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Acronyms starting with I Page 10

 Acronym Category Meaning
IGSENASA AcronymsIn-Space Ground SUPPort Equipment
IGTChemistry AcronymsInstitute Of Gas Technology
IGTChemistry AcronymsImpaired Glucose Tolerance
IGTChemistry AcronymsInsulated-gate Transistor
IGTPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI Get The Point
IGUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Geographical Union
IGVNASA AcronymsInlet GUide Valve/Vanes
IGWAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternal Gravity Waves
IGWMCChemistry AcronymsInternational Ground Water Modeling Center
IGYAstronomy AcronymsInternational Geophysical Year
IGYAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Geophysical Year
IGYChemistry AcronymsInternational Geophysical Year
IGYUncategorized AcronymsInternational Geophysical Year
IHMedical AcronymsInfectious Hepatitis
IH/SRNASA AcronymsIntegration Hardware And Software Review
IHASMS Chat And Text AcronymsI Hate Acronyms
IHAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI Hate Acronyms
IHADSSUS Military AcronymsIntegrated Helmet And Display Sighting System
IHAIMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI Have Another Instant Message
IHCChemistry AcronymsInterim Hazard Classification
IHCChemistry AcronymsIntrinsic Coercivity
IHCMedical Acronyms (Slang)Improving His Claim - Victim Of Minor Accident, Needs No Treatment But Wants Something To Support His Insurance/legal Claim.
IHDMedical AcronymsIschemic Heart Disease
IHEAChemistry AcronymsIndustrial Health Engineering Association
IHFChemistry AcronymsInhomogeneous Hartree-Fock
IHFChemistry AcronymsIntegration Host Factor
IHHUncategorized AcronymsIdiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
IHMMChemistry AcronymsInstitute Of Hazardous Materials Management
IHNOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI Have No Opinion
IHOChemistry AcronymsInternational Hydrographic Association
IHOUncategorized AcronymsInternational Hydrographic Organization
IHOPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational H2O Project
IHOP 2002Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational H2O Project 2002
IHPChemistry AcronymsInositol Hexaphosphate
IHPNASA AcronymsIndicated Horsepower
IHRUncategorized AcronymsInstitute For Historical Review
IHSUS Govt. AcronymsIndian Health Service
IHSIChemistry AcronymsInduction Heating Stress Improvement
IHSSChemistry AcronymsInternational Humic Substances Society
IHTFPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI Hate This F*cking Place
IHTFPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI Have Truly Found Paradise
IHTVNASA AcronymsInterim Hypersonics Test Vehicle
IHUUS Military AcronymsIntegrated Helmet Unit
IHUSMS Chat And Text AcronymsI Hear You
IHUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI Hear You
IHXNASA AcronymsInterloop Heat Exchanger
IHSUncategorized AcronymsInstitut Des Hautes ?tudes Scientifiques (French
IIUncategorized AcronymsSichuan Yi Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
IIUncategorized AcronymsTwo (in Roman Numerals)
IIAChemistry AcronymsInformation Industry Association
IIABDFIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIf It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It
IIAESChemistry AcronymsIon Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy
IIASAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Institute For Applied Systems Analysis
IIASAChemistry AcronymsInternational Institute Of Applied Systems Analysis (near Vienna
IICAUncategorized AcronymsInter-American Institute For Cooperation On Agriculture
IIDChemistry AcronymsIon Impact Desorption
IIEUncategorized AcronymsInnovative Interstellar Explorer
IIEDOrganizations AcronymsInternational Institute For Environment And Development
IIIUncategorized AcronymsSichuan Yi Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
IIIUncategorized AcronymsThree (in Roman Numerals)
IIIOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIntel Inside, Idiot Outside
IILEChemistry AcronymsIon-induced Light Emission
IIMComputer And Internet AcronymsInternet Interaction Management
IIMADText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIf It Makes A / Any Difference
IINSChemistry AcronymsIncoherent Inelastic Neutron Scattering
IIOEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Indian Ocean Expedition
IIOPComputer And Internet AcronymsInternet Inter-ORB Protocol
IIPMedical AcronymsImplantable Insulin Pump
IIPUS Govt. AcronymsInternational Information Programs
IIPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInteractive Information And Processing Systems [for Meteorology
IIRChemistry AcronymsIsobutylene Isoprene Rubber
IIRText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIf I Recall
IIRText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIf I Remember
IIRCUncategorized AcronymsIf I Recall/Remember Correctly
IIRCSMS Chat And Text AcronymsIf I Remember Correctly
IIRCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIf I Recall Correctly
IIRCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIf I Remember Correctly
IIRFChemistry AcronymsInfinite Impulse Response Filter
IIRFChemistry AcronymsIntergalactic IR Radiation Field
IIRSChemistry AcronymsIon Impact Radiation Spectroscopy
IIRSMChemistry AcronymsInternational Institute Of Risk And Safety Management
IISNASA AcronymsInsPection Item Sheet
IISNASA AcronymsJoint Integrated Simulation
IISComputer And Internet AcronymsInternet Information Server
IISCIChemistry AcronymsInitial Ionic State Comfiguration Interaction
IISDOrganizations AcronymsInternational Institute For Sustainable Development
IISIChemistry AcronymsInternational Iron And Steel Institute
IISRPChemistry AcronymsInternational Institute Of Synthetic Rubber Producers
IISSUncategorized AcronymsInternational Institute For Strategic Studies
IITAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIllinois Institute Of Technology
IITUncategorized AcronymsIllinois Institute Of Technology - Indian Institutes Of Technology - Indiana Institute Of Technology
IITText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIs It Tight?
IITAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInformation Infrastructure Technology And Applications
IITAChemistry AcronymsInformation Infrastructure Technology And Applications
IITCSNASA AcronymsIgloo Internal Thermal Control Section
IITLYTOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIf It's Too Loud You're Too Old
IITYWIMWYBMADText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIf I Tell You What It Means Will You Buy Me A Drink?
IITYWYBMADText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIf I Tell You Will You Buy Me A Drink?
IIV&VAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIndependent Integration
IIWChemistry AcronymsInternational Institute Of Welding

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