsLeber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy
LHOSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLets Have Online Sex
LHPNASA AcronymsLeft Hand Panel
LHP-RHFChemistry AcronymsLonguet-Higgins-Pople Restricted Hartree-Fock Method
LHPGChemistry AcronymsLaser-heated Pedestal Growth
LHRHChemistry AcronymsLuteinizing Hormone-releasing Hormone
LHSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLeft-hand Side
LHSChemistry AcronymsLatin Hypercubic Sampling
LHSNASA AcronymsLeft Hand Side
LHSUncategorized AcronymsLeft Hand Side
LHSFChemistry AcronymsLocal Hyperspherical Surface Functions (in Quantum Calcns. On Reactive Scattering)
LHSOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLet's Have Sex Online
LHSVChemistry AcronymsLiquid Hourly Space Velocity
LINASA AcronymsLithium
LIUncategorized AcronymsFifty-one (in Roman Numerals) -Liberia (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Liechtenstein (ISO 3166 Digram)
LIUncategorized AcronymsLimburgish Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
LIUncategorized AcronymsLithium
LISMS Chat And Text AcronymsLaughing Inside
LI-IONComputer And Internet AcronymsLithium Ion
LIBNASA AcronymsLeft Inboard
LIBDChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Breakdown Detection
LIBORSChemistry AcronymsLaser Ionization Based On Resonance Saturation
LIBSChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
LIBSChemistry AcronymsLigand-induced Binding Sites
LIBSUncategorized AcronymsLaser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
LIBWEChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Backside Wet Etching
LICNASA AcronymsLoad Interface Circuit
LICUS Military AcronymsLaser Intercept Capability (mod)
LICSChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Continuum Structure
LIDChemistry AcronymsLow Impact Developmentpar
LIDChemistry AcronymsLased Induced Desorption
LIDChemistry AcronymsLaser Implant-deposition
LIDNASA AcronymsLeadless Inverted Device
LIDNASA AcronymsLogistics Identification Document
LIDARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLight Detection And Ranging Instrument
LIDARChemistry AcronymsLaser Intensity Direction And Ranging
LIDARNASA AcronymsLaser-Radar
LIDARSatellite Meterology AcronymsLIght Detection And Ranging
LIDTChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Damage Threshold
LIEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLine Islands Experiment
LIENASA AcronymsLeft Inboard Elevon
LIEUncategorized AcronymsLiechtenstein (ISO 3166 Trigram)
LIESAChemistry AcronymsLaser Induced Emission Spectral Analysis
LIESSTChemistry AcronymsLight-induced Excited Spin State Trapping
LIFChemistry AcronymsLaser Induced Fluorescence
LIFChemistry AcronymsLeukemia Inhibitory Factor
LIFDChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Fluorescence Detection
LIFIChemistry AcronymsLaser-induced Fluorescence Imaging
LIFOUncategorized AcronymsLast In
LIFOComputer Acronyms (Common)Last In, First Out
LIFOComputer And Internet AcronymsLast In, First Out
LIFOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLast In, First Out
LIFRChemistry AcronymsLeukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor
LIFSChemistry AcronymsLaser Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy
LIFTChemistry AcronymsLaser Induced Forward Transfer
LIGAChemistry AcronymsLithographie

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