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Acronyms starting with H Page 9

 Acronym Category Meaning
HJDAstronomy AcronymsHelicentric Julian Date
HJDUncategorized AcronymsHeliocentric Julian Day
HKNASA AcronymsHousekeeping
HKUncategorized AcronymsHong Kong (ISO 3166 Digram; FIPS 10-4 Territory Code)
HKUS Military AcronymsHook
HKDUncategorized AcronymsHong Kong Dollar (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
HKEDChemistry AcronymsHybrid K-edge Densitometry
HKFChemistry AcronymsHelgeson-Kirkham-Flowers (equation Of State)
HKGUncategorized AcronymsHong Kong (ISO 3166 Trigram)
HKSChemistry AcronymsHartree-Kohn-Sham (quantum Theory)
HKSChemistry AcronymsHohenberg-Kohn-Sham (quantum Theory)
HKSUncategorized AcronymsHyperKinetic Syndrome
HKUSTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHong Kong University Of Science And Technology
HLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHalf Life
HLChemistry AcronymsMustard-Lewisite Mixture
HLNASA AcronymsHardline
HLNASA AcronymsHeel Line
HLNASA AcronymsHigh Level
HLNASA AcronymsHinge Line
HLNASA AcronymsHydrogen Line
HLUncategorized AcronymsHolding Line
HLUncategorized AcronymsHectolitre
HLAChemistry AcronymsHuman Leukocyte Antigen
HLAHuman Genome AcronymsHuman Leukocyte Antigen
HLAUncategorized AcronymsHigh Level Architecture - Human Leukocyte Antigen
HLALNASA AcronymsHigh Level Assembler Language
HLAOChemistry AcronymsHigh-lying Antibonding Orbital
HLBChemistry AcronymsHydrophilic-lipophilic Balance (of Surfactants)
HLBRChemistry AcronymsRequired Hydrophilic-lipophilic Balance (of Surfactants In Emulsifiers)
HLCAstronomy AcronymsHeavy Lift Capability
HLCSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Happy Little Campers - Children In Oxygen Tents
HLDNASA AcronymsHold
HLDUS Military AcronymsHold
HLDSNASA AcronymsHydrogen Leak Detection System
HLGChemistry AcronymsHedin-Lundqvist-Gunnarsson (spin D. Functional)
HLLUncategorized AcronymsHigh-Level Language
HLLWChemistry AcronymsHigh Level Liquid Waste
HLMIChemistry AcronymsHigh Load Melt Index
HLMTNASA AcronymsHel Met
HLNCCChemistry AcronymsHigh Level Neutron Coincidence Counter
HLPSAChemistry AcronymsHazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act
HLRChemistry AcronymsHydraulic Loading Rate
HLRWChemistry AcronymsHigh Level Radioactive Waste
HLSUncategorized AcronymsHoc Loco Situs (Latin
HLVAstronomy AcronymsHeavy Lift Vehicle
HLVBChemistry AcronymsHeitler-London Valence Bond
HLVWUncategorized AcronymsHeavy Logistics Vehicle
HLWChemistry AcronymsHigh-Level Waste
HMUncategorized AcronymsHeard Island And McDonald Islands (ISO 3166 Digram; FIPS 10-4 Territory Code)
HMUS Military AcronymsHardness Maintenance
HMUS Military AcronymsHydrogen Monitor
HM&EUS Military AcronymsHull Mechanical And Electrical
HM/HSUS Military AcronymsHardness Maintenance/hardness Surveillance
HMAChemistry AcronymsHot Mix Asphalt
HMAChemistry AcronymsHybrid Microelectronics Assembly
HMANASA AcronymsHypergot Maintenance Area
HMAComputer And Internet AcronymsHigh Memory Area
HMACChemistry AcronymsHazardous Materials Advisory Council
HMBCChemistry AcronymsHeteronuclear Multiple-bond Correlation
HMBPChemistry AcronymsHazardous Materials Business Plan
HMCAstronomy AcronymsHalley Multicolor Camera
HMCChemistry AcronymsHuman Mast Cell
HMCChemistry AcronymsHybrid Monte Carlo
HMCNASA AcronymsHybrid Microcircuit
HMCNASA AcronymsHypergolic Maintenance And Checkout
HMC SCFChemistry AcronymsHybrid Multiconfiguration Self-consistent Field
HMCCNASA AcronymsHypergolic Maintenance And Checkout Cell
HMCEUncategorized AcronymsHer Majesty's Customs And Excise
HMCFNASA AcronymsHypergolic Maintenance And Checkout Facility
HMCFNASA AcronymsHypergolic Maintenance And Checkout Facility
HMCSUncategorized AcronymsHer Majesty's Canadian Ship Or Her Majesty's Courts Service
HMDNASA AcronymsHelmet-Mounted Display
HMDUncategorized AcronymsHeard And McDonald Islands (ISO 3166 Trigram)
HMDUS Military AcronymsHelmet Mounted Display
HMDComputer And Internet AcronymsHead-Mounted Display
HMDEChemistry AcronymsHanging Mercury Drop Electrode (in Electrochemistry)
HMDIChemistry AcronymsHexamethylene Diisocyanate
HMDPHuman Genome AcronymsHomology Database
HMESAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHough Mode Extensions
HMFNASA AcronymsHorizontal Mating Facility
HMFNASA AcronymsHypergot Maintenance Facility
HMFUncategorized AcronymsHydroxyMethyl Furfural
HMFMedical Acronyms (Slang)Hysterical Mother Figure
HMFICText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHead MOFO In Charge
HMGChemistry AcronymsHigh Mobility Group
HMGUS Military AcronymsHoming
HMG-COAChemistry Acronyms3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl Coenzyme A
HMIChemistry AcronymsHornbeck-Molnar Ionization (homonuclear Associative Ionization In At. Collisions)
HMIGChemistry AcronymsHazardous Materials Identification Guide
HMIMSChemistry AcronymsHazardous Materials Incident Management System
HMIPChemistry AcronymsHer Majesty's Inspectorate Of Pollution
HMISChemistry AcronymsHazardous Material Identification System
HMIXChemistry AcronymsHazardous Materials Information Exchange
HMLUS Military AcronymsHot Mockup Laboratory
HMMChemistry AcronymsHalf Molecule Model (for Electron Scattering By Molecules)
HMMChemistry AcronymsHazardous Materials Management
HMMChemistry AcronymsHeavy Meromyosin
HMMChemistry AcronymsHidden Markov Model
HMMUncategorized AcronymsHidden Markov Model
HMMPChemistry AcronymsHazardous Materials Management Plan

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