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Acronyms starting with I Page 22

 Acronym Category Meaning
ITAGUncategorized AcronymsInertial Terrain-Aided Guidance
ITALYUncategorized AcronymsI'll Truly Always Love You
ITAMChemistry AcronymsImmunoreceptor Tyrosine-based Activation Motif
ITAPNASA AcronymsIntegrated Technical Assessment Panel
ITASUncategorized AcronymsImproved Target Acquisition Sight
ITBNTLMedical Acronyms (Slang)In The Box, Nail The Lid (dead Or Dying)
ITCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInformation Technology Council
ITCChemistry AcronymsInteragency Testing Committee (TSCA)
ITCChemistry AcronymsInternational Translation Center
ITCChemistry AcronymsIonic Thermal Currents
ITCChemistry AcronymsIsothermal Titration Calorimetry
ITCNASA AcronymsIgloo Thermal Control
ITCSCUBA Diving AcronymsInstructor Training Course (BSAC)
ITCUncategorized AcronymsInferoTemporal Cortex (neurophysiology)
ITCUS Govt. AcronymsUnited States International Trade Commission
ITCSUS Military AcronymsIntegrated Target Control System
ITCTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInter-Continental Transport And Chemical Transformation
ITCZAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntertropical Convergence Zone
ITCZChemistry AcronymsIntertropical Convergence Zone (of Seawater)
ITDChemistry AcronymsIon Trap Detector (mass Spectrometry)
ITDHOChemistry AcronymsImproved Time-dependent Harmonic Oscillator
ITENASA AcronymsInstrumentation Test Equipment
ITENASA AcronymsIntegration Test Equipment
ITENASA AcronymsIntersite Transportation Equipment
ITECUncategorized AcronymsInformation Technology Exposition & Conference
ITEMSUncategorized AcronymsInteractive Tactical Environment Management System
ITEPChemistry AcronymsInstitute For Theoretical And Experimental Physics
ITERChemistry AcronymsInternational Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
ITERChemistry AcronymsInternational Toxicity Estimates For Risk
ITERUncategorized AcronymsInternational Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
ITERATIVENASA AcronymsGIterative Guidance Mode
ITFUS Military AcronymsIntegration Test Folder
ITFAChemistry AcronymsIterative Target Factor Analysis
ITFAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIn The Final Analysis
ITFMChemistry AcronymsIntergovernmental Task Force On Monitoring
ITFWChemistry AcronymsImproved Thomas-Fermi-Weizaecker (model)
ITGChemistry AcronymsIon Temperature Gradient
ITINASA AcronymsInspection And Test Instruction
ITIESChemistry AcronymsInterface Between Two Immiscible Electrolyte Solutions
ITIGBSSMS Chat And Text AcronymsI Think I'm Going To Be Sick
ITIGBSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI Think I'm Going To Be Sick
ITIRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsImaging Thermal Infrared
ITIRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntermediate Thermal Infrared Radiometer
ITKUncategorized AcronymsIn The Know
ITLNASA AcronymsIntegrate
ITLUS Military AcronymsIntegrated Test Lines
ITMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIonosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere
ITMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIn The Money
ITMGNASA AcronymsIntegrated Thermal/Micrometeoroid Garment
ITMSChemistry AcronymsIon Trap Mass Spectrometer
ITNUncategorized AcronymsIndependent Television News (British)
ITOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIndependent Test Organization
ITOChemistry AcronymsIndium Tin Oxide (gas Sensor
ITONASA AcronymsIntegration And Test Order
ITOUS Military AcronymsIdentifying Technical Order
ITOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsImproved Tiros Operational Satellite
ITOSSatellite Meterology AcronymsImproved Television And Infrared Observation Satellite (1970s)
ITPChemistry AcronymsInosine 5'-triphosphate
ITPMedical AcronymsImmune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
ITPOTChemistry AcronymsImproved Two-parameter Omega Technique
ITPRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInfrared Temperature Profile Radiometer
ITRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstitute Technical Reports
ITRCChemistry AcronymsInterstate Technology And Regulatory Cooperation Working Group
ITRDSNASA AcronymsIntegrated Test Requirements Documents
ITRIChemistry AcronymsInhalation Toxicology Research Institute
ITRMChemistry AcronymsInverse Thermoremanent Magnetization
ITROUS Military AcronymsInterservice Training Review Organization
ITRSChemistry AcronymsInternational Technology Roadmap For Semiconductors
ITSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstrument Technical Specification
ITSChemistry AcronymsInelastic Tunnelling Spectroscopy
ITSChemistry AcronymsInternal Transcribed Spacer
ITSNASA AcronymsInstrumentation Telemetry Station
ITSNASA AcronymsInterim Teleprinter System
ITSSatellite Meterology AcronymsInterferometer Thermal Sounder (HIS)
ITSSCUBA Diving AcronymsInstructor Training Scheme (BSAC)
ITSUncategorized AcronymsIncompatible Time-sharing System - Individual Training Standards
ITSUS Military AcronymsInterim Trainer Support
ITSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIntense Text Sex
ITS/OTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstitute For Telecommunications
ITSCUS Military AcronymsInterservice/industry Training Systems Conference
ITSFWIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIf The Shoe Fits Wear It
ITSSUS Military AcronymsIntegrated Tactical Surveillance System
ITTChemistry AcronymsImpact Transition Temperature
ITTUncategorized AcronymsInternational Telephone And Telegraph (U.S.)
ITTFAChemistry AcronymsIterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis
ITTOOrganizations AcronymsInternational Tropical Timber Organization
ITTOUncategorized AcronymsInternational Tropical Timber Organization
ITUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Telecommunications Union
ITUUncategorized AcronymsIntent-to-Use - International Telecommunication Union (International Telegraph Union 1865-1932)
ITUComputer And Internet AcronymsInternational Telecommunications Union
ITVFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntegration
ITVMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntegration
ITWSCUBA Diving AcronymsInstructor Training Workshop (BSAC)
ITWISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntegrated Terminal Weather Information System
ITWSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntegrated Terminal Weather System
IUChemistry AcronymsInternational Unit
IUHuman Genome AcronymsIndiana University
IUNASA AcronymsInstrument Unit
IUNASA AcronymsInterface Unit
IUNASA AcronymsInterface Unit

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