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Acronyms starting with I Page 20

 Acronym Category Meaning
ISENUncategorized AcronymsInternet Search Environment Number
ISEOUS Military AcronymsIn-service Engineering Office
ISEPAstronomy AcronymsIsolated/Stabilized Exercise Platform
ISESChemistry AcronymsInternational Solar Energy Society
ISFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIn-Situ Sensing Facility
ISFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Symposium On Forecasting
ISFChemistry AcronymsInterstitial Fluid
ISFUncategorized AcronymsInternal Security Force
ISFETChemistry AcronymsIon-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor
ISFFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntegrated Surface Flux Facilities
ISFSIChemistry AcronymsIndependent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
ISGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsImmersion Sensing Group
ISGChemistry AcronymsInternational Stratigraphic Guide
ISGUS Military AcronymsInstructional Systems Group
ISGFChemistry AcronymsInterferon-stimulated Gene Factor
ISGOChemistry AcronymsInternational Structural Genomics Organization
ISHChemistry AcronymsIn Situ Hybridization
ISHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsInsert Sarcasm Here
ISHMChemistry AcronymsInternational Society For Hybrid Microelectronics
ISHOWChemistry AcronymsInformation System For Hazardous Organics In Water
ISIChemistry AcronymsInformation Systems Inventory
ISIChemistry AcronymsInstitute For Scientific Information
ISINASA AcronymsInitial Systems Installation
ISINASA AcronymsInstrumentation Support Instruction
ISIUS Military AcronymsInformation Spectrum Inc
ISIUS Military AcronymsInterim Support Item
ISILNASA AcronymsInterim Support Items List
ISILUS Military AcronymsInterim Support Items List
ISIPUS Military AcronymsImmediate Superior In Command
ISIRSChemistry AcronymsInternational Sorption Information Retrieval System
ISISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Satellites For Ionospheric Studies
ISISChemistry AcronymsIndustrial Site Information System
ISISChemistry AcronymsImage-selected In Vivo Spectroscopy
ISISUncategorized AcronymsInstitute For Science And International Security
ISKUncategorized AcronymsIcelandic Krona (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
ISLNASA AcronymsInertial Systems Laboratory
ISLUncategorized AcronymsIceland (ISO 3166 Trigram)
ISLUncategorized AcronymsIcelandic Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
ISL/LARNASA AcronymsIntegrated Logistics System And Logistics Assessment
ISL/LARNASA AcronymsReview
ISLARChemistry AcronymsInternational Symposium On Laboratory Automation And Robotics
ISLMNASA AcronymsIntegration Shop/Lab Manager
ISLNUncategorized AcronymsInternational Standard Lawyer Number
ISLNUS Military AcronymsIsolation
ISLOCAChemistry AcronymsInter-system Loss-of-coolant Accident
ISLSCPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Satellite Land-Surface Climatology Project
ISLSCPChemistry AcronymsInternational Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project
ISMAstronomy AcronymsInterStellar Medium
ISMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIn Situ Measurements
ISMChemistry AcronymsInteraction Site Model (in Statistical Mechanics Of Fluids)
ISMChemistry AcronymsIntersecting Spheres Model (for Electronic-structure Calcns.)
ISMChemistry AcronymsInterstellar Medium
ISMChemistry AcronymsInverse Scattering Method
ISMUncategorized AcronymsIndustrial
ISMUS Military AcronymsInput Signal Management
ISMARChemistry AcronymsInternational Society Of Magnetic Resonance
ISMBHuman Genome AcronymsIntelligent Systems For Molecular Biology
ISMBUncategorized AcronymsInternational Society Of Matrix Biologists
ISMEChemistry AcronymsIon-selective Microelectrode
ISMGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Scientific And Management Group
ISMPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIn-Situ Measurements Project
ISMRMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntegrated Soil Moisture Retrieval Models
ISNARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Service For National Agricultural Research
ISOAstronomy AcronymsImaging Spectrometic Observatory
ISOAstronomy AcronymsInfrared Space Observatory
ISOAstronomy AcronymsInternational Standards Organization
ISOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Standards Organization
ISOChemistry AcronymsIR Space Observatory
ISOChemistry AcronymsInternational Organization For Standardization
ISONASA AcronymsInternational Standardization Organizations
ISOOrganizations AcronymsInternational Organization For Standardization
ISOUncategorized AcronymsIn Search Of -International Organization For Standardization (from The Greek ?†??
ISOComputer Acronyms (Common)International Organization For Standardization
ISOComputer And Internet AcronymsInternational Organization For Standardization
ISOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIn Search Of
ISOCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntegrated Science Operations Center
ISOFChemistry AcronymsInsoluble Org. Fraction (e.g.
ISOLNASA AcronymsIsolate
ISOLUS Military AcronymsIsolation
ISOLDEChemistry AcronymsIsotope Separator On Line
ISONGHuman Genome AcronymsIntl. Soc. Of Nurses In Genet.
ISOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Southern Ocean Study
ISPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternet Service Provider
ISPChemistry AcronymsIn-line Strip Production
ISPNASA AcronymsInitial Specific Impulse
ISPNASA AcronymsInstrumentation Support Plan
ISPNASA AcronymsIntegrated Support Plan
ISPUncategorized AcronymsInternational Standardized Profile - Internet Service Provider - Information Systems Professional
ISPUS Military AcronymsIntegrated Support Plan
ISPUS Military AcronymsInterim Support Period
ISPComputer Acronyms (Common)Internet Service Provider
ISPComputer And Internet AcronymsInternet Service Provider
ISPACChemistry AcronymsInternational Society For Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
ISPANAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInformation Stream Project For AWIPS NOAAport
ISPCRChemistry AcronymsIn Situ Polymerase Chain Reaction
ISPDChemistry AcronymsIon-selective Photodiode
ISPEUS Military AcronymsImproved Sonar Processing Equipment (ssbn)
ISPGNASA AcronymsInstitutional Support Planning GrouP
ISPGAAChemistry AcronymsIn Situ Prompt Gamma-ray Activation Analysis
ISPMAstronomy AcronymsInternational Solar Polar Mission

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